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May. 30th, 2011



We're open. Feel free to use this com to chat or plot about whatever.

[info]thetubes is an internet com. I'll write something about it on the main com explainy journal eventually. I'm thinking it'll be a closed network open only to the characters and they can make things private and lock conversations to other characters, just like we've seen used in a bunch of other games.

Work for you guys? :D

Here. Have some shirtless Nathan Fillion.

You're welcome.

Sep. 29th, 2010


So. Hi.

Hey all!

This is Kelly (the writer behind Mina and Gordon) bringing in her third -- a human! This is Roger Gillis, a former jock type, who graduated high school and found the real world was ... not a lot like high school. Which sucked for Roger, as he really wasn't / isn't prepared for anything that isn't high school. So after half a semester a university, he came on back to the place that he calls home -- and he's been there since!

So if your in your early twenties -- he knows you! Probably went to school with you! Possibly was an ass to you .... :D. Everyone else -- wanna plot with me? :D. Roger works at a video store (owned by his family), so if your characters in need of a movie, they may encounter him there!

Sep. 25th, 2010


Check In!

Lots of late night rambling. )

Sep. 23rd, 2010



I'm in and I'm really excited to be here! :D I'm Jess btw and I don't know any of you guys. :O BUT! I'd like to get to know you so here's a little bit about me:

I'm 24, happily married and not so happily in the Air Force, but I'll be out in 2013. I live in Hawaii and grew up here as well. To end with a totally random fact: I'm easily distracted.

About Alyssa: She grew up in Butte, comes from a family of 6 [2 older brothers and 1 younger sister that I'd love to see in game] and decided to move away after graduating from high school to live the big city life. After realizing that life wasn't for her, she's back in Butte with a slightly jaded outlook now. She's currently working out of her apartment as a freelance hair cutter/stylist and also part time as a delivery girl for a local flower shop. She's blunt, sarcastic and will try to ignore you 75% of the time, but the other 25% (and deep down), she can be extremely nice and friendly. Her tl;dr bio can be found here!

I'm hoshirules on AIM if anyone ever wants to chat or plot! I know right now off the top of my head I'd like to see her siblings, her BFF from high school and her current in game and I'll be getting my butt on over to the wanted page to post that up. And THIS is one of my all time favorite songs since youtube won't let me embed.


Full Moooooon!

Happy Late Mabon, everyone! Last night was a beautiful full looking Harvest Moon. Tonight is the full moon. HAVE FUN WITH THIS. :D

Just as a life update, last night was my first graveyard shift at job number one and this weekend is when I will be doing the actual moving into my apartment. This is not a hiatus, but I may be very slow. For example, I still haven't tagged the funeral post. I suck. Don't suck like me and go tag it! :D

(There are a number of people who have holds that expire today. I may be "too busy" to enforce this until I am finished moving. >>)

That is all!

Sep. 21st, 2010


Before we have the full moon ....

So! I figured it would be easiest to do this here! Basically: of the werewolves in game, who wants to know Mina's one of you? And if your character is a werewolf, do you want Mina to know that they are?

For the record any of you werewolf types can know Mina belongs to your club :D . While she doesn't go around advertising her wolf-ness to the general public, she doesn't hide it from her fellow werewolves :D.a

(I'm sorry if this makes no sense, work + allergy meds are making my head spin :P).

Sep. 20th, 2010


Moving is exciting. Only not.

So! This week I am moving into my new apartment. I don't think I'll have to be on any kind of official hiatus but I may be a little slow. You'll notice I already posted the funeral scene (which I will tag myself this week) for everyone to join in. There's also the full moon which happens Thursday night! Sometime between sundown and 3:17 AM your character should be fully transformed! By sunrise, they'll wake up nekkid somewhere.

Have fun, folks! :D

And just in case you need a little inspiration:

I see a bad moon rising... )

Sep. 19th, 2010


random share time

So I had a pretty craptastic day at work. You would think that adults wouldn't behave like middle school children, and you would be oh so wrong.

I thought I'd share with everyone something that makes my day better. And I promise that it doesn't include a song that will get stuck in your head.

