The Heart Yearns

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The Heart Yearns


masterlist: atticus/lizzie
masterlist: cameron/jenny
masterlist: eddie/charlotte
masterlist: jamie/kayley
masterlist: julius/genevieve
masterlist: malachi/sophia
masterlist: miles/kathryn
masterlist: quinn/regan
masterlist: ried/melanie
masterlist: robbie/suzie
masterlist: rossalyn/addy
masterlist: sean/lena
masterlist: thomas/abby
masterlist: wayne/hannah

reference: important dates
reference: wood family tree
reference: thy family trees

pairing: atticus/lizzie
pairing: cameron/jenny
pairing: eddie/charlotte
pairing: jamie/kayley
pairing: julius/genevieve
pairing: malachi/sophia
pairing: miles/kathryn
pairing: quinn/regan
pairing: robbie/suzie
pairing: rossalyn/addy
pairing: sean/lena
pairing: sean/lena: france
pairing: sean/lena: muggles
pairing: thomas/abigail
pairing: wayne/hannah

character: abigail
character: addy
character: alex
character: alexandria
character: alyth
character: amery
character: atticus
character: bailey
character: braden
character: bridget
character: caden
character: cameron
character: carron
character: charlotte
character: ciera
character: daniel
character: eddie
character: ella
character: ellon
character: genevieve
character: hannah
character: ilysa
character: jamie
character: jenny
character: jocelyn
character: jude
character: julius
character: kathryn
character: kayley
character: lena
character: leslie
character: lizzie
character: logan
character: malachi
character: miles
character: morgaine
character: nate
character: norah
character: oliver
character: oma
character: quinn
character: regan
character: ried
character: robbie
character: rossalyn
character: sean
character: sophia
character: suzie
character: thomas
character: wayne


January 11th, 2010

100 Words for character birthdays!

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Who:  Miles - January 5th

He hasn't spent a birthday in England since his father died.  Corvin died three days before Miles' birthday, and the cold weather of England in January never fails to depress him when the anniversary comes around.  If it's Greece, Italy, or some other far-flung destination, Miles doesn't care.  He just doesn't want to wake up cold on that day.  He's never told Kathryn his reasoning for wanting to travel- he assumes that she just thinks he likes to (and he does), not that there might be some more personal reasoning to it.  But she doesn't seem to be complaining, either.

Who:  Ried - January 7th

He met Melanie on his birthday.  He was completely and hopelessly lost in Athens, and the street map he'd bought from a grinning vendor made him feel rather incompetent.  (He could speak four languages!  He was an adult!  How could he not find a simple Ministry building?)  Growing frustrated, Ried crumpled the map and tossed it into a nearby bin, crossing his arms and sinking down onto a public bench.  (...Why was it sticky?)  "Excuse me?"  The voice was timid, hesitant, but clearly in English.  Ried's attention was caught immediately.  "Do you need help?"  From her?  Oh yes, most definitely. 

Who:  Caden - January 11th

Her mum always makes banana pancakes on her birthday.  Of course, Caden is impatient and eager to help, so rather than wait to be served in bed (as her mum assures her she is allowed to do, that day), she always gets up early and joins her mum in the kitchen.  It's a simple tradition, but one of her favorites.  The first year she's living on her own, Caden wakes up alone on her birthday and, for a moment, she can't quite figure out what's wrong.  Half an hour later, however, she's knocking on her parents' door, bananas in hand.
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