Saturday, May 1st, 2010

Group Two Plot

Plot: Brothers Reunited
Who: Lukaer Ledaal, Mathieu Ledaal, Puppy Garrett Edgewalker, Group Two
Where: Along the North Road as the brothers head east toward Denerim
When: 18 Molioris
Summary: Two brothers and a stray dog wolf search for the Wardens and find more than they expected.
Rating: T
Status: In progress
Another day, another failure. )
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Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Backscene :: Won't Go
Who: Any character in Denerim at the time of the seige.
When: The Seige of Denerim, 9:30
Where: Denerim
Summary: There is no courage under fiery skies, only those who refuse to be taken.
Rating: M for violence
Notes: This is an open thread, and as such, there is no posting order- you may post vignettes out of sequence. You may post as many or as few as you like.
O Maker, hear my cry: Guide me through the blackest nights )

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Saturday, March 6th, 2010

The One-Woman Halla Plushie Adoption Service

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Faer Arandil
Guest Starring: Halla Plushie
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Late Evening, 15 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon
Rating: Safe
Summary: After her shopping trip with Bethen and dinner with the usual gang, Deidre makes her way through the Keep in search of Merrill's former First.

(OOC: This is Thread 4 in a series of Post-Joining threads where Dee checks on certain people)


What impressed her the most was how the young elven woman who made it whittled a piece of wood to make the intricate arrangement of twisted horns that formed the creature's signature attribute. )
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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Group 2: Bandits!

Who: Cadi Seris, Wardens and companions in group 2
Where: the Bannorn
When: 9.45 Dragon; 18 Molioris
Summary: Cadi's desperately outnumbered. Fortunately, she's not the only one on the road that day.
Rating: T? for violence
The only thing left was to see how many of them she could take with her. )
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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

The Art of Gift Giving

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Bethen Avilla
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Afternoon, 15 Molioris, 9:45, after Alistair's briefings
Rating: PG-13 just in case
Status: In-Progress
Summary: Bethen stops by Deidre's quarters to ask for her assistance in getting Aurin a gift to take with him before the groups split up and head for different corners of Ferelden.

(OOC: This is Thread 3 in a series of Post-Joining threads where Dee checks on certain people)


It had only been a few hours since Alistair's briefing ended, and while she understood the parameters of the assignment, she was still in somewhat of a loss as to what a Broodmother actually was. )
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Conlan's post joining night Thread 6

Who: Conlan Delaine, Deidre "Dee" Aisli
When: 14 Molioris, 9:45. Afternoon.
Where: Vigil's Keep Library
Summary: Conlan tries writing something, Dee helps, perhaps they'll remember each other, perhaps not.
Rating: PS for Potentially Squishy

The names of the fallen )
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Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Character Narrative: 365 Days in Aeonar (Part Two)

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli
NPCs: Ser Casiah Castell, Ser Mark Abernathy, Sister Justine
Where: The Northern Fortress-Prison of Aeonar, in an undisclosed location in Ferelden
When: 9:42 Dragon; From 29th of Umbralis to 30th of Solis 9:43
Rating: Safe
Summary: Part 2 of Deidre's stay in Aeonar at twenty years of age. Encouraged to finish her book, the archaeologist uses her research to keep her mind intact under a period of near-continuous isolation from the outside world. Ser Jonathan Vardic is replaced by Ser Casiah Castell as commander of the fortress, who proves to be a much more amiable man than his predecessor.


She found herself drawing back from the edge her mattress, the curvature of her spine pressing against the cold surface of the stone wall behind her. The feeling that assailed her now wasn't just the sense that she was being watched, but rather something infinitely more disturbing. )
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Friday, February 26th, 2010

Character Narrative: 365 Days in Aeonar (Part One)

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli
NPCs: Ser Jonathan Vardic, Sister Justine
Where: The Northern Fortress-Prison of Aeonar, in an undisclosed location in Ferelden
When: 9:42 Dragon; From 27th of Solis to 14th of Parvulis
Rating: Safe

A Chantry investigation reveals that Deidre has withheld information from her superiors, namely encountering the Keeper's First, Faer Arandil, in the Brecilian Forest and not reporting his whereabouts to the templars. She is suspended from Chantry expeditions for a year. For 365 days, her usual haunts are bereft of her presence, most of those close to her unaware as to where she had gone.

