July 3rd, 2017



WHO: Grunt and Shepard
WHAT: Arrival
WHERE: The Mandalay Bay Hotel
RATING | STATUS: Medium for possible violence, ongoing




WHO: Dave and Karkat
WHAT: Trying to go home
WHEN: Right after Dave's arrival
WHERE: Karkat's room
RATING | STATUS: Medium for language, ongoing

On my way, babe. )



WHO: Klaus Mikaelson and Alexandra Udinov
WHAT: Klaus is hungry and goes to find his dinner
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Streets of Vegas
RATING | STATUS: Low (will update if needed) | Ongoing

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WHO: Laura Moon & Mad Sweeney
WHEN: BACKDATED to 29th June, 3 AM (Thursday).
WHERE: #27120 (Laura's room).
SUMMARY: Laura takes advantage of Sweeney being unable to lie by asking him a very important question. Some misunderstandings are cleared up.
WARNINGS: Swearing. Mild violence. Sweeney briefly entertains sexual thoughts about Laura the zombie...

It was a few giant leaps beyond frightening that he’d let himself be asleep near a woman who thought of him what she did. )