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[30 Jun 2011|10:20am]

Who: Never and Open
When: Noonish, Wed. Sept. 18th
Where: HEading into town from the farm
What: Twin confussion and Milk delivery?
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress, Open

It was always a chore bringing milk into town for the cooks to make the food. For the most part it was the only reason she ever came to town. She was happy out on her farm. She was happy with her cows. Never tended not to like other people and not trust them but she couldn't deny that Shepherd and his group were a nice lot. They were the reason she had the cart she did and the two work horses that were as gentle as they were.

There was no car conjestion in Clayton. Their were a few still parked on the street up close to the curb but other than that they were all in the driveways of those that had once owned them. It made it easy to use the streets to bring the milk in. She didn't want to have to deal with busting a wheel trying to go through the fields and the like.

When she pulled up in the street where the cooks usually stationed themselves she guided the horses to stop and she hopped down rewarding the both of them with a half an apple a piece. Never was wearing her hair dark of late. It suited her mood and the deep brown made her pale features seem all the more pale. Her eyes were lined like usual.
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Monday, Sept. 16 [29 Jun 2011|12:54pm]

Who: Swift and Shepherd
When: Evening of Monday, Sept. 16th
Where: Shepherd's
What: Dinner and wine tasting
Status: Closed, in progress

Adam didn't know why he felt so drawn to Jonathan. There was a connection there. Swift represented the freedom to be himself that Adam had always craved, had wanted so badley. Jonathan had the freedom Adam merely played at. It was a strange and terrifying thing to think on. If he could gain such freedom would he loose himself? Was he truly the person he wanted to be?

It was those questions that had wrecked havok in Shepherd's mind for the past week. He had fallen into one of his darker moods and many that had known him closely for years began to worry. Questions were asked, worries were expressed, and when the dust had settled many were shaken by the words that had come from Shepherd. The one that never lost faith was having doubts about his place. Those that new him best though understood. His closest of companions knew the thoughts darkly stalking through his mind. Those closest were the ones that knew he had that dark specter that plagued his mind.

As the week progressed his mood settled and he began to even out emotionally. Come Monday morning he was smiling with ease and didn't have to hide the dark thoughts his mind was churning up. The partridge he had cooked with veggies had took most the day to prepare. The orchard he had planted most of his grapes in held a few plum trees so he had made a glaze and it was rather nice if he wanted to brag. His mother had been an amazing cook and always being at her side growing up had taught him a great number of things. It tended more towards simple things but he could do sauces and glazes if he had the ingrediants.
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Week change- Week 3 [28 Jun 2011|06:03pm]

Sunday September 15th

High Temp: 91F
Low Temp: 64.9F
Average Temp: 75.7F
Dewpoint: 65.2F
Wind Speed: 3.8 Knots

Monday September 16th

High Temp: 90F
Low Temp: 69.1F
Average Temp: 79.3F
Dewpoint: 68.8F
Wind Speed: 5.1 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.01 Inches
Observations: Rain/Drizzle, Thunder

Tuesday September 17th

High Temp: 93F
Low Temp: 68F
Average Temp: 79.6F
Dewpoint: 68.6F
Wind Speed: 1.6 Knots

Wednesday September 18th

High Temp: 93.2F
Low Temp: 71.6F
Average Temp: 81.5F
Dewpoint: 69.1F
Wind Speed: 2.2 Knots

Thursday September 19th

High Temp: 93.2F
Low Temp: 69.8F
Average Temp: 79.3F
Dewpoint: 67.6F
Wind Speed: 1.4 Knots

Friday September 20th
High Temp: 91.9F
Low Temp: 64F
Average Temp: 77.5F
Dewpoint: 64.8F
Wind Speed: 2.8 Knots

Saturday September 20th
High Temp: 87.8F
Low Temp: 69.8F
Average Temp: 78F
Dewpoint: 65.8F
Wind Speed: 6.3 Knots

This week will be warm with a slight wind and only one thunderstorm.

OOC: I'd like to say that these are real weather charts for the area and it has a heck of a lot of thunderstorms.