Some say her official sentence was too light, her punishment too lenient.

The followers of Andraste, however, are not so forgiving when one is suspected of being an apostate-sympathizer.


Regardless of the careful arrangement of patrician lines that made up his face, enough to give him the look that most aristocrats favored, dressing him in anything other than what he wore now would not have been enough to hide what he was. )
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Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Survival of the Luckiest

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Jaden Tahal
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Midday, 14 Molioris, 9:45, after The Joining
Rating: PG-13 just in case
Summary: Deidre wakes from her nap and proceeds to hunt down past acquaintances who may or may not have survived the Joining.

(OOC: This is Thread 2 in a series of Post-Joining threads where Dee checks on certain people)


Word of the dead was going to come out soon, if it had not already while she was asleep. )
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Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Confrontations, Revelations, and the Wrong Way to Eavesdrop

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Alderic Thearre, Aurin Demarc (Later)
Where: The Local Chantry, Amaranthine
When: Dawn, 14 Molioris, 9:45, after The Joining
Rating: PG-13 just in case
Status: In-Progress
Summary: Deidre confronts Alderic about his decision to become a Grey Warden, but certainly not for the reasons most expect. What promises to be an argument dies in favor of something infinitely more serious.

(OOC: This is Thread 1 in a series of Post-Joining threads where Dee checks on certain people)


It was the longest they have ever been in the same place without speaking, but at the time, the complete and utter silence meant everything. )
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Sunday, February 21st, 2010

The Great Midnight Larder Raid of 45

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Imenry Barras
Guest Starring: Dustbin
Where: Larder, Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Midnight, 12 Molioris, 9:45, a day before The Joining
Rating: PG-13 just in case
Summary: Deidre craves a sandwich. Shenanigans occur. She gets caught engaging in said shenanigans.


The sudden sound of hardened clay crashing onto the ground brutally invaded her senses, along with something frantic and furry flying out of the darkness and latching onto her face. )
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Saturday, February 20th, 2010

The Downside of Anger

Who: Aurin Demarc, Deidre "Dee" Aisli
Where: Practice Hall, Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Evening, 13 Molioris, 9:45, concurrent of The Joining and Waiting
Rating: PG-13 just in case
Summary: For once, Deidre was not laughing.


Deidre had never, ever, been so furious with him in her entire life. )
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Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Who: Savio Corleoni, Signy Dagna, Deidre Aisli, Ordhan Wyland, Anyone else who shows up.
NPCs: Unnamed (for now) Culture Hound
When: 9:45, the day before the Joining
Where: Amaranthine
What: People talk in the dining room in the presence of poor soup and a yappy dog.
Rating: Currently PG.

A Heartwarming Story of an Assassin and his Dog... And some other people. )
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Friday, February 12th, 2010

Amaranthine Arrival Thread: Where Our Travels Take Us

One of the many arrival threads.

: Imenry Barras, Signy Dagna, Falina Bjyr, Cormac Murrough,Ordhan Wyland, Jaden Tahal, Conlan Delaine, Ashya Devar, Any people who wish to jump in!(Seriously)
Where: Amaranthine
When: 9:45  Current Date
Summary: As part of the party that has just arrived at Amaranthine, these travelers are weary, some are overwhelmed, and all are in a place they have never been. Will they be made welcome, or perhaps find some familiar faces among the crowded halls?
Rating: Should be fine for all
Status: In Progress

They'd been traveling for hours... )
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Friday, January 29th, 2010

New Arrivals

Who: Aurin Demarc, Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Alderic Thearre, Noah Durand, Constans Ledaal, Bethen Avilla, Desiderio Ledaal, Ashya Devar, Thais Keigwin, Conlan Delaine, Ordhan Wyland, Hilda Aelricsdottr, Hissra, Karashok and others that will be added when they post
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: 9:45 Dragon; Summerday
Rating: PG-13 just in case
Status: In-Progress
Summary: The trek through the Bannorn takes a motley crew of mages, templars, and one adventuress to Amaranthine, a small, coastal town north of Ferelden that is busy with its Summerday preparations.


