Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Filtered to Bones

Bones, I think I'm dying. Do you have a hypo for that?
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So much better after a shower and some food.

Dr. Owens, Dr. Collins, thank you for everything.

I'm prettier than Spock, right? Of course I am; I just want to hear you say it

[added a little later]

Jim's, like, trying to collect a horde of women and randomly Spock. If you want to keep your relationship with Spock on track, you might wanna put a leash on that, you know what I mean?

You should learn to filter. Everybody sees what you're doing and it's kind of pathet sad.
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[After taking his card, Cian is now officially a proper dragon and is collecting a hoard. Again. Feel free to notice any of your jewels missing ;) Anything made of a precious metal in the common rooms/kitchens is also probably gone and in a huge pile in Cian's room]

Any virgins out there?
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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

No rest for the tired, is there?

Are you still here?
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Monday, June 10th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four

Special Note: NPC journal for playing Chekov and Scotty, if wanted/needed:
[info]darkhousenpc | p@ssword1!
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Thursday, June 6th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four
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Jim and Spock

[After the baby's born and he finds out the two of them fucked off.]

I'll admit, I didn't notice you leave, but before you get yourselves into bigger trouble, you might want to reconsider your gallivanting and get back here.


You think you can do me a little favor?
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Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Out Loud to Caitlin

*Open to bb!Spock, bb!Jim, and Bones

[After the baby has been born and everything has calmed down a bit, Jennsen peeks her head out from inside the bathroom.]

Is everything all right? May I come out?
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Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

Out Loud to Bones

[ooc: apparently the house has decided tonight's the night for all the awkward, soooo with Emily-mun's blessing, here, have another woman going into labor. For all intents and purposes, we're assuming they've shunned the little littles to the bathroom — if that's not okay, let us know, but we kinda figured Caiti wouldn't really want bb!Jim, bb!Spock, and bb!Jennsen witnessing the miracle of life via her friggen hoohah so...]

[Caiti's been pacing the room, because she thinks it might be time. Periodically, she's been pausing to grab at random pieces of furniture and stick out a contraction with grunts and curses under her breath.]

Bones...should they be this consistent...? I don't feel like they're supposed to be this consistent if they're just BH... I'm sort of worried that—

[She stops when she feels her water break. Or at least she thinks so, because it's not much.]

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Friday, May 31st, 2013

I...appear to be stuck. I went through a door that appeared to lead to a simulation of...Vulcan, and then...I do not know where I am now.
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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Filtered to Bones

Uh...Houston, we have a problem...

[Out loud to Spock & Jennsen shortly thereafter, thinking better of being around when Bones inevitably has to drag back Jim probably kicking and screaming.]

Hey, let's go up to the Room of Requirement, you can teach me how to play Chess.

[ooc: wasn't sure what Jennsen was doing so please to be pretending she was included in this the whole time? kthanxbai]
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This is awesome! What's this thing?! Is this the Can we go on the rides and stuff? Or will we get in trouble?
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Monday, May 27th, 2013

House Guests,

Would you like to play a game? We would.

We need ten team leaders; comment directly to us below to volunteer. The team leaders have been chosen and are listed below. You may not choose your team; your team may choose you by commenting below your post to us in order to join you. Each team may have no more than fifteen members.

You may ask questions by commenting below, but you may or may not receive an answer. Do so at your own risk — there is a consequence, after all; nothing comes for free.

Good luck,
The Powers That Be

PS, we have decided to help you along a bit. Below, we've listed current stats and will continue to update as needed.
Current Leaders
  • Katniss Everdeen — (7 team members)
  • Primrose Everdeen — (6 team members)
  • Tony Stark — (13 team members)
  • Serendipity Atkinson — (5 team members)
  • James Rogers — (8 team members)
  • Benjamin Braeden — (5 team members)
  • Riley Pollard — (10 team members)
  • Faith Lehane — (5 team member)
  • Katherine Jacobs — (9 team members)
  • James T. Kirk — (8 team members)

[OOC Mod Note: Temp characters need not apply and will be overlooked as potential team leaders. All characters must respond either as a team leader or to join a team, otherwise their teams will be chosen for them.]
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Sunday, May 26th, 2013

Out Loud to Jim & Bones


[ooc: shhh it totally said Bones the whole time]
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Saturday, May 25th, 2013

In Person

[After Bones has gone to go meet up with Jared, Caiti has started nesting again, making and remaking the bed. She stops mid-movement and winces, hissing and putting a hand on her stomach while the other hand fists the comforter as she tries to ride out a Braxton Hicks contraction.]
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Filtered to Bones

Hey man, I got an injury in the padded room. I don't have any supplies, though. Can you hook a guy up?
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Friday, May 24th, 2013

So. flipping. tired.
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Okay, so...all right, I'm curious. Role call, who's still here that I knew before? Oh, for what it's worth, I don't know if there's still magic healers around or whatever, or if Doc Bones is still floating around, but if not, believe it or not, I'm a doctor a pediatrician, really, but whatever these days so...just throwing that out there.

[Brosef, if you're still here]
Hey man, look at me being all age appropriate to be bff, now! Missed you, boo.
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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

[info]bwaybabymama, no...oh, no, no, no, I can't be here right now. FRICK! No, not like this, not right now, I thought I served my t
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Friday, May 17th, 2013

In case of a medical emergency, anyone with the power to teleport or something like it interested in helping me get to people?
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