Viral Video Film School )

Sep. 18th, 2010


Hey, all! I'm Beth, and I'm apparently very slow at making introductions.

I'm bringing in Paul Stone. He's the son of a local engineering professor and a lawyer. He was also kind of an arrogant jerk in his youth, but he's spent the last three years as a wolf, so that's changed his attitude a little.

Unfortunately? He's still a wolf and will be for a few months yet. If anyone wants to run into the largest 'stray dog' ever, I'm all for it! There were plans for him to run into Agatha Lawson, but hey, he likes human company. It reminds him that he's actually a guy in wolf form, not a crazy wolf that thinks he's a guy.


In case you were wondering...

Butte is pronounced like the first syllable of "beautiful." Bee-Yoo-t. It is not pronounced like "butt." Thank you. That is all.


Hellooooo. I'm April and this is Milo. He's a soon-to-be former wolf as soon as he changes back into human form in about a week. Unfortunately, seven years of being a wolf can make ya crazy and indeed, Milo is kind of nutty. He alternates between highly aggressive and intensely skittish and he will eat all your food. All. your. food. He doesn't really remember a lot about being a human, but when he was, your character might have known him as one of "those Gray kids." The Gray family is ultra trashy, often in and out of prison, and generally always have a teenager pregnant. Milo was (in)famously disowned for being gay and he "disappeared" the night before he was set to graduate high school. In reality, he just ended up living on the edge of town, eating garbage and getting shot at by police officers. Fun times!

Like I said, my name is April. I would LOOOOOOOVE to plot with anyone about anything. Milo needs people! I can be reached at or manic pikachu on AIM. :) I can't wait to start playing!

Sep. 17th, 2010


Making friends is fun!

I like making friends. Do you like making friends? Look! I made a friend!

BB: ANYWAY. I think if I want to set a good example I should talk about ice cream. Or Jane Austin. Or something.
BB: I'm trying to get people to participate in the prompts. >D
Spiffy: Oooh. In my opinion, you should talk about ice cream. :>

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy! Go say hi to each other, people!

Edit: Speaking of prompts, here's an example of how I'm keeping track of mine. Feel free to do it any way you want.

Edit 2: FYI, American Werewolf in London is available to watch instantly on Netflix right now. ♥!


What to do!

♦ The plot calendar has been established! I'm going to post about two events a week for characters to respond or react to. You are free to add your own events, of course. I'll make sure to post each week in advance so you can take a look at what's going on. Of course, you can always backdate if you missed something like a full moon. The calendar will always be located on the NPC journal so you can take a look and see what's been done in previous weeks.

♦ For those of you wanting something to do, please look at the writing prompts page. Again, if you complete a category of prompts you will get a special plot related bonus.

♦ You might have also noticed that the first writing prompts category mentions coming up with characters for our wanted page of characters. If there's something you want to see in the game, please use this page! It'll give new players some ideas.

♦ Currently we're a pretty small game. I think plot and activity will be easier if we get a few more players. Word of mouth always works better than advertising. Tell your friends!

♦ If you need to reach me for any questions or concerns, use the contact page! Shoot me an e-mail, IM or use the drop box. :D

Sep. 16th, 2010


Game plots.

So I thought I would also post some plot opportunities and ideas.

1. If you read the opening narrative, you know that poor ole Dick was shot in the face about three weeks ago. His body was only discovered yesterday morning by hunters. Once a couple of applications get turned in we'll have three characters that work in the PD. (Yay! Murder case.)

You may have also guessed that about three weeks ago there was a full moon. Dick was discovered naked in the woods. He had been shot as a werewolf. (If you die in wolf form, you'll transform back into a human state. I will add this in the werewolf information eventually.) For those of you playing werewolves, I want to give you the opportunity to have known him as a werewolf. Either, your character could have known him as a wolf and not known his human identity until now, or, they knew his secret and he knew theirs.

Comment below if you're interested in plot opportunities involving Dick's murder.

2. I'm thinking of doing a "plot events" calendar. It'd have dates two weeks out marking events like full moons, celebrations, holidays, weird storms, local events and other strange, plot related happenings. If I post one later today, would you guys be interested in adding details to it? Things or events you would like to place in the game for other characters to react to?