At the very end of the main thoroughfare, Vigil's Keep loomed over its surrounding buildings -- a dour and heavily fortified construct made of mortar and stone which stood in cold defiance of the neighboring revelry )
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Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Character Narrative: Letting Go

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Ser Andreus Vance (NPC), Sister Justine (NPC), assorted other Chantry people who don't really matter
Where: The Chantry's Complex at Denerim, Capital City of Ferelden
When: 9:44 Dragon; 21 Molioris
Summary: A brief stop at Denerim from her travels yields an unexpected outcome when Deidre visits Ser Andreus Vance (briefly featured in this narrative) in the Chantry's infirmary.
Rating: D (for Depressing)

Warning: This narrative contains references to drug (lyrium) addiction and what it yields isn't pretty. I hope it doesn't strike too close to home to any of you but if it does, please skip.


It had been twelve years since he rescued her from the horde's attack and despite the passage of time, her girlish adoration for him hadn't waned or diminished in the slightest. )
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Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

backscene: Nights in Antiva

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Savio Corleoni
Where: Antiva City, Capital of Antiva
When: 9:40 Dragon; Ferventis (Late Summer)
Rating: PG-13 just in case
Status: Complete

Newly indoctrinated in an ancient order of assassins and spies, Savio Corleoni receives his first contract; to kill a person of interest at the behest of a powerful organization in Thedas. Young and with much to prove, unforeseen circumstances have rendered the kill a little more conspicuous than he prefers.


Four years into a promising career as a scholar and archaeologist, Deidre Aisli is sent to Antiva to investigate a curious matter involving documents that purport to reveal Andraste's true heritage. However, before she could ingratiate herself to the possessor, he and a friend are mysteriously killed. She tails the suspected culprit through Antiva's maze-like back alleys in an encounter that may very well end in a way she does not expect.


Antiva was notoriously cutthroat in contrast with some of the other countries she had visited. )
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Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Scene: Crossroads

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Alderic Thearre, Aurin Demarc, Bethen Avilla, Ashya Devar, Thais Keigwin, Noah Durand and others from Alderic's party group should they wish to join in
Where: Somewhere in the Bannorn, on the way to Amaranthine
When: 9:45 Dragon; Eluviesta (Early Spring)
Summary: A detour over the wilder areas of the Bannorn takes Deidre on an interception course with her past and future.
Rating: PG-13 just in case


It looked like a simple, one-person camp. )
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Backscene: The Heaven Below

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Faer Arandil
Where: Somewhere in the Brecilian Forest
When: 9:42 Dragon; Ferventis (Midsummer)
Summary: A sudden onslaught of current launches Deidre Aisli and Faer Arandil out of a tunnel and into a river after discovering a hidden stone chamber full of Shiny Things. Picking their way back to the Dalish camp, they run into a few more troubles... because it wouldn't be an excursion without them.
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Status: Complete

Who has not found the heaven below
Will fail of it above.
-- Emily Dickinson


It was uncertain as to how they ended up the way they did. )
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Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Backscene: Lost in the Frostbacks

Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli, Thren Canondais
Where: Somewhere in the Frostback Mountains
When: 9:40 Dragon; Nubulis (Early Spring)
Summary: Inclement weather catches an inexperienced and unaware Thren Canondais as he tries to find Orzammar in order to return his father's ashes. Upon his collapse and on the verge of death, the Maker decides to send him a Good Samaritan who saves him in a very... unusual way.
Rating: N. For Naked. But not that kind of naked.



Nearing the cave mouth, she almost missed the body. )
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