Thursday, July 11th, 2013

[After taking his card, Cian is now officially a proper dragon and is collecting a hoard. Again. Feel free to notice any of your jewels missing ;) Anything made of a precious metal in the common rooms/kitchens is also probably gone and in a huge pile in Cian's room]

Any virgins out there?
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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Private Thought Speak Directed at Will Collins, Elle Bishop, and Princess Bubblegum

[After choosing his card]

<I've been thinking. You guys were awfully quick to take a life. Hardly even took the time to consider, even if I did volunteer. And Will, you didn't even argue! The more I think about it, the more I think you three don't deserve to live either. You're a bunch of stinking cowards. I'll be fair about it, though. I'm giving you this warning. Why don't we play a little game of cat and mouse? On your marks, get set, go!>

[Later, Thought Speak Broadcast to the entire house]

<Someone here has to be behind keeping us all here, you know. Once I've dealt with my personal problems, I'm going to deal with whoever that is. Animals can sense emotions, you know, and that includes a little thing like guilt. You can run, but you can't hide! Running won't help much anyway. No one's outrunning the actual king of the jungle, and hey, if you think you can, know I've got a cheetah too!>
(21 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

In Person

Emmy? Are you hiding? I'm starting to get worried.
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

...Something is NOT right here. What the fuck?
(10 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Filtered to Jake

[info]rebellion_e it true...? The Archangel said you're alive...?
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Filtered away from Sylar, and friends of his

I only to wish to alarm some of you a little. I volunteered to die instead of Sylar, believing him to be a threat to the decision makers if I did not. Can anyone tell me if he was chosen to die?
(46 comments | Leave a comment)

In Person, a few minutes after Mitchell's post

[Emmy makes her way back up to the sixth floor, swimming in Mitchell's shirt, hair matted and knotted, greasy with gasoline, and pushes open the bedroom door. She locks eyes with Josie and for a minute, she just stands in the doorway, looking back at her. And then, all at once, her chin starts to quiver and Emmy starts to cry for what feels like the millionth time this week.]

[ooc: added a few minutes later]

[finnick and katniss's other friend whose name i cant remember]
sylar threatened me and katniss and her sister and katniss said for us to send the message to you just in case even if she got out alive and we thought she could do it herself and i know it says hes dead on the wall but maybe he isnt or maybe he'll come back but keep her little sister safe because hes mad that katniss and i killed him and hes coming after us all and he said her sister and so im giving you the message like i promised her.
(11 comments | Leave a comment)

What the fuck is going on with these walls? Ben isn't dead, he got sent home. Are they just screwing with us now?
(9 comments | Leave a comment)


Okay, first? How the hell did this thing get in my arm?

Second? Who killed Sylar? Because I'd like to shake your hand.

Third? Where am I and how do I get home?
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Out Loud - Basement

[After returning to the basement, Bonnie looks around, then speaks up.] Jake is dead. [She steps over to the nearest wall, and slumps against it down to the floor. Her face appears to be nearly void of any emotion.]

[ooc: pretend this happened five minutes after Jake's death?]
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Basement (once she's teleported back)

[Katniss walks to the center of the room and speaks as clearly and steadily as she can]

Sylar threatened my sister to try to force my hand. He's dead now. I'm asking all of you, if you make it back, send a message to Peeta Mellark and Finnick Odair telling them what happened. Do it fast, right when you get back, before you do anything else, even if you think I made it back too. He'll never know. It won't put you at risk and he...I don't think anyone here likes him.

[She finds an empty spot against the wall and sits down, glaring down at the ground]
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BASEMENT - Experiment Post: Day Six

Group One
  • Emmy Jensen (Decision Maker)
  • Katniss Everdeen (Decision Maker)
  • Sylar Gray
  • Khan Noonien Singh

Group Two
  • Loki Laufeyson (Decision Maker)
  • Jake Berenson (Decision Maker)
  • James Rogers
  • Sere Atkinson

Details below )

[MOD NOTE: The choices made have one hour IC time, however you've 12 hours in real time before we will step in and call it a stalemate. Choices refused or not made within the twelve hour window will be randomized as this first day's groups were. All groups will be randomized moving forward, so your character may never be put into a group, or they may end up in more than one group. The results of each day's experiment will stand in play for the week. Order will be restored in the Week Forty-Seven Change.]

[12 hour window ends: 9:00pm EST]
(54 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Out Loud to everyone in the basement upon returning

[Once again, Jake finds himself speaking loudly and clearly in an effort to draw the attention of everyone in the room, although this time he has more to say than just a death announcement.]

Sebastian is dead now too. We can't keep doing this the way we are. Hardly any of us know one another and we can't make an informed decision if we're forced to. We need to get to know each other. It will make what we might have to do harder, but it's only right to know everything you can about the people you might be killing.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, June 21st, 2013

Out Loud upon returning to the main part of the basement

[Loudly enough for everyone to hear him.] If anyone was friends with- [A pause, as he has to think to remember the name that TPTB used in their announcement at the end.] -Conner, you should know that he's dead.
(74 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Basement - Out Loud once she's back

[Emmy just stands in the same place she was teleported into, shaking and hyperventilating, gasping for air against the sobs and whimpers, her eyes still squeezed shut, having not even noticed that the noose is gone or that she's been moved out of the glass cell at all.]
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

BASEMENT - Experiment Post: Day Two

Group One
  • Kitty Pryde (Decision Maker)
  • Conner Kent (Decision Maker)
  • Sere Atkinson
  • Flauros

Group Two
  • Dawn Summers (Decision Maker)
  • Emmy Jensen (Decision Maker)
  • Princess Bubblegum
  • Ben Braeden

Details below )

[MOD NOTE: The choices made have one hour IC time, however you've 12 hours in real time before we will step in and call it a stalemate. Choices refused or not made within the twelve hour window will be randomized as this first day's groups were. All groups will be randomized moving forward, so your character may never be put into a group, or they may end up in more than one group. The results of each day's experiment will stand in play for the week. Order will be restored in the Week Forty-Seven Change.]

[12 hour window ends: 9:00pm EST]
(46 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Out Loud to the Basement

What the hell is this place?
(8 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Filtered to Jake

I'm really sorry about yesterday being all weird on the beach. Admittedly, I was kinda stoned...

[Message failed]

Filter failures belooooowwww )
(22 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Accidental Voice Post

[OOC: Yeahhhh, she's talking to a crab she found walking on the beach and, yes, she's following it so it doesn't go out of ear shot lol]

I wonder if that sky is the same sky as the sky I know. Maybe when the stars come out if I can find the Big Dipper, then I know I'm under the same stars as people. back. home. and then this place isn't so bad. [Giggles] Maybe a little bad, Sebastian Mr. Krabs, it's a little bad, let's be honest, I mean...Iraq. I-fucking-raq. I've been to Iraq. How many American sixteen-year-old girls can say that? Me. I can say that. You can't say that Mr. Krabs, but I fucking can and I'm worth my weight in gold [snorts and laughs a little]. Yeah, me and my virginal self, you believe that shit? True story. Apparently.
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Filtered to Under 21s & cool adults

[info]rebellion_e there, like... ...okay, I swear to God I'm not a druggie. Let me just...make that clear, first. But, like, I know pot is really good for um, helping with...anxiety? I heard. So I did some research and there's like medical journals that say that and ever since that stupid game and Iraq I just...

Does anybody have any weed, basically? I miss sleeping through the night
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