Friday, July 12th, 2013

Filtered to Peter

I want us to go to Mako for the night tonight... You in? Because I think tonight's the night. I'm ready if you are
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Hey, I know we haven't talked in a coon's age, but how are you? Mermaids have treasures sometimes, right? Any chance you could cut me in somehow? I really need it.


So your paintings are worth like thousands on eBay. You're good with me trying to sell at least a couple, right?
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You know what? This is a royal fuck you to everybody here who thinks they can be our buds one minute and then flounce the next minute.

PSA: WE ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING BODYGUARDS FOR HIRE. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING I WANT. FUCK OFF. Like, I could point to about fifty people here who want to just use us like a condom and throw us away later. How about fuck you, get your own goddamn protection if you're that afraid of the people you piss off intentionally. This ain't New York and I don't have any obligation to save your ass. Hey, if you wanted a free fucking bodyguard maybe you shoulda talked to me more often when your life wasn't in danger.


Not directed at you.
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Thursday, July 11th, 2013

I don't like the view out my window any more. Is there anyone with a better view? I bet there is. I bet some of you can see the beach.

Where are you?
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Can I see everyone's pictures?
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Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Out Loud

[The sudden sound of children crying agitates him in a way he's not known in a long time. He remains quiet for a while, though he does not hide the vaguely pained look on his face. To Lynne, softly.] Do you hear that as well?
(32 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Guess this place can bring back the fucking dead, huh?

[Filtered to mermaid chick, sorry, I forgot your name]

Hey, I'm heading to the beach tomorrow morning; care to join me?
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Friday, June 28th, 2013


I must apologise that I have been silent since my return. My reasoning was entirely selfish, and for that, I am sorry.
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Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Filtered to anyone with superhuman abilities*

[*Or anyone in possession of particularly powerful technology. Sans Sylar and any of his allies.]
The man being referred to as Sylar is supposed to be some kind of an ability thief. He kills in order to steal the superhuman abilities of others. Given the threats that he's made, I think it's important that anyone with an ability out of the ordinary stays with a group for their own safety, and for the safety of the house as a whole. We don't want anyone to die and we don't want him to get any stronger. If you would prefer to stay out of the limelight, that's understandable, but if might help if we have a role call of everyone with abilities.

[Sherlock Holmes]
I know you're a genius, but how is your mind when it comes to strategizing?
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Filtered against Sylar and his allies, potential or confirmed.

I have been observing. I have tried to keep quiet, but the network seems to be on the same page; there is no point to continue my silence on the matter. Father, I apologise for any potential disrespect you may interpret.

It is bad enough that this house feels fit to alternately torture and pamper us so as to slow our abilities to become desensitized. It is unacceptable that it has found fit to leave us in the company of a man who would threaten the lives of humans, and youthful ones, from what I have read, at that.

Those of us with the strength and ability to go into action must do so; we cannot allow the general human populace to live in further fear than the house already dictates they must. We should be ashamed that we have not had this conversation already. How long has this man been in this house, biding his time? I was unaware of his presence until now; how many others of us have been, as well?

I refuse to continue to sit back and feign ignorance to the threat posed upon the Midgardians. Who is with me, or do I stand alone?
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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

[John Harrison]
[ooc: after she gets James taken care of and asleep!]

As the others who were believed terminated were apparently in the basement, and your name isn't on the deceased list...I'm going to assume you've returned.

[Tony, Lynne, and Rikki]

I'm so sorry for your losses.


I hate this place.
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Jared? Elise?


Loki asked me to tell you something before he....

He wanted you to know that he'll always love you and he'll always be there even after the last star has died.


Loki asked me to tell you something before it happened.

He wanted you to know that he'll always love you and he'll always be there even after the last star has died.
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Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Accidental Voice Post

...I'm so tired...
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013


[ooc: this was posted not long after this, early in the morning, but I forgot. shhh.]

I want everyone to know Mako Island and the Room of Requirement are danger zones all day because of the full moon. Stay away from them until I can be sure the supermoon has passed. Yes, the supermoon is a real thing.
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Voice Post, filtered to George; open to Peter

[ooc: sent around two in the morning]

Wake up, mate. We gotta go to Mako...I have to be back and stuck to the floor in an hour to be on the safe side. I Googled...they're calling it a supermooon...

[She sends him another separate text-based message with the same filter, containing this link]

Meet you on the beach in ten minutes.
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Did anything important happen in our week of absence?

How are you faring?
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Thursday, June 20th, 2013


Did you want to go out to the beach?
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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Where the hell is my sister?

Mess with me all you want, I don't care but if whoever took her so much as touches a hair on her, you're dead.
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[What starts as random flashes of lightning outside on the west end of the house (the higher the room number, the further west they are) quickly escalates to all the electricity on the fourth floor completely going out and the rest of the house's electricity fritzing (lights flickering, TVs going in and out, etc)]

[Out Loud to Peter]

...oops...well...that didn't go as planned. What's the likelihood it's just our lights I put out?
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Saturday, June 15th, 2013

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