No muse birthdays or major events this week but email me if I've missed anyone/anything
Loz Mod
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[20 Jun 2011|08:47pm]

Who: Asher, Open
When: Monday, early evening
Where: Middle O' Town
What: Asher's got a big ol' truck full of supplies and no one to give em to!
Status: Open/ongoing
Rating: PG?

Instructing Chewie to stay in the cab of the truck- both for the dog's safety and to protect the goods inside- Asher set out deeper into the town's center. It was almost dark, and he'd like to meet with someone about the food and medical supplies in his truck.

It was so strange, seeing people again after so many years being alone. He'd forgotten the kind of constant noise there was when people were around. And kids! It made sense that there would be kids, but he'd never thought about it before. It was one of those hope-giving things, seeing these kids running, playing like the world wasn't a big ball of fucked up.

Approaching the first authoritative looking person he could find, Asher pulled his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. "You wouldn't happen to know where I could find someone in charge around here?"
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in the daylight anywhere feels like home [18 Jun 2011|09:44pm]

Who: Marlo, Knight, Ari
When: Sunday, week 2, late morning
Where: Marlo's house
What: Ari paints the house
Status: Ongoing
Rating: G

Marlo finished setting things up on one of the empty bedrooms, grinning excitedly. This was going to be so much fun. She had on ragged and dirty clothes, the ones she usually wore when she was making improvements to the house, and her hair was piled up on top of her head. She opened the windows to the room, then a few of the adjacent rooms just in case. The drizzle wasn't threatening to come inside, and the temperature was actually pleasant. It was like someone'd planned it perfectly.

Padding downstairs, she gathered up her hidden pistol and shotgun and ran back up to her bedroom. She locked them in the chest in her master bathroom closet, then double-checked the lock on the ammunition case under her bed. She'd prefer there to be no accidents today, and Ari was curious.

Hands on her hips, she tried to think of any thing else to take care of before they got there, but came up blank.
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Week Two- Wednesday [15 Jun 2011|09:02pm]

Who: Kahea and OPEN!
When: Wednesday afternoon, Week Two
Where: Middle of town
What: Kahea is "getting some fresh air" and exploring the town
Rating: G
Status: In Progress//O-P-E-N!!

Kahea had been seeing light lately, )
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Week Two- Wednesday [15 Jun 2011|08:08pm]

Who: Mac, Nico and OPEN!!
When: Week Two, Wednesday (kind of an all day thing)
Where: Van Horn apartments
What: Mac wants to play a game of cards, with someone, anyone!
Rating: PG (PG-13 possibility)
Status: In Progress//O-P-E-N :D

Mac woke up that morning bored out of her skull! She looked around hers and Kahea's room and apartment for something to do. Together the women had three decks of cards, a dead ipod, a small amory consisting of various guns and knives, knitting and sew tools that belonged to Kahea, and five very worn books.

Well, books were out of the question, Mac had already read them over and over again. The amory was also out of the question, she was trying to get away from weapons of mass destruction. That left sewing and cards. Who was she? Suzie-home-maker? )
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Week Two- Friday [15 Jun 2011|07:51pm]

Who: Mac and Yeates (Maybe English too?)
When: Week Two, Friday afternoon
Where: Around the farm
What: It's Friday the 13th! Mac wants to do something! (mischievous)
Rating: PG -PG-13
Status: In Progress//Closed

Mac was stir crazy. She really hadn't had much interaction with anyone in the town and she loathed the idea of teaching weak people how to fight. But then again, she needed to do something. And she was trying to be a different, better person and all that annoying crap.

As soon as Kahea came back from her morning swim, she feed Caramel, let her rest a bit, then took her own horse for a ride through the town and the outskirts. It was Friday the 13th, and Mac always had loved this day. She remembered her and her gang taring up town and drinking the day and night away on Friday the 13th! But Mac had no gang and no booze now. Just Caramel and a slight feeling of being free as they galloped through the town. She probably was stirring up trouble for people doing their calm everyday lives, but she had been "good" for a while now, even goody-two-shoes Kahea had fun from time to time.

She pondered the prospect of teaching fighting as she lead Caramel out of the main part of town and into some fields, noticing a farm not to far a head. It would be a good way to work-out her frustrations, and she would also being doing her good deed for the day by helping others know how to defend themselves.

