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adding to the videos... [posted on January the 17th]

how cute is that omg.

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[posted on January the 16th]



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[posted on January the 15th]

hey guys. i was wondering if anyone had chords for brendon's song first try? i would adore you.

to make this more ~safe, uh, who's your favorite band member? mine's a tie between brendon and spencer.

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[posted on January the 14th]

[ mood | calm ]

pretty. gay. (spencer/jon interview) )

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[posted on January the 10th]
If you go to now, you will see... this little thing right here! and more fun stuff under the tag. )

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[posted on January the 9th]

new riddle!

yesterday it said P A T D, and today it says P E T D. no ideas here - but i'm excited for tomorrow! hopefully it's a video premier or they're releasing nine as a single.

any ideas?

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[posted on January the 5th]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | i'm so sick - flyleaf. ]

i bet most of you have noticed this already (since it happened a couple days ago), but if you go on p!atd's myspace, you'll get to hear a short, rough version of their newest song, we're so starving. it's somewhat mediocre in my opinion, but it's cute and i like it. :] they definitely need work in the lyrics department, though.

(by the way, anyone can update this asylum, not just me - so if there's any new info, feel free to update this. :])

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[posted on December the 18th]

[ mood | blah ]

panic! will be headlining the 2008 Honda Civic Tour, april 10 - june 14 2008.

i hope i'm able to go, or at least that they come here. the tour dates are unknown at the moment, though.


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[posted on December the 11th]

[ mood | excited ]

hey guys! woo, first official post, ftw.

so, apparently, panic! at the disco's new motif is white. if you haven't noticed, their website is totally blank. but, if you look at the source, it says something like Oh, hello. Glad you could make it.

also, their myspace has a white/grey scheme, and their default picture is - you guessed it - blank. hmm, what have we got here?

any ideas?

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[posted on December the 9th]

[ mood | excited ]

welcome to the offical and original community on IJ for PANIC! AT THE DISCO!

posts are friends locked, so please join.

there are a few simple rules we would like you to follow upon joining:
1. make random discussion posts rare. this community is mainly for news surrounding panic.
2. also make picture posts rare.
3. if you saw panic! live recently and want to tell us about it, make the post lengthy.
4. posts are moderated here. don't even think about spamming us.

thanks. :D

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