Recent Entries

The Divide Out of Character Community


December 24th, 2009

friend button update!

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The friending button has been updated!  Don't forget to add everyone by clicking here!

November 13th, 2009

El Hombre AraƱa and other magical discoveries!

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Please to be sharing scary foreign dubs here.

September 26th, 2009

Oh my, it's time for some feedback!

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Now that we have a core cast and most of us are settled in (though of course we love new members and encourage you all to pimp your little hearts out), we'd like to offer all of our players a chance to give us feedback on the game- how we're doing as mods, things you enjoy, things you'd like changed and future plot points you'd like to see us develop. We'll be allowing anonymous commenting, all comments screened and have ip checking off, so feel free to tell us what you really think. If you'd like to get some response to your comments, let us know.
how's my driving? )

September 15th, 2009

Friend Button Update!

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The friend button in the mods journal is now up to date!  Please be sure to add everyone! :)
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