"Whoa.. slow up girl," she cooed to her horse, slowing her gallop to a trot. She saw a few people out and about the farm a head of her and the last thing she needed was someone coming out of the blue and hurting her horse because they frightened them.
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[08 Jun 2011|12:57pm]

[ mood | morose ]

Who: Sway, Kenji, Stella
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Around town
What: Meeting an old friend
Status: Ongoing
Rating: G

Sway was having a terrible day. Or days. She should have known that Smith would be so upset with her. He seemed to be genuinely interested in Stella, which was the best she could hope for, but it still broke her heart that he was so angry with her. She didn't blame him. She knew this was all her fault. If she hadn't left, if she hadn't gotten so scared, maybe things would have been different. But they weren't.

Now that she was here, she couldn't take Stella away from Smith. So she was in Clayton to stay. She just needed to find a job, now. She was searching for the council, holding Stella's in her arms. The two year old was drowsy, but more worried than anything. Her mommy had been so sad lately. She kissed her cheek, trying to cheer her up. It worked and Sway smiled at her baby.

She glanced around, looking for the farming leader, when she spotted a familiar face. Could it be... "Kenji?!" Sway grinned brightly and walked over to her old friend. She hadn't realized until that moment how much she had missed her fellow Twin Feather. He was her first friend in Sundance, and it had been hard to say goodbye to him.

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Week Two-Monday [05 Jun 2011|08:22pm]

Who: Trigger and Open
When:Monday September 9th
Where: Pine Street
What: Looking for something to cook up
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Trigger's time in Clayton had been good for him. As a decent and resourceful chef he had become useful to the group while they travelled on limited rations and even more so as the settlement had staggered to its feet. It had made him much more confident and being part of something had encouraged him to come out of his shell a little more. He was still very shy, but it was no longer a crippling and the prison pallor that came with spending all of his time in the hospital kitchens had faded, bringing out a slight tan and a healthier look. He still wasn't what he would consider as handsome as some of the other men around here, but he was braver than he used to be, more relaxed. He may have been too old to grow, but no longer feeling the need to make himself small he had unfurled to his full height.

He wandered around looking for somewhere to pick up a few trades. No longer working the tribe system had helped him to land in a stronger position in Clayton than he'd ever been in Sundance. He had simply changed. The accent he had let fade was so strong he could have been in the Welsh Valley's and he was in physically better shape.

Trigger waved to a few of the faithful as he walked. He wasn't part of their little rapture, but they still made him feel like he belonged.
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Week Two-Monday [05 Jun 2011|08:21pm]

Who: Black Cat and Open
When:Monday September 9th
Where: Near the river
What: Cat is prettying up the Running Wolf
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Cat loved his boat. He'd renamed her The Running Wolf after he and Wren had left Sundance, in tribute to the two tribes they had left behind to travel. He'd worked hard on it over the years since he'd stolen it, bringing it up far past the junker he'd only managed to steal because the door was too busted to support a proper lock. They hadn't deserved her anyway. He had made her into somewhere that he and eventually Wren could live pretty comfortably, with an engine that they could run whenever they could afford to trade for fuel. Between them he and Wren had made it into a little floating home.

However today his beloved was venting her creative side, and had decided that the best way to tell him she preferred to be alone to write was to throw one of his steel toe capped boots at his own head. Cat was almost offended, he'd only mentioned being bored a couple of times. However he'd taken the hint and collected the paints he'd traded for and headed outside to work on the mural he'd been building up over the years.
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[02 Jun 2011|10:12am]

Who: Squirrel and Nico
When:Monday September 9th, very late night
Where: Their apartment
What: Sexual tension explodes
Rating: HIGH
Status: In progress

It wasn't the crash of thunder that woke Squirrel. It wasn't even the warmth of the room. No, it was the fact she almost fell off the bed because someone was taking up more than their share. She wasn't even sure how Nico managed to fill a bed as big as the one she had. He was sprawlled all over the damn thing. It wasn't the first time he had managed to almost push her off the bed either. She had kept it to herself. She didn't want to push him out the door with something so simple as just pushing him back into his side with her butt. She liked having Nico around, she had missed being close to someone. She knew it was a weakness but everyone needed a weakness...even Superman had one right?

