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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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[12 Jul 2013|12:52am]
I am so tired of this stupid fucking HOUSE!

Filtered against family and family friends likely to disapprove [12 Jul 2013|12:57am]
I need a hero to satisfy my hunger with self-sacrifice. All rugged warriors and nubile waifs need apply.

Filtered against Avonlea and pals [12 Jul 2013|01:11am]
Seriously? WTF is with brunette barbie? Anyone else find it kinda rank? When did this house become a brothel? Why is she getting more than me? Dammit!

Rikki [12 Jul 2013|01:49am]
Hey, I know we haven't talked in a coon's age, but how are you? Mermaids have treasures sometimes, right? Any chance you could cut me in somehow? I really need it.


So your paintings are worth like thousands on eBay. You're good with me trying to sell at least a couple, right?

[12 Jul 2013|05:49am]
You know what? This is a royal fuck you to everybody here who thinks they can be our buds one minute and then flounce the next minute.

PSA: WE ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING BODYGUARDS FOR HIRE. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING I WANT. FUCK OFF. Like, I could point to about fifty people here who want to just use us like a condom and throw us away later. How about fuck you, get your own goddamn protection if you're that afraid of the people you piss off intentionally. This ain't New York and I don't have any obligation to save your ass. Hey, if you wanted a free fucking bodyguard maybe you shoulda talked to me more often when your life wasn't in danger.


Not directed at you.

[12 Jul 2013|07:59am]
I look damn good I think...

Cut for pics )

Priestly [12 Jul 2013|08:32am]
...Huh. Perhaps I simply nee

...I'm sorry for what happened between us. I feel substantially better now. You were still the best friend I had here and I simply wish to go back to what we had before, if...that is possible in any way.

Filtered to Peter [12 Jul 2013|12:20pm]
I want us to go to Mako for the night tonight... You in? Because I think tonight's the night. I'm ready if you are

Filtered to Bambi [12 Jul 2013|02:21pm]
Hey, you busy? I remember you did my newer tats...I need more. I want my whole back, no free skin. Up for it?

[12 Jul 2013|02:31pm]
Whatever the hell this bloody red card is, I don't even want to know. But not only is that pissing me right off, so is the fact I can't find my bloody ship. If the house has it hidden,I may be forced to tear it apart until I find it. Or something. I hate it here. Whoever thought domestics was a good idea should be shot.

[12 Jul 2013|02:43pm]
The weather never sucks on the beach, thank God for small favors. Good book, bottle of water and perfect weather kinda almost makes me forget I'm stuck in this shithole for a minute.

[Captain Tease]
Out to the beach sunbathing. Topless. Just in case you were curious or, you know, if you want or need anything. Hope you're having a beautiful day so far! ♥ Can't believe you're making me work so hard for it, God...

[12 Jul 2013|03:00pm]
I look really cute today, I mean like over the top, holy bananas cute. Days like this, back home, it would mean a clubbing night. Is the room of requirement free/would anyone mind if I went up to see if I can get it to turn into a club? Totally a great day for it, don't you guys think? Obviously you do, but

[ viewing | July 12th, 2013 ]
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