The Divide

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The Divide


February 12th, 2010

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Who: Belle Boudreaux and Johnny Storm
What: watching horror movies
Where: a classy hotel
When: October 31
Warnings: Johnny and Belle were essentially put on this earth to get laid as much as humanly possible

(630): He snuck into some random hotel's continental breakfast at 3 AM and then passed out on a bench in the lobby. When the cops found him they made him empty out his pockets. No phone, no ID just muffins. )

February 8th, 2010

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Who: Emma Frost and Bobby Drake
What: making sure he's comfortable
When: October 30
Where: the helicarrier
Warnings: none so far.

So in our children's lit class, some jackass little boy had gone thru the where's waldo book and circled waldo. I realize you would have been that kid. )

October 25th, 2009

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WHO: Matt Murdock/Daredevil
OPEN TO: Natasha Romanova/Black Widow
WHEN: August 24th, early morning.
WHERE: Natasha's apartment
WHAT:  Hey, so um...what the hell is going on?

October 24th, 2009

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Who: Bella Donna LeBeau
Open to: anyone
Where: Close to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art
What: drinking coffee, contemplating her latest job
When: August 28
Warnings: Belle does not speak English very well, so tag with a bilingual or patient pup

I'm only happy when it rains )

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WHO: Steve Rogers/Captain America
OPEN TO: Tony Stark/Iron Man
WHEN: August 24th
WHERE: SHIELD Helicarrier
WHAT: We are not plotting. Not plotting at all.

October 23rd, 2009

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WHO: Natasha Romanova/The Black Widow
OPEN TO: Anyone
WHEN: August 24th
WHERE: New York City
WHAT: Something's amiss.

Can you get jet-lag from dimension hopping?

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WHO: Tony Stark / Iron Man
OPEN TO: Maria Hill
WHEN: Morning, August 24th
WHERE: VIP Guest Quarters, SHIELD Helicarrier
WHAT: Hill checks in on the Director who isn't.

October 22nd, 2009

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WHO: Steve Rogers/Captain America
OPEN TO: Maria Hill
WHEN: August 24th
WHERE: SHIELD Helicarrier
WHAT: A nice little chat between friends.

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WHO: Pepper Potts
OPEN TO: Dick Grayson/Nightwing/Robin I, Tim Wayne/Robin, Mia Dearden/Speedy/Green Arrow, Frank Castle/Trevor Castle/The Punisher
WHEN: August 27
WHERE: Central Park Zoo
WHAT:  Much like dogs, little Robins need fresh air and sunshine, so Pepper decides to take Dick to the park.

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WHO: Maria Hill
OPEN TO: Harley Quinn
WHEN: August 25
WHAT: Another insane villain recruited for the Thunderbolts.
WHERE: SHIELD Helicarrier

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Who: Emma Frost
Open to: any and all
Where: New York
When: August 25
What: Shopping

Where am I, and why am I in my underwear? )

October 21st, 2009

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WHO: Barbara Gordon/Batgirl
OPEN TO: Robin/Tim Drake
WHEN: August 26
WHAT: Batgirl: Agent of SHIELD. And she's not happy about that.

At least she got out. )

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WHO: Barbara Gordon/Batgirl
OPEN TO: Maria Hill
WHEN: August 24
WHAT: Batgirl arrives.
WHERE: Helicarrier

This was not the Batcave. )

Born in a science lab late one night...

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WHO: Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman
OPEN TO: Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
WHEN: August 25th
WHERE: Near Doc Ock's lab
WHAT: A scared little clone escapes her space station prison and seeks any familiar face she can find.

October 20th, 2009

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Who: Domino
Open to: anyone at the Xavier Mansion
Where: The Xavier Mansion (tada!)
When: August 24th
Warnings: tba

Sometimes I wish I had telekinesis. )

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WHO: Pepper Potts
OPEN TO: Maria Hill, Dick Grayson
WHEN: August 23rd, early afternoon
WHERE: S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier
WHAT: The adventures of Pepper Potts, world's greatest babysitter...

October 19th, 2009

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WHO: Peter Parker/Spider-Man
OPEN TO: Any rebel types in the HQ
WHEN: August 23rd, early in the morning
WHAT: I am but a stranger in a strange land...



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WHO: Maria Hill
OPEN TO: Tony Stark / Iron Man
WHEN: Midnight August 23rd
WHERE: The Directors Office, SHIELD Helicarrier
WHAT: She'd always thought Tony Stark was one of a kind. Of course the man had to take it upon himself to go and prove her wrong.


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