Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Narrative: A Defining Evening

Who: Eresir Ilestel
NPC: Verin, Ifny Alor
Where: Dairsmuid
When: 9:38 Dragon
Summary: A younger Eresir shows potential to become an assassin.
Rating: T. NSFW.
Status: Complete

Eresir was not content with guessing. He had a plan. )
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Friday, February 19th, 2010

Who: Nerys Ronain, Russil Flann (NPC)
Where: Castle Redcliffe, knight quarters
When: Evening, Mid Eluviesta, 9:45
Summary: On the night that Ser Russil Flann leaves for Amaranthine, Nerys comes around to say her awkward farewell.
Rating: K
You're terrible at goodbyes. )
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Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

narrative: will there be a tomorrow?

Who: Dolain.
Where: Denerim Alienage.
When: 9:30 During the attack on the Alienage.
Summary: Young 11-year-old Dolain fends off darkspawn all alone.
Rating: PG [violence]
He didn‘t want to die… )
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Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Narrative: Find the Will to Carry On

Who: Seda Utheriel
NPC: Unnamed Man, Kosta Rance, Henrik Niel
Where: South Reach
When: 9:40 Dragon | Umbralis
Summary: The results of a special solo mission assigned to Seda.
Rating: T/M
Status: Complete

Inside my heart is breaking, But my smile, still, stays on )
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Narrative: The Cursed Child

The Cursed Child

Who: Hissra, Unnamed Qunari Child
When: 9:10
Where: The House of Learning, Par Vollen
Summary: A routine spar with a classmate shatters the dreams of a young boy
Rating: Fine for all

It was all an illusion... )
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Saturday, February 13th, 2010

part three: No More

Who: Thais Keigwin, Senior Enchanter Orestes
Where: The Circle Tower
When: Ferventis 9:42
Summary: Thais tries to end her relation with Orestes.
Rating: MX - Mature sexual themes.
Warning: Contains thematic depiction of sexual assault. For those that cannot read, the gist of the narrative is that Thais and Orestes’ relationship ends violently and abruptly.
Part Three of Five

I don't want to crawl no more... )
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Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Narrative: Eyes Shut

Who:  Ordhan Wyland
When:  Dragon 9:26
Where:  Denerim
Summary:  A young guard learns the solace of apathy.
Rating:  PG-13 for violence, sensuality

You need to learn when to keep your eyes open and when to keep them shut. It'll save your skin someday. )
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Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Who: Jaden Tahal, various family members (NPC)
When: 9:45
Where: The Dalish camp in the Brecilian Forest
Summary: After a run-in with the Templars, Jaden prepares to leave his home and family behind. His father shows up to give him a parting gift.
Rating: PG

This was a lot harder than Jaden had ever thought it would be.  )
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Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

Narrative: A Twist of Fate

A Twist of Fate

Who: Imenry Barras, Unknown Healer/Mage
When: 9:42, moments after The Lowlanders
Where: A shack in the plains not far from the base of the Gammordan Peaks
Summary: She should have died, but someone came along and saved her life.
Rating: Should be fine for all

She could have been laying in the snow for minutes... )
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part two: Don't Think

Who: Thais Keigwin, Senior Enchanter Orestes, Senior Enchanter Athanael.
Where: Circle Tower
When: Eluviesta 9:42
Summary: Orestes and Thais share an evening together. Thais and Athanael share the morning afterwards together.
Rating: M for Mature themes
Part Two of Five
Don't Think about All those Things you Feel... )
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Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Narrative: The Importance of Shapeshifters

Who: Faer Arandil
NPCs: Merrill Irisor, a bucket
When: Pluitanis, 9:27 Dragon
Where: Somewhere in the Brecilian Forest
Summary: Faer Arandil discovers the magic of shapeshifting.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Notes: Dedicated especially to [info]utheriel. An excerpt goes to [info]azabeth and [info]lalin's banter thread. Also, prepare for wall of text. EDIT (IMPORTANT!!): Due to the specialization feature of the game, Faer is now a Keeper instead of a shapeshifter, this spell that he learned changed to a mere test spell from his Keeper to see if he was adept enough in naturalistic magic for the Keeper specialization.

Faer Arandil is ten today and, apparently, specializations were on the agenda for his lesson. )
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Character Narrative: Bonds of Blood

Who: Viara Tremaine, Alerrin Abelan (her future first mate, NPC)
Where: The Denerim Alienage, and then a seedy Denerim tavern
When: 9:40 Dragon,  15 Vermensis
Summary: Viara meets a man who has nothing to lose, but still gives her what he has left. In return, she gives him a reason.
Rating: V for Violence, A for Angst, S for sadness (overall rating: T)

There was blood on his hands... )
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Who: Bethen Avilla
Where: Circle Tower
When: 9:30 Dragon; a week before the insurgency, the day of, and days later.
Summary: Young Bethen gets into a fight with a mean girl. Her wish comes true. Then she regrets it.
Rating: M. (Violence. Morbidity. Angst.)

She couldn't make any of it stop. )
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Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Challenge Narrative: Roots

Who: Conlan Delaine, Some roots
Where: Amaranthine Market
When: Present
Summary: Conlan shops for roots
Rating: N for Narrative

Imenry challegned me. Never challenge me unless you're prepared for the results. )
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Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

narrative: once in a lifetime

Who: Quintus Wulfric
Where: Ferelden, near Gwaren.
When: 9:20
Summary: A young (26 y.o.) Quintus loses the symbols of his elven pride.
Rating: M for mature.
No rain can wash away my tears… )
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Monday, February 1st, 2010


Narrative: Il s'est Évadé
Who: Raelias Lóravarnion
When: 9:39, dusk.
Where: Val Royeaux
Summary: Recount of Raelias' escape from execution.
Rating: Maybe T for violence?



The air was chilled this evening, but still somehow managed to retain its thickness; stifling and numbing all the same. )


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Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Who: Israa Nilas
NPCs: Felip Nilas & Gramma Perikins
When: 9:28 Solis
Where: The Perikins home near the Waking Sea Bannorn
What: Israa is waiting for her history lesson with her father.
Rating: K

She'll serve her lady, not some band of assassins from the north. Unless the Bann is in need of assassins, of course. )
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Part One: Secret

Who: Thais Keigwin and Senior Enchanter Orestes
Where: Circle Tower [of course]
When: 9:41 Parvulis
Summary: Thais gets closer to Senior Enchanter Orestes in a most peculiar way.
Rating: X [sexy tiemz, bondage, stares, etc]
Part One of Five

Everybody Wants to Have a Secret )
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Narrative: The Lowlanders

Who: Imenry Barras, 5 Horrible Attackers
Where: The base of the Gammordan Peaks
When: 9:42, 11 Umbralis
Summary: Having recently left home, not dealing with the deaths of her parents, Imenry is ambushed in her sleep. It does not go well for her, or her attackers.
Rating: M for Violence. Very... violent.

She made camp... )
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Friday, January 29th, 2010

Narrative: The Exile

Who:  Ordhan Wyland
NPCs:  Nathaniel Wyland, Ser Greylon
Where:  The Wyland estate at Castle Denever
When:  9:12 (Part 1); 9:25 (Part 2)
  Ordhan manages to keep from being underfoot for sixteen years.

That had not been the last day Nathaniel was given leave of his lessons, nor the was the next, nor the next. )
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