Why do I get the feeling I'm going to wake up tomorrow and absolutely none of this will be comprehensible? Eek.


Two things!

One, I updated the cast page. Please check out your character(s) and make sure all the links work properly and that everything looks good. I'm a little out of it and just want to make sure I didn't do something stupid.

Two, today on my second day of no longer being unemployed (WOOO!) I checked in the Butte High School Golf Team. They had cute t-shirts/hoodies with a bulldog carrying a golf club in its mouth. That is all. I almost asked to take a picture but thought better of it.

Sep. 15th, 2010


Hullo there! It's time for yet another awkward ooc introduction! I'm sure you're all stoked. Really. Highlight of the day.

Anyway, my name is Emma. I'm a 28 year old PhD student at the Catholic University of America. This means I spend my days surrounded by seminarians. No, really. My first class of the day has 22 seminarians, 2 monks, and then me. Usually in bright yellow. Because that's how I roll. I live in Washington, DC, and I usually have decent internet access. It depends on how the campus wireless is faring. However, because of my chosen vocation, I occasionally go through dry spells where I'm doing nothing but work, usually around midterms and finals. But no fear, I shall duly inform you lot before it occurs and all shall proceed apace.

However, the bit you really care about...

[info]loveinheaven is one Father Dominic Windsor, SJ, originally of Waterford, Ireland, and after the roundabout road that seminary often is, he's in lovely, scenic Butte, overseeing the instruction of theology and catechism in the local Catholic high school and in the parish of St Michael the Archangel. He's been in town about six months, so Montana winters shall be fun for him, oh yes. He is, in fact, a lunar werewolf, but he's still not really aware of it, and is only about to go through his first change this month. Because I am a horrible human being and like making Jesuits suffer. After all, they teach me Latin. So if your character is Catholic, they probably know Father Dominic, or at least have heard him. That Irish accent and glorious tenor are hard to miss!

I'm always open for plot and to chat. Even if my away message says I'm studying -- it almost always does -- ping me and I'll see it eventually. Or email me. Or send up a smoke signal. Whatever. I love to plot, I'd love some storylines with him, and doesn't everyone love a handsome Irishman?

Sep. 14th, 2010


Hi! With all these intros starting, I guess I should write my own super awkward piece. My name is Spiffy and I'm from where all the happy cows are...California! At the moment, I'm technically still on summer vacation, but that will be ending shortly in about a week and a half. So I indeed have college clawing it's way into my attention, but since I am a pro-procrastinator (or multi-tasker, whichever suits the moment), it shouldn't be too bad. :D

This is Bliss Wu ([info]delightfully), a 24-year-old photographer working for the Montana Standard newspaper. She also does some other freelance work for some extra cash...aka she'll take pictures of anything if you pay her money to do so. Bliss also is probably everywhere or around scenes of anything big happening, taking pictures and maybe making a tiny nuisance of herself, so people might see her around often. She's only been at Butte for about two years, moving back to Montana with her father who was born and raised here. It would probably be known that Bliss is a prickly character with a kind of grumpy personality. While it may seem she just needs a hug (while true), I hope no one tries to do it! Because she knows kung-fu. Kind of. Oh, she also takes "hikes" to take care of her monthly wolf problems, so there's that.

With that being said, I am open for any lines! Bliss might be hard to deal with, but I do hope there are some characters who are willing to go through grumpiness for the sake of friendship. Also, I have no youtube video offering for you guys. D: My home computer is embarrassingly outdated and youtube refuses to have anything to do with it. Nonetheless, I look forward to playing with all of you! :D


Hi, dudes and dudettes! My name is Lynn and I'm from all the way down in Texas! I've been rping for about 8 years now, and it all started with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm mostly a fandom player but I do love my OCs. If you wanna see some of my characters check [info]shiverbeloved . I'm unemployed at the moment (have been for a year and a half x__x) so I have a LOT of free time on my hands!

