January 20th, 2011



Gifts left for: Ginny, Lavender, Parvati, Hermione


[The gift is delivered via house elf, left on the pillow for each girl. It is a box containing one firelily in full flaming bloom, and one waterlily, the two strategically placed so that the drips from the pale blue-white waterlily don't put out the firelily. They are charmed (Neville HOPES) to remain in bloom for at least 24 hours.]

[No Subject]

WHO: Bellatrix Lestrange, Cyrille Mulciber
WHAT: Death Eaters can have random meetings too
WHERE: Riddle House
STATUS: Incomplete

Death Eater Fun )

Lisa's Birthday!

Handed to Lisa at breakfast with a smile and a 'Happy Birthday' )



[No Subject]

Who: Antigone Ivanova & Rabastan LeStrange
Where: Antigone's Home in London's suburbs
What: Setting Rab up with a new place to stay
When: Evening
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete, in progress

We're moving on up! )



happy birthday, lisa!

Dear Lisa,

Have a very happy birthday.

Daniel & Rosemary Boot

[enclosed are sweets and a gift certificate to Lisa's favorite shop]



card slipped under the girls' door

Happy birthday, Lisa. Don't eat too much cake.

Lo Sincerely,



[No Subject]

Who: Fabian and Sirius
Where: Random Italian restaurant, somewhere in London
When: Thursday evening
What: Definitely not the d-word.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, tbd

Which one is it, then? Italian or Indian? )

Left on Lisa Turpin's bed


[No Subject]

Hand delivered to Lisa for her birthday )

[No Subject]

Happy Birthday Lisa! )