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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[05 Aug 2015|06:13am]

Heads up gang, Kerrin wanted me to let you know that she will be on Hiatus until Friday.
So no worries if she isn't replying to threads & comments, she'll do so when she's back.

Short hiatus! [30 Jul 2015|10:43am]

I'm going to be off the grid from tonight until Monday night cuz I'm going to Canada! I'm trying to catch up today and will post when I get back ♥

xoxoxo, Ally (Demi/Lys/Del)

[14 Jul 2015|02:35pm]

So apparently my friends and I are going to Disney World in January and we're staying at the resort in the Treehouse Villa and there's BUNK BEDS. I'm crying. ♥

[10 Jul 2015|09:55pm]

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I've been such a flake lately!!! Life has been eating me alive the past couple of weeks, but it's about to calm down a bit soon. I finally found out that I'll be having a little girl (she was so shy before, but during the last ultrasound she finally was a little more showy ;) ) and until the due date in mid September there's still a ton to be done (it's my first!). Buuuuut I'll be going on maternity leave in four weeks, which means I'll be around quite a bit more, at least until the little one is there. I'm pretty sure she'll keep me busy for a while hehe xD

Anyways! Gimme all your lines, please! I really want to get my ass back into gear! And pretty much all my kids (Gabe here, [info]anatolios, [info]suleika, [info]theentertainer, [info]cammibird, [info]hotbloodedfae, [info]faerieblood) need a whole lot of plot, so puhlease? *puppy eyes and grabby hands*

[27 Jun 2015|12:38pm]

I want to apologize for my quietness!!! I started my new position which happens to be a branch manager at a bank and...this past week has been overwhelming. Lol. It's slow today and I am caught up on work, which means I can play!! I will be signed on aim and available to emails today.

I have missed you guys!!


[27 Apr 2015|11:43pm]

Let's Play a Game!

The idea is to spread some love. You post with any and/or all of your characters. Then you reply to a character anonymously with things you like/love/appreciate about that character.

[12 Apr 2015|10:44pm]

I'm gonna be absent for a couple of days as it's the bf's birthday tomorrow. Thought I would have time to keep up with tags and get myself sorted, but hahaha, I can't multitask! I should be back up to speed By Tuesday or Wednesday.

So I did a thing... [31 Mar 2015|03:01am]

So, I had my first week off of work in close to a year. I had all these grand plans of tagging and playing and absolutely none of it happened. >.<

I'm playing catch up right now. If I owe you a tag, it's coming!

[24 Mar 2015|01:51pm]

Hey y'all, I wanna make a fan video that highlights all the groups and could possibly used to lure unsuspecting victims potential players to the game!

So if you have any source material like gifs, videos, music ideas, pictures, etc that you think might be awesome, please share! :)


Okay, here is what I am missing so help me out! Gifs/video/images of:


And in general:

town-type shots

If you find youtube videos you can give me the link...I have magic >_>

[22 Mar 2015|10:18pm]

I'm going to try and catch up over the next couple of days. Might take me a while because my face still hurts. My new dentist is convinced this shit will just clear up on its own, so we'll see how that goes. :/

Also, if anybody has skills in turning shitty, low-res, photos-of-photos images into decent icons and has the time to spare, I require your assistance. I can pay, either with real currency or with British food and/or chocolate.

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