The Divide

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The Divide


February 9th, 2010

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WHO: Rogue
OPEN TO:  Jean Grey/X-men
October 30, 2007
Puttering around NYC, looking for a decent costume.

February 4th, 2010

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WHO: Kurt Wagner
OPEN TO: X-men
WHEN: October 25th, afternoon
WHERE: X-Mansion
WHAT: The elf appears! Mostly, just wandering and seeing how people are.

February 3rd, 2010

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WHO: Jean Grey/Phoenix.
OPEN TO: Mystique.
WHEN: October 25th, morning.
WHERE: X-Mansion.
WHAT: You know, I'm not even sure. A "psychiatrist" doing a "study" on the discrepancies/similarities between mutant and human children's mentalities has made an "appointment" with Jean ... and ... yeah. Manipulation, insanity, and possible hilarity might ensue.

fancy meeting you here? )

January 29th, 2010

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WHO: Rogue
OPEN TO: Robert Drake/Iceman
WHEN: Late morning Oct. 21st
WHERE: The Xavier Institute/Robert's room
WHAT: Rogue's still trying to settle in and accept the changes.

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