Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

...wait, whoa, what...?! Dude on the ceiling...another in a huge aquarium and why are th Okay one, kids. There'll be kids running around in the halls. Boys. Blonde. And I think, um...babies. In cribs. Not the creepy dead ones we already know about, though, what the hell am I even seeing right now? ...fucking...really?! Fuck me, this migraine, I'm gonna thr
(24 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Filtered to anyone with superhuman abilities*

[*Or anyone in possession of particularly powerful technology. Sans Sylar and any of his allies.]
The man being referred to as Sylar is supposed to be some kind of an ability thief. He kills in order to steal the superhuman abilities of others. Given the threats that he's made, I think it's important that anyone with an ability out of the ordinary stays with a group for their own safety, and for the safety of the house as a whole. We don't want anyone to die and we don't want him to get any stronger. If you would prefer to stay out of the limelight, that's understandable, but if might help if we have a role call of everyone with abilities.

[Sherlock Holmes]
I know you're a genius, but how is your mind when it comes to strategizing?
(96 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Filtered against Jared, Elise, and the guy who was screaming on the comms before

Um...please don't shoot the messenger, but I was just thinking and...wasn't the last time that many people were terminated back after all those people died in Silent Hill...? Except they said they were all at the house while we were at the resort...none of them really got to go home, did they...?

[Kevin] think your brother's okay? I'm trying to check in with Elise. I don't know if she'll answer me, but...

I'm really sorry about your mom. I know that feeling. Having your mom taken away, I mean...if you wanna (or need to) talk about it...I'm a good listener and it'll stay between us. I don't want you hesitating because you're thinking I'm just gonna run off at the mouth to Kevin just because
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013



So, apparently in some world Kevin's face has some weird facial hair.

And Jared is gross and has some strange greasy curl. And somehow they still manage to be semi-attractive, at least?

Thought I'd try and cheer you up and see if you're still up for the lessons we talked about?

[Filtered to Jared (Open to re-direct even to multiples)]

I think you're rubbing off on me on this whole internet and people thing.

[Message incorrect. Changes made.]

I think you were rubbing on me on the internet.

[/Message sent]

That's not what I said! Please don't do that, I don't like this!

[Message failed. Message reformatted.]

I don't like you or what you said.
(43 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, June 16th, 2013


I'm gonna go down to the beach for a while. I just looked at the calend I need a minute t It's just this is the first Father's Day that I've been alive...and not with my d I need some fresh air.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

I don't know what the hell that was, but last week I found myself in some bizarre realm. There were all these sexy shark ladies, and occultic mice, and it was so awesome, but weird.

Anyone up for a little game of truth or dare?


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Okay, really?! Come on. Dying really starts to lose its luster if you just keep coming back to life, you know...Jesus.

You okay...?
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Monday, June 10th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, June 7th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four
(45 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four
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Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Well this is an unusual turn of events. I find myself in a strange house instead of regeneratingdying. I am not sure what to make of this place but I guess there is a first time for everything. I like exploring new places though this places seems a bit odd. Oh well I guess if I am stuck here, I might as well see what I can find here.

Anything about this place I need to know about, or should I just find out for myself?
(27 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

out loud to Kevin and Kim

[Emily's been in the corner silently timing her contractions and getting visibly nervous but hasn't said anything. Suddenly she yelps and jumps to her feet. She stands there for a moment fluttering her hands and working her mouth uselessly for a second before managing to get any words out.]

I think...I need...I mean...broke...Kevin!

[She points to a small puddle at her feet then covers her mouth with her hands]
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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Filtered against kids and TPTB, assuming that's possible

This week fucking sucks. I want God, I hate this house. Anyone else wondering when the other shoe's gonna drop with this 'game' or whatever?
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Monday, May 27th, 2013

House Guests,

Would you like to play a game? We would.

We need ten team leaders; comment directly to us below to volunteer. The team leaders have been chosen and are listed below. You may not choose your team; your team may choose you by commenting below your post to us in order to join you. Each team may have no more than fifteen members.

You may ask questions by commenting below, but you may or may not receive an answer. Do so at your own risk — there is a consequence, after all; nothing comes for free.

Good luck,
The Powers That Be

PS, we have decided to help you along a bit. Below, we've listed current stats and will continue to update as needed.
Current Leaders
  • Katniss Everdeen — (7 team members)
  • Primrose Everdeen — (6 team members)
  • Tony Stark — (13 team members)
  • Serendipity Atkinson — (5 team members)
  • James Rogers — (8 team members)
  • Benjamin Braeden — (5 team members)
  • Riley Pollard — (10 team members)
  • Faith Lehane — (5 team member)
  • Katherine Jacobs — (9 team members)
  • James T. Kirk — (8 team members)

[OOC Mod Note: Temp characters need not apply and will be overlooked as potential team leaders. All characters must respond either as a team leader or to join a team, otherwise their teams will be chosen for them.]
(365 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, May 26th, 2013

No children (Especially tiny Katniss)

This house is huge, I don't have a clue how everyone even knows where things are.

So, um, I'm Prim. From what my brother-in-law says I've been here before, but I don't remember ever being here. How many of you do I know?


How long have you been here? And are things always this....crazy? How old was I when I was here? I have a ton of questions
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Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

...seriously, what the hell is going on?
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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

Hey, house, I get that you're probably not a Science Bros shipper, but I'm gonna tell you that I am and I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me find my science bro, okay?

Don't tag your hate, geez.

Who the hell showed me Tumblr? Because I hate you. I also love you. It's a great time waster, but when you start speaking the teenage lingo of a website it's probably a good time to stop. At least I don't sound like I'm from the 80s, I suppose.
(86 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 16th, 2013


I think I'm somewhere on the third floor, not that I can really tell. Where did you end up? I'll try to come find you.
(13 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013


How do I even
How are you feeling, Kim?
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, May 11th, 2013

I hate this place.
(103 comments | Leave a comment)
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