Friday, July 12th, 2013

You know what? This is a royal fuck you to everybody here who thinks they can be our buds one minute and then flounce the next minute.

PSA: WE ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING BODYGUARDS FOR HIRE. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING I WANT. FUCK OFF. Like, I could point to about fifty people here who want to just use us like a condom and throw us away later. How about fuck you, get your own goddamn protection if you're that afraid of the people you piss off intentionally. This ain't New York and I don't have any obligation to save your ass. Hey, if you wanted a free fucking bodyguard maybe you shoulda talked to me more often when your life wasn't in danger.


Not directed at you.
(32 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

EDITED: Filtered against under 18s

[Also filtered against the people with their own filters below]
I need all of you, I need to win. I need to have all of the ones that someone else already claimed Anyone interested in a night swim in the ocean? Clothing optional, obviously.

Filters for Bruce, Kevin, Sylar, Emily Owens, and Natasha )
(83 comments | Leave a comment)

Right, so, not going to pick a card; check. People are already acting weird.
(21 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 27th, 2013


I'm not going to argue with you and I'm not trying to start a fight. Sylar threatened to kill people, multiple people - teenagers. That's why his life was chosen to be taken in the "game" the house played.

Whether you've realized it or not... I've been following you. Watching you. Trying to keep you safe. And I will continue to do that. Just... don't make any stupid hasty decisions for his sake. Don't do anything against what, deep down, you know is right.


Before I ask you where you are so that I can come find you and - yes - even hug you, I need you to know that Sylar has brainwashed my sister. She's been made to think that he's some martyr that everyone is against. She won't listen to me. I've been spending all of my time sticking to the shadows, keeping an eye on her. But I'm afraid I won't be able to keep her safe. I don't know what to do.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Filtered to anyone with superhuman abilities*

[*Or anyone in possession of particularly powerful technology. Sans Sylar and any of his allies.]
The man being referred to as Sylar is supposed to be some kind of an ability thief. He kills in order to steal the superhuman abilities of others. Given the threats that he's made, I think it's important that anyone with an ability out of the ordinary stays with a group for their own safety, and for the safety of the house as a whole. We don't want anyone to die and we don't want him to get any stronger. If you would prefer to stay out of the limelight, that's understandable, but if might help if we have a role call of everyone with abilities.

[Sherlock Holmes]
I know you're a genius, but how is your mind when it comes to strategizing?
(96 comments | Leave a comment)

Filtered against Sylar and his allies, potential or confirmed.

I have been observing. I have tried to keep quiet, but the network seems to be on the same page; there is no point to continue my silence on the matter. Father, I apologise for any potential disrespect you may interpret.

It is bad enough that this house feels fit to alternately torture and pamper us so as to slow our abilities to become desensitized. It is unacceptable that it has found fit to leave us in the company of a man who would threaten the lives of humans, and youthful ones, from what I have read, at that.

Those of us with the strength and ability to go into action must do so; we cannot allow the general human populace to live in further fear than the house already dictates they must. We should be ashamed that we have not had this conversation already. How long has this man been in this house, biding his time? I was unaware of his presence until now; how many others of us have been, as well?

I refuse to continue to sit back and feign ignorance to the threat posed upon the Midgardians. Who is with me, or do I stand alone?
(71 comments | Leave a comment)


You're still here, right?

[Out Loud to Loki]
[Upon noticing that Loki is there as well, he makes his way over to him, frowning slightly.]
...Do you have any idea how we got here?
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, June 21st, 2013

BASEMENT - Experiment Post: Day Three

Group One
  • Dawn Summers (Decision Maker)
  • Avonlea Stark (Decision Maker)
  • Bruce Banner
  • Kitty Pryde

Group Two
  • Jake Berenson (Decision Maker)
  • Conner Kent (Decision Maker)
  • Will Collins
  • John Mitchell

Details below )

[MOD NOTE: The choices made have one hour IC time, however you've 12 hours in real time before we will step in and call it a stalemate. Choices refused or not made within the twelve hour window will be randomized as this first day's groups were. All groups will be randomized moving forward, so your character may never be put into a group, or they may end up in more than one group. The results of each day's experiment will stand in play for the week. Order will be restored in the Week Forty-Seven Change.]

[12 hour window ends: 9:15pm EST]
(58 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

[After reappearing in the Basement, out loud]

Wha- was that- was that real?
(5 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, June 17th, 2013


First things first, I really wanted to apologize about that filter that accidentally went to you. It was really nothing against Loki, or you. Tony and I just have a stupid sense of humor.

Second, do you happen to have any of that pot from a while back left over? There's a girl looking for some because she's having trouble sleeping due to anxiety after ending up in Iraq because of that 'game'. I told her I'd ask.
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Filtered to Bruce and Tony

Want a new toy temporarily? I'm curious whether you lot can replicate the Vortex Manipulator. Even if you can't, if you can make something that appears identical which has a pager that goes directly to'd be potentially saving the life of a newbie, not to mention I'm allowing you to play with some pretty serious tech. The catch: either way, I need mine back in current working order within twelve hours. Up for the challenge, boys?
(8 comments | Leave a comment)

Filtered to Under 21s & cool adults

[info]rebellion_e there, like... ...okay, I swear to God I'm not a druggie. Let me just...make that clear, first. But, like, I know pot is really good for um, helping with...anxiety? I heard. So I did some research and there's like medical journals that say that and ever since that stupid game and Iraq I just...

Does anybody have any weed, basically? I miss sleeping through the night
(12 comments | Leave a comment)


You know what I think this calls for? A day of pretending to be locked in the lab again.
(11 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Filtered to Loki, Bruce, Tony, Peter, Thor, and Natasha

...right I've a big mouth and we all know that. And I'm a pretty good bluff, yeah, but...don't let him chop my tail off to see if it grows back, please...? No, but, really, because I think he might actually be crazy enough to try it, from the sounds of it.

[added a few minutes later, after the error]

In other news, was Natasha on Thor's team for those stupid games?

...sorry about the name drop, mate...I was scared. A little. ...okay, a lot, but...still, I'm sorry.
(30 comments | Leave a comment)

This is ridiculous - there isn't even enough technology in here to make a screwdriver anymore, let alone anything of actual use.

At least the elevator was entertaining.
(130 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Filtered to Tony, Re-Routed to All of Bruce's friends* except Tony

OOC: Cut for an image I don't want to have to look at every time I go to the main page. )

[*Loki, Lynne, Rikki, Peter, Cara, Satori, Jared, Sarah, Any Avengers types that aren't in Asgard (including future children) etc. Honestly, if Bruce has talked to the character in question more than once, it probably went to them.]
(25 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Well, that kind of sucked. Sorry we failed, Team Stark.

Oh god, not this again.

suck me , god
(23 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four
(35 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Well this is an unusual turn of events. I find myself in a strange house instead of regeneratingdying. I am not sure what to make of this place but I guess there is a first time for everything. I like exploring new places though this places seems a bit odd. Oh well I guess if I am stuck here, I might as well see what I can find here.

Anything about this place I need to know about, or should I just find out for myself?
(27 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

Oh hey! I found some cool stuff in this kitchen. There's this picture of Betty Ross and this weird necklace. I know it's Betty because it says her name. It was up on the fridge. I don't know who she is, but she got a place on the fridge. All the good stuff goes on the fridge. I'm gonna go look for more stuff!

Kate told me the necklace is a Star of David.

I think the necklace belongs to this man's friend. Can he come look at it? I didn't want to be alone when he's here. Aunt May says not to trust strangers.
(44 comments | Leave a comment)
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