She moved to a kneeling position and started trying to coax Nico back into a position she would once again fit on the bed with him. She tried not to think about the muscle under her hands or how much she wanted to see it used to please her. The thought alone made her groan in horror at herself. She had been a sexual creature before the virus hit though. It had been a way to deal, getting lost in the ecstacy of it all. The one true thing she still owned was her own body after all. She hadn't been slutty by any means but she had got around pretty well.

The more her mind ramped up into the heights of dirty thoughts about Nico the angrier she got about the entire situation. If he wasn't a damn bed hog she wouldn't be thinking like this so often. She gave him a mighty push almost knocking him off the bed this time but she made sure it wasn't enough to knock him into the floor unless he freaked at the sinsation of falling.
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[30 May 2011|12:21am]

Who: Asher, Open
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Near the fields
What: Asher rolls into town
Status: Ongoing
Rating: PG

The vehicle whined and groaned as gears shifted and stuck and air was let out of the brake lines )
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Week two Sunday 8th [28 May 2011|09:49pm]

Who: Nico and Knight.
When: Sunday evening
Where: Wang medical centre
What: Nico's raiding the medical centre for a certain someones medical history.

Clayont had turned out to be different from most of the towns he'd breezed through.  He'd learnt from Honey that this place worked more like a real civilised town than one that valued every man for themselves and relied on gang culture to get them through.

He'd wandered around for a few days finding odd jobs to do here and there, getting the lay of the land - working out all his exit routes and, of course, entry routes.  Nico had holed up in Squirrels apartment and waited until she'd fallen asleep - he clocked the time at about 11:45pm and by the time he'd snuck out of the window and made it to the medical centre it was 12.  Sneaking round the back Nico noticed that the small window above the dumpster had a broken latch - either no one had noticed or no one had cared but either way it was his luck that he could shimmy through it.  Although the drop on the other side was a shocker, a winding landing flat on your back shocker.

It took him a moment to gain his breath back but he got up wheezing some.  Poking his head out of the room he'd fallen so gracefully into, Nico checked up and down the dark coridoor concluded that it was indeed safe and headed down the coridoor towards the client rooms.  Though sure he wouldn't find much in the way of equipment still lying around he figured filing cabinets might still actually have some left over papers in them and he was determined to go through everyone no matter how long it took him.

Ducking into exam room 1 he located the filing cabinett got out his tiny torch, stuck it between his teeth, and opened the top drawer.  It slid open with a creak loud enough to echo in the empty building.  He froze hands paused incase he had to slam it shut and run like a bat out of hell.  Nothing happened.  So he continued to flip through the files.   Going through every file was going to be a nightmare.
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Week Two [28 May 2011|09:52am]

Sunday September 8th

High Temp: 75.2F
Low Temp: 71.6F
Average Temp: 73.2F
Dewpoint: 71.7F
Wind Speed: 4 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.08 Inches
Observations: Rain/Drizzle

Monday September 9th

High Temp: 91.4F
Low Temp: 73.4F
Average Temp: 78.3F
Dewpoint: 72.3F
Wind Speed: 10 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 2.59 Inches
Observations: Rain/Drizzle, Thunder

Tuesday September 10th

High Temp: 93.2F
Low Temp: 75.2F
Average Temp: 83.7F
Dewpoint: 73.6F
Wind Speed: 8.2 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0 Inches
Observations: n/a

Wednesday September 11th

High Temp: 90F
Low Temp: 75.9F
Average Temp: 83.5F
Dewpoint: 72F
Wind Speed: 6.9 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0 Inches
Observations: n/a

Thursday September 12th

High Temp: 88F
Low Temp: 72F
Average Temp: 79.2F
Dewpoint: 69F
Wind Speed: 4.1 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0 Inches
Observations: n/a

Friday September 13th

High Temp: 88F
Low Temp: 69.1F
Average Temp: 78F
Dewpoint: 62.9F
Wind Speed: 2.6 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0 Inches
Observations: n/a

