February 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

WHO: Remus Lupin and Sirius Black
WHAT: Catching up and giving presents
WHERE: Hogsmeade
RATING: Probably PG13, if only for language
STATUS: Pending

A meeting of Marauders usually means mischief. Remus will try to contain himself. He won't make promises for Sirius. )



[No Subject]

who: Cyrille Mulciber and Daniel Turpin
why: Death! Mayhem! Murder!
where: Daniel's Home
when: Evening
Rating: r for violence

Death was just a touch of fun for the man )

[No Subject]

WHO Nathan Bradley & Katie Bell
WHERE & WHEN Outside Gryffindor → Kitchens; around 9.
WHAT Nathan is taking Katie down to the kitchens for her favorite cake.

-- )