March 26th, 2011



[No Subject]

Who: Cade, Terry, Daniel
When: 9 November, 1995
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Cade's arranged a meeting with Daniel
Rating: PG-13 if Cade's language gets out of control
Status: threading

Cade had made arrangements for a room upstairs at the inn, claiming a business meeting and paying out of his dwindling funds to ensure privacy about who he was meeting. He climbed the stairs, making sure to get there early after having spent the morning with his mates. Once in the room, he spent a little time making sure there were privacy charms in place, so no one could eavesdrop unwittingly if voices were raised. He had no idea how this was going to go, and it frankly terrified him. He hoped Terry's father came. If not, they could enjoy the room anyway, but he didn't want to get caught with his trousers down.

For the moment, he sank down onto the bed, elbows on his knees, head in his hands as he tried to breathe easily and relax. When he heard footsteps on the stairs, his head shot up just as the door pushed open, uncertain whether he'd see his boyfriend or an unknown man he suspected was going to hate him.