Posts Tagged: 'isolde+lister'

Mar. 12th, 2016



WHO: Izzy & Gideon
WHEN: Sunday, February 21st Late Afternoon
WHERE: The Grounds
WHAT: Coping Mechanisms (Or, a moment in which Izzy goes and shoots at trees in frustration)
STATUS: Closed/Complete

Thinking just wasn't an option. )

Mar. 10th, 2016



WHO: Lister & Lister
WHEN: Wednesday, February 17th Evening [ Backdated ]
WHERE: Izzy's Room
WHAT: “Plus what in the fuck could I even get up to in a week.”
RATING: There's 'some' colourful language.
STATUS: Closed/Complete

One week, it had been barely over a week and she'd already...fine his ass. )

Mar. 1st, 2016



WHO: Tobias & Izzy
WHEN: Late Feb 15th - Feb 16th after midnight
WHERE: Izzy's room
WHAT: Stalker vampire is STILL stalking - It starts with a gift and some pieces of paper.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Left for Isolde Lister )

Feb. 27th, 2016



WHO: Tobias & Izzy
WHEN: Feb 14th, late morning
WHERE: Around the estate
WHAT: Stalker vampire is stalking
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

He wanted to watch her... )