The Division | OOC

June 2016

Welcome to The Roanoke Division, based out of the Boudon Estate in Blue Ridge, VA. The Division is a supernatural investigating team, working to locate and stop supernaturals that could potentially reveal all supernaturals to the human world through their criminal activity.
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March 5th, 2016



Plots and Dropboxes, oh my

Hey guys, I haven't forgotten anyone that I initially suggested throwing Raksha at. My laptop is kind of on its way to laptop heaven (or hell as the case may be) so been a little slow on getting things going with all the kids that Raksha knows or is supposed to meet. BUT I made a dropbox post which you can find here to continue planning from intro posts. Email is also fine, and AIM will be as well (trying to make sure I've added everyone who has it onto mine so y'all can see when I'm on). Long story short, feel free to poke me in the dropbox if we'd talked about Raksha knowing or meeting one of your kids so we can get stuff going :)

- Megh

(Raksha O'Dubhshlaine)

AIM - Rakshahmet
Email -



This is Holland, or Ester, it really depends on how old you area.

She's sort of precious. She's quite tiny, very 'happy' sarcastic, almost always in a good mood. She would really be the life of the party in the most pleasing and positive way possible if... she had't been dead since the 1300s?

Mini-Run Down
  • She has an incomplete timeline in her bio of the places where she was most prolific with her most well know aliases.
  • This is the longest she's stuck with one name, since, well - ever. Its actually outlasted her human name at this point. Though technically she was always known as a vampire by Ester, the name her sire gave her, but she hasn't gone by that regularly since she calmed down a bit in the mid-1800s. Anyone older than that (so angels, demons, two of our vamps) may know her by Ester.
  • She's been working for the Division for sorta kinda a really long time, though has flopped around a bit (the only place with a static timeline is Austin when she first joined up to work in HR before transferring to Denver and starting in Major Cases).
  • She has a habit of liking to play with things like they're games, but she promises its just all in good fun - she promises. Really. She doesn't kill people any more. Seriously. Not since the 60s. So boring now. The internet ruined everything.
  • She says "hmph" and "ohhh" a lot.
  • Was born a Lithuanian pagan/witch in the mid-1300s and became a vampire willingly.
  • Oh I should probably add... hunter families might have also been well aware of her so depending on how long said hunter's family has been in the business they might be aware of her existence as Ester, but not by her aliases.

    ALL THE THINGS here, aim, dropboxy whatever.
    <3 Tiny