Aug. 18th, 2018


This was different, that was sure, after spending the morning with Rose's mother, assuring their contract of marriage, he decided to see Rose. He a cart of treats sent up and white roses was in his hands as a peace offering, they had a lot, both of them needed to make peace with and he was going to try to make it work. Not like she knew what he had done to the gutter rat, knowing he died cuffed to a pipe, satisfied the need for revenge.

He knocked twice on the suite door, he had ensured that her mother and she got the best room, below his, in this hotel.

Nov. 29th, 2015


They didn't seem to get the hint )

Sep. 26th, 2015


Nik and Elena )


Laurel / Oliver 003

Laurel was having a long week and it didn't even involve her trying again with Oliver, sadly she had to cancel their plans because work got in the way. She was taking on a drug lord who was caught smuggling drugs in as well as being involved in human trafficking .

She had been on the phone call morning with city hall, trying to get court date, she wanted to rush the date because she knew once he got into the system, he'd buy his way out of Iron Heights, not the first time he's been caught and than escaped. She hung up with the woman she was speaking to and spun around to her computer, typing in a few things.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


She loved Ronnie, didn't she? )

Jan. 17th, 2015


Elena had been avoiding him and he wanted to make her miserable about it, there was no true reason for showing up at her house, minus boredom and to make her uncomfortable since she said she would wait, but yet she was about to kiss his brother.

He knocked on the door, then moved to lean against the frame waiting for the fair Elena to answer the door.

Mar. 6th, 2014


Slade was in the back lot, he stood there, waiting for Thea, his first strike was about to happen and Oliver would see he was in control of this game, no, this promise he had made. All tires on Thea's car had been slashed. Slade had to ways he was going to play this, Blood was on stand by or Slade would take her himself.

He might even trick Thea into thinking he was taken as well, wouldn't that be fun. He moved off his mask, then decided to go that way. Hench mean were easy to buy and with one click of his phone, Blood was in position to take Thea. All Slade had to do was put himself on the scene and make sure the scrambler went on as soon as Blood appeared on camera.

Changed into his business attire, he entered through the front door and instantly his eyes went to seek out the youngest Queen. He had met the family, tour the house, pissed Oliver off, just like knew him being here would most likely to the same. Great thing about being a villain, he had Oliver chasing ghost in the glades as he snatched his sister from right under his nose.

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Thea wandered Verdant, keeping an eye out. It was kind of the job of the general manager. Making sure people were happy, keeping an eye out for trouble...and it was just the sort of networking she was good at. Some high rollers were comped drinks, she gave a couple a free bottle of champagne as the guy proposed... Business expenses that would keep people coming back and buying the overpriced cocktails at the bar.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly for once. Roy was busy, the music was good and the place was packed. She was good at this.

Jan. 24th, 2014


It had taken some doing to get away from Mystic Falls. The Salvatores could keep an annoyingly close watch on people. And Elena's own friends and family were, for lack of a better word, irritating. But Nadia had been quite helpful in giving her a distraction. And now Katherine was standing in the middle of the French Quarter. She always had liked New Orleans. But she wasn't in the market for voodoo dolls or bourbon.

It didn't take her very long to track him down. She'd been on the run for 500 years. Finding an Original was as easy as rolling off a log. But she hadn't wanted to run into Klaus. Nor the wolf whore. So she'd taken a seat in a corner cafe, eyes scanning the street, nonchalantly waiting for Elijah to stroll by. It was almost laughable how much of a routine he had.

Jan. 21st, 2014


Tomas was late to the masque, which was fine with Mary. She dreaded seeing him now more than ever. Especially since he'd revealed his cruel nature to her. But, eyes scanning the room, she did see Bash. He still wasn't himself, but he at least looked better than the last time she'd seen him.

Clutching her bow, Mary moved forward, smile firmly on her face. "Bash," she greeted warmly, smiling at him. "I took your advice." She'd come as a huntress."

Jan. 1st, 2014


Bash flirted with many things, death was one he wasn't too fond of, but this wasn't the first time he found himself sleeping on this cot. He laid there bored out of his mind, family coming in and out, his father checking on his welfare through his servants. Luckily the handmaids were gossips and he knew about everything going on in the castle, he wished he could get out of this bed and stop everyone foolishness or try to.

He knew the offer was made to Mary, Lola let it slip, but he didn't say anything of it, he dared not to since he knew his own emotions for her would slip out as well and that was the last thing he needed to happen due to his brother rage of them kissing the one time. He closed his eyes, praying for sleep or someone to visit, his wound wouldn't be the death of him, boredom would be.


One who couldn't offer her anything )

Dec. 4th, 2013


On the deck of the Carpathia, Rose pulled the wool blanket closer around her. She'd been out of the water for hours now and she still couldn't quite get warm. It felt like she never really would, truth be told. She was tired, but eyes remained firmly open, focused on the decking before her. Every time she closed her eyes, images of that terrible night flashed through her mind. Part of her wanted to remember always, even as the hurt rose so keenly within her. She'd made a promise to Jack, to never let go, and she intended to keep that promise, by living her life as she wished. Not as her mother and Cal did. Engrossed in her thoughts, she didn't notice the man wandering around the deck. He was clearly out of place, not belonging among the lower classes.

Nov. 1st, 2013


Another late night, another charity party and Laurel was there, sipping her wine as she kept avoiding her boss. She wasn't ready to date again, she wasn't ready to handle her problem, she wasn't ready to let go of the guilt. She didn't even know why she was there tonight, she know she didn't want to go home. Adam was headed toward her and Laurel moved around the corner, suddenly she ran right smack into one of the other people she wanted to avoid for awhile, especially with a wine glass in her hand.

"Sorry," she muttered then side stepped him, she looked behind, seeing Adam still coming over to them, "Ollie," her eyes looked up at him, "get me out of here."

Oct. 20th, 2013


Laurel / Oliver 002

No one compares to you, but there's no you, except in my dreams tonight. )

Oct. 17th, 2013


Laurel / Oliver 001 - Arrow revamp!

We've got holes in her heart, but we carry on. )

Oct. 5th, 2013


Waking up in the hospital )