Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Filtered to People Who Understand/Are Supernatural | Against Cara

Please explain things to me. I want to know what I don't know. What I should be afraid of. What I should know is okay. And everything in between & outside the box. Educate me? Please?
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I hate this place. I want to go home.
Je n'ai jamais senti aussi seul.
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Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

Though fire is good for this, it is dangerous, yes? I can bind and it can not spread when it is bind bound. It is... c'est temporaire but it can last at night to sleep without worry.

Do you any of you need it?

[Filter to friends*]
Sont vous tous faisant approuve ? Je sais que cela semble bête avec tout ce temps étrange, mais s'il y a n'importe quoi je peux faire, s'il vous plaît me permettre de savoir.

Are you well? If I can do anything for you to help, ask, yes?

[*Priestly, Seb H., Zania, Kirk, Ariana]
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Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

[Filtered to Riley, Maria, Priestly, and Sebastian]

Hey lovelies~ How are you holding up on the water? Rations look good, but I wanted to check in.

[Filtered to Elena]

Do vampires get dehydrated? I have some water if you need it.
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Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

Je l'ai trouvé! J'ai trouvé mon livre! I want to give thanks to you that helped me.
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Friday, March 1st, 2013

blood in water bottles

Who: Zania and Rosalie
Where: 1st Floor, empty paintings room
When: Evening
Warnings: None
Status: In Progress

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like a prostitute in church

Who: Zania and Riley
Where: The Pool
When: Mid-morning
Warnings: None
Status: Complete!

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Thursday, February 28th, 2013

[Sebastian & Priestly]

I have water if you need it.
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[Filtered to any medical personnel or scientists]

I have some packs of animal blood that I need to attempt to replicate somehow. Is there anyone here who may have the skills or equipment to attempt to do so?

[Emmett, Elena, Damon]

I have found someone who, through magic, will be able to extend the animal blood supply.
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Monday, February 25th, 2013


I want not to still sit around. May it be good if we put our minds to something. My book may be able to help him.

Have any of you all seen a book that is unable to be open?
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Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

That was... different.


I'm so sorry. I have no idea what got into me.

[Damon and Rosalie]

What do you guys do for blood here? Now that I'm not fiending after Peeta like a crack addict.
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...Oh god.


...It wore off. I'm s I don I


Did it just...stop for you, as well? Please say y
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Saturday, February 16th, 2013

I just got thrown out of a bar...for my appearance? Am I going to be ostracised by everybody
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Friday, February 15th, 2013

I'm starting to think I may have watched Jeremy play Mario Kart one too many times. Either that or Stefan and Damon left out a lot of stuff about being a vampire.
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Thursday, February 14th, 2013

Has anyone seen Andy? I haven't heard from him since I got back and I'm worried.

Does anyone want company, for that matter? I hate this holiday
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Monday, February 11th, 2013

Where am I? Is this heaven?
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Friday, February 1st, 2013



[2 minutes and 30 seconds later a bomb explodes in the large bedroom on the 4th floor, East Wing. Zania and Miles are down.]
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Oh God... We tried to leave the room to go find help and now the timer's moving faster!

[OOC note: 21 hours left]

I'm scared. I'm really, really scared. Will you miss me when I'm gone? I don't think anyone else will notice.

I think I found something that scares me more than vampires.
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Thursday, January 31st, 2013

Boom goes the dynamite!

Who: Zania and Miles
Where: Fourth floor, large bedroom, East Wing
When: Around 10pm
Why: Bomb!
Rating: R maybe?

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Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

Karma House, you take a back seat, you're not invited, okay? Cool.

Nostradamus 2.0 AKA Ashley Whitman strongly urges all people to grab some shit, grab some friends and sit the fuck down for a while.

There's a storm of crazy House karma blowing in from "Fuck us Town" and we're going to have to be smart about this, says the crazy man.

More at 11.

BREAKING NEWS. I'm making a list. Tell me why you mad/where you are/who you're with.

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