January 1st, 2011




WHO: Lily & Fabian
WHAT: Lily is a wee bit frantic.
WHERE: His place
WHEN: Backdated to right after the breakout news hit
STATUS: Pending

Lily couldn't get hold of Remus or Sirius which was making her all the more frantic. What if they went off and did something daft? She was pretty sure Remus wouldn't, but he was a bloody Marauder and if Sirius was involved...

She couldn't help it. She was a mum who had lost her husband. How could she not assume the absolute worst? Finally giving up on hearing from them, she headed to see Fabian. He was the only other one she thought might know where the two men she loved likes brothers were.

However, she didn't arrive empty-handed. Showing up unannounced was rude enough! No, Lily had grabbed a handful of baked brownies before heading over. "Fabian, love?" She called. "It's me, Lily!"



[No Subject]

Who: Neville, Teddy, and Ernie
When: 30 August, 1995
Where: a small restaurant in Diagon Alley
What: lunch. and awkward conversation that Neville hopes doesn't break into a fight.
Rating: PG?
Status: complete

He wouldn't say he was nervous, but he was )



[No Subject]

Who: Cade and Cyrille
When: 30 August, 1995
Where: Cy's flat
What: Cy's invited Cade for dinner and conversation.
Rating: PG
Status: threading, incomplete

never let it be said that simply because his father had been arrested that a Warrington wasn't able to keep up appearances )