Jul. 24th, 2017



So, did someone say backstory???

Here's how this works: dump your character name in the comments. Hash out how and when your characters met. MAKE A MINI BACKSTORY LOG OUT OF IT. Profit?

I've put a loose timeline below based on what people have said to me. I will modify as people comment in!!!

Timeline below the cut! )
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Jul. 18th, 2017


Two Truths and a Lie

You probably know the drill. Let's do it a tiny bit backwards -- start a thread, then reply to other threads with two truths and a lie tailored for that person, then they get to guess. Lather, rinse, repeat! Maybe it gets us a little backstory inspiration, and a handful of words to make a prompt table with this weekend?

Jul. 16th, 2017


Texts From Last Night

Okay, so I like this one! Basically, you start a text, presumably from last night when you were doing Questionable Things (TM), and other people reply IC as if they had received the text from you. Then you can let your text convo go whatever direction you want! Chelsea and I affectionately call it shit-texting.

If you are stumped for ideas to start with, the original Tumblr has a ton of examples.

To start, Hampton texts this:

[1] im at the bar, forgot my pants
[2] everyone's overreacting

Jul. 15th, 2017


Either-Ors, aka Would You Rather

Post a comment from your character, and we'll reply with either-ors for you to choose from (ex: fight or flight; stay in bed for a week or never lie down for a week; chew someone else's fingernail or your own toenail; these sorts of things).



Write whatever you want, but if you want a general template...
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