Saturday September 14th

High Temp: 82.9F
Low Temp: 66F
Average Temp: 73.2F
Dewpoint: 64.5F
Wind Speed: 4.5 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.45 Inches
Observations: Rain/Drizzle

This week is markedly more settled than the one before, with rain on the first two days, heavier and with thunder on Monday, before settling down to a warm and comfortable week before the rain returns on Sunday

No birthdays this week

(Please comment if I've missed a muse's birthday)
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[27 May 2011|09:11pm]

Who: Marlo, Knight, Ari
When: Saturday, the 7th, around 2pm
Where: Knight and Ari's home
What: Marlo comes over for story time
Status: Ongoing
Rating: G

Oh, the places you'll go )
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Week One- Friday- September 6th [26 May 2011|11:17pm]

Who: Kahea, Mac, then OPEN
When: Sept 6, Friday morning
Where: Starts out at Van Horn Apartments, then to Sardis Lake
What: Waking up, breakfast, relaxing swim
Status: In Progress//OPEN
Rating: PG? (language, memories)

Does Time Heal all Wounds? )
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Week One -- Thursday -- September 5th [16 May 2011|04:58pm]

Who: Rett and Marlo
When: Late Thursday Night
Where: Houses near the Van Horn Apartments
What: Checking things out
Status: In Progress
Rating: TBD

After learning from Dove that the town was run by religious folk, he felt that he should retreat from the center of town and ride around the outskirts before he dove right back in again. Yet, he couldn’t help himself. He was almost out of food and he needed to do something about it soon. He wasn’t much of a hunter, and without a whole gang behind him he was forced to more or less rely on his own scavenging abilities, which meant mostly stealing what was readily available to be stolen.

To do this, he left his camp in the middle of the night and left his bike and most of his possessions hidden in the bushes on his way into town. He didn’t like having to do this on his own, it made him feel like some kind of peeping tom or creeper or something, but he didn’t have much of a choice at this point. He’d put on his darkest colored clothes and snuck into the part of town where he knew at least a handful of people lived. He hopped the chain link fence into the first backyard he found and when the coast appeared quiet and clear he set to work at picking the lock on the sliding glass door that lead into what appeared to be the dining room and kitchen.
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Week One -- Friday -- September 6th [15 May 2011|03:39pm]

Who: Seajay and Orion
When: Friday night
Where: Their camp outside of town
What: Things aren’t as they seem.
Status: In progress
Rating: TBD

After Orion and Seajay’s trip into town on Wednesday and Seajay’s safe solo trip around the lake on Thursday afternoon, they’d decided that they’d move into town on Saturday. Some of their supplies were getting low and it was time for them to get their dog and pony show on the road again. They’d spent Friday practicing their routine and getting things ready for their move so by the time they laid down to sleep they were all pretty exhausted. Seajay was always extra nervous the night before they went officially into a new town and drew a crowd to their little song and dance.

He laid in his sleeping bag, petting Star who’d laid down beside him. He could barely see the outline of Orion who was taking his shirt off and getting ready for bed on the other side of the dying fire. He sighed and rolled over to try and sleep, but his worry about what the next day might bring faded slowly into reassuring thoughts of his friends, and then only to Orion.

Is all we see or seem but a dream within a dream? )
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Friday [14 May 2011|06:43pm]


Who: Shine and OTA
What: Doing the family's laundry
When: Friday morning
Where: The river
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Shine was working by the river, sweating and swearing as she scrubbed. She'd managed to get hold of a washboard, and even some soap which helped make the job a little easier, but it was still hard work doing the washing of four people, particularly when two of them were grumpy teenagers who felt the need to shed clothes whenever they came back in the house so they weren't seen in the same clothes twice. God she missed washing machines.

Plus for whatever reason she was tired all the time, really weepy and it annoyed her how she was being. Her life was good now. She had the husband and the children she wanted, and even though she hadn't found her brothers or their families, but they were settled...a family. Even if Daniel still insisted on calling Jess <i>his</i> daughter. OK she knew Jess was, but she had helped to bring her up, she meant something to them surely...more than that. She blew out a breath and looked down at the ring on her finger. She meant that much at least. Oh God she hated feeling like this, she'd been fine until about a month ago and now she was a total wreck.

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