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Dentata [15 Mar 2015|10:18pm]

I think I need to take some hiatus time. I've been having toothache since the start of last week, and although it started as a mild inconvenience (one which got the song 'Dr Long John' stuck in my head on repeat) it's actually disrupting my sleep and seeping into my nightmares now. You have no idea how awesome the thought of pulling a couple of teeth out sounds to me at this time, seriously.

I need to beg and plead my dentist to see me and then beg and plead my boss to let me have time off to get this sorted, then catch up on the sleep that my new toothache permaheadache has been denying me, and then I will be back.

- Sammy

P.S. Ally, I'm not sure if what Nate last said to Demi makes enough sense. I'm going to review once the gateway to hell in the left side of my face has been closed off.

Just so you guys know... [02 Feb 2015|11:26pm]

I am in Glasgow at the minute, will be until Thursday night. Thought I would be okay since the hotel has wifi but haha, guess what? It sucks! I've been using my phone to do small tags but it's just taken me an hour to post something using my bf's laptop, so anything I can't rattle off on the go might have to wait until I get back.

Modlies, I will try to get my activity check up either tomorrow or Wednesday, because me and the wifi interwebs have had enough fun for one night.


- Sammy

Hiatus [20 Jan 2015|07:23pm]

Hey guys. Unfortunately I need to sign myself up for a hiatus. Got a crazy load of drama involving housemates, real estate and the possibility of (good) me needing to find a new housemate quick as shit or (bad) having to pack up and move in a hurry.

I think it will all work out in my favour but the truth of the matter is that it’s got me stressed and anxious and just not at all creative. I’ve been looking at my Anna reply for days and still have nothing. :(

So I figured it would be better to put Jack, Anna and Aki on a bit of a break while I spend some time sorting out my own problems instead of dreaming about theirs. Gotta face reality at some stage, right? I intend to do it with a bottle of vodka in hand!!

In the meantime I’ll be lurking around on email and will try to keep up to date with a bit of reading so I don’t miss a chuck of storyline when I come back.

Cheers guys,


[21 Dec 2014|03:50pm]

I PASSED!!!! 80%! WOOOOOOOOOOO I am now officially ITIL Foundation v3 certified, just simply means that I have a basic understanding about IT infrastructure, but its an impressive addition to my resume in regards to becoming a manager in the IT world. Yayyyyyyyyyy #nerd

I'm wrapping presents today and then going to my friends party who is visiting from S Korea, supa excited :D

I'll post sporadically this weekend and be back up and running Monday <3 <3 <3

-Ally (Demi, Del, Lys)

[16 Dec 2014|09:33am]

Calling a mini-hiatus, I have a major certification exam on Friday and need to cram my head with as many facts and terms about foundation-level Information Technology Infrastructure as humanly possible. X___X This weekend I'm hanging out with a friend who is home for Korea, her only visit her year.

So I'll be back Monday! Or maybe Sunday. Much love <3

-Ally (Demi/Del/Lys)

[08 Dec 2014|10:45am]

FYI, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! Between finishing my treehouse app, having a super busy weekend and getting a cat (SHE IS SO CUTE AND TINY EXPECT PICSPAMS LATER) I've been a bit hit and miss...well, mostly miss, so sorry! I should be caught up by Tuesday evening!

[04 Dec 2014|09:04pm]

Hey guys! I have to call a retro-hiatus from this Monday, I caught the plague and did pretty much nothing else except sleep. I was back at work today (only one with a forklift license and we had two trucks with machines and printing plates to unload..), but I'm still feeling under the weather.

I will have to extend the hiatus until this Sunday, though I'll probably be able to catch up tomorrow during the day a bit. Sorry to keep you hanging!!! *hides*

Happy Thanksgiving! [26 Nov 2014|08:31am]

This Thanksgiving, Im going to be taking a short radio silence to spend time with my family. I'll be unavailable from this afternoon until Sunday evening/Monday morning. To all my American peeps, have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving! Everyone else, see ya next week <3

♥ Ally (Demeter/Delanei/Lysandra)

Meme-time? [25 Nov 2014|08:56am]

I'm feeling kinda depressed with the whole Ferguson thing, and losing people here, so I wanted to put up a get-to-know-the-player meme-y thingy here to promote community and compadre-ness and all the mushy feels.

Mah name:
Mah characters:
Mah face:
Mah five facts:

[06 Nov 2014|10:45pm]

I'm sick. Apologies if I am slow. :(

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