[info]maggiebloom is a tiny Butte native (LOL...I'm a perv. *shifty eyes*) she comes from a rich family, her grandfather used to be mayor of Butte, so she never wanted for anything in life. In fact, she was quite spoiled but she managed to keep herself down to earth. She transformed for the first time when she was 18. Freaked out and scared she ran away to 'find herself' she came back 3 years later and refuses to talk about what happened. For the past 8 years that she's been back she's worked at the police department as dispatch and lived on her own in the 'seedy' part of town. She's very much a gamer girl who loves video games and D&D.

so uh...a video. )

With all that being said, I'd LOOOOVE some storylines! :D


Hi all!

I'm Kelly, and I always fail at intros. So first the boring "about me" bit. I live on the East Coast of Canada, which means that I'm likely at least an hour ahead of you all time zone wise -- and due to my job I like to be asleep around 11 my time, sooooo if I seem to be missing you a lot? It is because I am asleep. I have net access during the work day, but that is all dependant on how busy I am, because sadly they do not pay me to RP. Woe. I should add that I love plot! And I want to plot with all of you!

So onto my peeps:

[info]barkatthemoon | Mina Lee. She's a local librarian, so if you have a character that likes to hit the books at the library, you could very well know Mina! She's a Butte native, so if your a native you may also know her. Most likely your character would know her as that girl who dyed her hair lots of colours, and rabble roused just for the sake of causing a scene. She's grown up since that (and had a kid), but back in the day she was a rebel without a clue.

[info]fictionwriter | Gordon Cabot. Named after his grandfather (who was from Butte), Gordon is one of the kinfolk. His granddad was a werewolf, and because of that ole Gordon here has the power of psychometry. Which he puts to "good" use, by touching objects and then getting ideas for his series of mystery / suspense novels from them. Yup, Gordon is a writer (not supper famous, but he makes enough writing to put that down as his occupation) who now lives in Butte, but grew up in New Brunswick.

Now for the YouTube portion of this intro post!

Outta sight, outta mind, outta luck, outta wine )


Is this thing on?

WELCOME! The game is about to start in a few days. Because of that, I have a few announcements and clarifications.

The IC and Media community have tags set up. You should have a tag with your character's name set up, a tag to specify the type of communication specifically for the media community and there may be more tags set up in the future to find specific writing prompts, etc. The out of character community also has tags so you can easily find mod announcements, rules changes, in game summaries, lulz and memes. In case I overlook something, I have the communities set so you may create tags. Please do not abuse this. It's mostly there in case I forget to add a character or something obvious.

Now. One question I have for you is, do you want a player tag in the OOC community or do you feel it would be too weird/intrusive? You are completely free to lock your OOC posts to friends only, but I wanted to ask first before I went ahead and made tags. Thanks!

Prompts = Plot
I've decided that one of the rewards for completing a category of writing prompts will be in game plot related. Depending on the type of character and the kind of plot reward you want it could be one of the following things; you character's power evolves (or de-evolves), your character gets something shiny in game or we brainstorm a plot opportunity for them.

Because of this, please keep a record of the prompts you have completed with links to each prompt. It may be in a google document you can email me, or in a journal sticky post. I just want to be able to look briefly at a page, check a few links and know that you completed all the prompts in any given prompt group. You may complete a prompt group more than once, either because you really liked it or because you have multiple characters and want to do a writing prompt group for each character.

[info]turncoats NPC Journal
It's my intention to have the NPC journal, [info]turncoats set up before game starts. (This may or may not actually happen, but should be taken care of within the week.) The NPC journal is set up so that any player may make a plot related NPC and run mini plots for other players. How to use it and get the PW for the journal will all be explained on the journal itself at that time. Our first NPC for the journal is a serial killer who targets werewolves. GOOD TIEMS!

The journal is not intended for personal NPCs who are only mentioned or react to a specific character. This includes family member NPCs and co-workers. If you're still not sure what the difference between a personal or a plot NPC is, don't worry. It's four-thirty in the morning and I'll be happy to clarify this later.

Game Start!
I'll post the opening narrative sometime when it is technically Wednesday according to mountain standard time. That means we could see the narrative in less than twenty-four hours from now, or a little later than that. Those of you with holds until game start will not be removed if you ask for an extension or turn in the app sometime when I stumble out of bed on Thursday. I'm just nice like that.

QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? Reply below or hit the drop box!

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