April 9th, 2011



[No Subject]

Who: Megan Jones, Susan Bones, & Ernie MacMillan
When: Backdated to the 23rd
Where: Around the castle
What: Looking for Ernie
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

Megan was concerned )



[No Subject]

Who: Cade & Terry
When: 25 November, evening
What: Cade's hoping for forgiveness
Where: that room
Rating: PG-13
Status: threading

Things had been complicated since Hogsmeade. Terry was angry, and Cade still wasn't fully sure he understood exactly why. But it made him ache with frustration, that they talked, but hadn't really touched since then. Cade had sent small gifts over the weeks, subtly courting him. And while he hadn't managed to quite become publicly friends with Terry, he had tried to move in closer circles, to the point where he'd sat near where Terry watched the game earlier.

He looked forward to the weekend nights, though, when they could meet in that one room. He nudged the door open, slipped in, and closed it behind him.



[No Subject]

Who: Adrian Pucey & Marietta Edgecombe
What: Catching up
Why: BC She's been MIA
Where: Courtyard then?
Rating: TBD
Status: In Complete\Inprogress

Mari! Mari! )

[No Subject]

WHO Cho Chang & Roger Davies
WHERE & WHEN Ravenclaw → Outside; Lake?
WHAT Cho tries to cheer Roger up after the match because he is a Sulky Monster.
RATING/WARNINGS Medium for language?/Incomplete.

it should have been her, not shan )