July 26th, 2018




15 August, 2018. Wednesday.

Weather: It's 84°F with 100% humidity in New York today, cloudy skies and generally unpleasant. London's not fairing much better, at 86°F with constant thunderstorms. It's 85°F and sunny in Tokyo.

Events: It's business as usual within the Agency, having been a more or less quiet couple of days. Well, quiet as things can ever be when your office is constantly battling against the apocalypses. Apocalpi? Bad stuff. All recent missions have gone smoothly for quite some time now, so there hasn't really even been any good gossip around the network for a while. An extreme heatwave is still gripping the USA, and people within the New York office are perhaps a little grumpier than usual. The Agency offers free travel to all agents not assigned to active missions, so the offices themselves are a bit less populated than is typical, with plenty of agents based in New York taking time off to go somewhere a little less... sticky.

A sign-up alert goes through to every active agent's phone alerts in the early morning, seeking volunteers for missions to be assigned in the next few days. They're blind entries, however, so enter at your own risk. Sometimes, when it's fitting, the Agency gives a warning of what's coming so you know what you're signing up. When they opt not to do this, they're called blind missions. Blind missions tend to have a pretty decent pay-off, and it usually just means they're still gathering information of where to drop agents and they can't offer information without compromising the job. Players/characters interested in signing up for a blind mission may comment to this entry. All comments screened.



Let's Start a J-Pop Band

Who: The Tokyo Trio (T., Lia, and Tali)
Where: Tali's home
When: Around lunchtime

The overall effect tended to be ridiculous. )
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