Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Geez, this is the week all the crazies come out I'm gonna say the magic words: I'm bored.

How you holding up, kiddo?
(27 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Accidental Voice Post

HOLY SHIT! Oh my God, I think I just peed a little...what the actual hell?!
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Discord? This is not amusing. I am due for an important appointment with the rulers of Saddle Arabia to discuss the coronation, as they could not make it in time. Please return me to Equestria. Why can't I just return myself? Why is my magic not working as it should? What magic has changed my form?
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Well I really must say, this place is charming! And it even comes with a free pair of hands! My one and only complaint is that it seems just a smidgeon too orderly. What do you say to the idea that I shake things up a bit?

Ooh, I'm only teasing. The opinions of others on this matter are of very little consequence.
(39 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, June 21st, 2013

I really...really want to go home, now...or die. I don't want to be here without him, he was the only thing that was good ab
(21 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, June 20th, 2013


Okay, I get it already. I need to hurry up and make lemon bars for you guys so you won't keep hating me keep playing tricks on me. Someone tell me where I am please?
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Filtered to Under 21s & cool adults

[info]rebellion_e there, like... ...okay, I swear to God I'm not a druggie. Let me just...make that clear, first. But, like, I know pot is really good for um, helping with...anxiety? I heard. So I did some research and there's like medical journals that say that and ever since that stupid game and Iraq I just...

Does anybody have any weed, basically? I miss sleeping through the night
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Filtered against goddamn lunatics (sorry Mr. Manners and his kindred spirits)

Brosef, check it out: our animal selves. How did we not know this before?!
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Jesus what is this place?! Uh...okay, this is officially the weirdest dream I've ever had. I mean, that one from back in med school when I showed up naked to an exam when everyone else was dressed up as wild animals was pretty weird but this...yeah, this definitely wins. Like...there's no comparison. Why is there a smartphone in my arm? You know what? Why am I even bothering to type on it? Who does this text even go to?

...I could do with an alarm clock going off right about now, I'm just saying.
(32 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

So...that sucked.

This doesn't, but that asshole cabin did. (Don't act like you didn't miss this, guys, I know you did.)

...please be alive...
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Filtered to Ashley

Please tell me you're here. I need to just hold you in a corner for ages or something. I never thought I'd prefer this place.

[Added a little after to Satori]
You okay, hon?
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, June 10th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four
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Friday, June 7th, 2013

for Week Forty-Four
(45 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Filtered against Emily

Holy long ass night, Batman... I suppose some part of me deserved that...specifically the sixteen-year-old part of me.

Babe, I'm just gonna grab an empty room on six in case she needs me, but I think mostly I'm just...gonna sleep until motherfucking tomorrow, ok? I love you.
(50 comments | Leave a comment)


Where is my thief?

I demand to speak with him this instant!
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

...I wanna go play. This place is boring. And I wanna go home before my mom gets even more mad and switches to the rolling pin instead of just her hands.
(78 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

i looked out a window and saw a lot of sand and then more water than i ever saw in my whole life. what is that??? can we go there???? i want to!
(15 comments | Leave a comment)

This could not be any more awkward if I tried. Guess there's a tiny comfort in knowing that some things never effing change, huh?

So...sorry I thought you were my mom when I was like five or whatever. I should be saying this in person but you're Liv Tyler's face that's intimidating and I suck, so...this is what ya get.

I hate this.

Smokey treats? Please? Like a carton of them would be nice...

[ooc: added in a little later.]

Please tell me that you're still you and that you have cigarettes?
(29 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, May 27th, 2013

House Guests,

Would you like to play a game? We would.

We need ten team leaders; comment directly to us below to volunteer. The team leaders have been chosen and are listed below. You may not choose your team; your team may choose you by commenting below your post to us in order to join you. Each team may have no more than fifteen members.

You may ask questions by commenting below, but you may or may not receive an answer. Do so at your own risk — there is a consequence, after all; nothing comes for free.

Good luck,
The Powers That Be

PS, we have decided to help you along a bit. Below, we've listed current stats and will continue to update as needed.
Current Leaders
  • Katniss Everdeen — (7 team members)
  • Primrose Everdeen — (6 team members)
  • Tony Stark — (13 team members)
  • Serendipity Atkinson — (5 team members)
  • James Rogers — (8 team members)
  • Benjamin Braeden — (5 team members)
  • Riley Pollard — (10 team members)
  • Faith Lehane — (5 team member)
  • Katherine Jacobs — (9 team members)
  • James T. Kirk — (8 team members)

[OOC Mod Note: Temp characters need not apply and will be overlooked as potential team leaders. All characters must respond either as a team leader or to join a team, otherwise their teams will be chosen for them.]
(365 comments | Leave a comment)

I am unsure of how I arrived here, or how I have gained a communications device in my arm. The establishment I am in appears to be similar to pictures of a kind of amusement establishment on Earth and other Human settlements known as a Carnival, but the technology seems incredibly outdated. If anybody could please assist me in returning to Vulcan, or provide me with information on why I am here, I would be most grateful.
(84 comments | Leave a comment)
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