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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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[10 Jul 2013|05:40am]
Do mirrors usually talk? I'm pretty sure a mirror just tried to coerce me into something.

Filtered to Emily O and Elle [10 Jul 2013|12:16pm]
There is a guy here now who looks like me... This is so freaky. Elle, how do you stand it??

Filtered against crazies and demons/vamps/Sylar & friends/whatever [10 Jul 2013|12:23pm]
LOL uh...they tried. My favorite part is the lone soldier we found in Sammy's pocket guarding the whole thing. Emily, they're asking for you, though. They wanna show you in person, I think.

[10 Jul 2013|12:59pm]
Oh, bad ass, I can see pictures now.

Moment of truth, sunshine, let's see who you are.

[added shortly thereafter]

[Hot Lia]
Round two?

[10 Jul 2013|02:15pm]

I wanted to let you know...there's a man here who looks like your father, but it's not him.

[10 Jul 2013|06:00pm]
Enough. I am aware of the game being played at my expense and do not wish it to continue, thank you very much. I have grown tired of it.

Out Loud to Dr. Owens & Jennsen [10 Jul 2013|06:05pm]
[Groggily and with a raspy voice] ...what happened...? Why am I in the clinic...?

[10 Jul 2013|06:22pm]
No rest for the tired, is there?

Are you still here?

[10 Jul 2013|06:41pm]
So, house doesn't look like it's changed much. Kirk here. Anyone who remembers us know how long Bones and I have been gone from your point of view?

[E.T.A. Filtered to Princess Bubblegum]
Do you happen to have Caiti's dog with you? Ozzy? Lia said you had him, last she heard.

[10 Jul 2013|07:14pm]
[After choosing her card]

I am so happy I'm back to looking my age, and I just feel so relaxed. Someone mind getting me some juice from the kitchen? I'll totally pay you back, or something. If it's not too difficult.

Private Thought Speak Directed at Will Collins, Elle Bishop, and Princess Bubblegum [10 Jul 2013|07:52pm]
[After choosing his card]

<I've been thinking. You guys were awfully quick to take a life. Hardly even took the time to consider, even if I did volunteer. And Will, you didn't even argue! The more I think about it, the more I think you three don't deserve to live either. You're a bunch of stinking cowards. I'll be fair about it, though. I'm giving you this warning. Why don't we play a little game of cat and mouse? On your marks, get set, go!>

[Later, Thought Speak Broadcast to the entire house]

<Someone here has to be behind keeping us all here, you know. Once I've dealt with my personal problems, I'm going to deal with whoever that is. Animals can sense emotions, you know, and that includes a little thing like guilt. You can run, but you can't hide! Running won't help much anyway. No one's outrunning the actual king of the jungle, and hey, if you think you can, know I've got a cheetah too!>

Natasha [10 Jul 2013|10:00pm]
Where are you? I want to see you. Now. I need to see you.

[Sent around midnight]

[10 Jul 2013|10:18pm]
[ mood | enthralled ]

[After picking his card and wandering around for a bit]

Why didn't anyone tell me there was a room full of televisions in this place? Time for Teletubbies!

Filtered to Flauros [10 Jul 2013|10:28pm]
Oi...I dunno what happened to me, but I miss you and I'm coming back, yeah? I promise to make up for the lost time ;)

[10 Jul 2013|11:17pm]
Has anybody else noticed a set of coloured cards in front of them? This is...incredibly strange.

How is Caitlin?

Filtered to Furball (Jake) [10 Jul 2013|11:22pm]
Here kitty, kitty, kitty~

Cian [10 Jul 2013|11:32pm]
[message deleted after seeing this]

So I think I sat in a hall for like 3 days and did nothing. I didn't even eat and so I'm starving. Do you want to do an eating thing with me and I can apologize for whatever was wrong with me a few days ago?

Oh... wow um never mind.

[10 Jul 2013|11:38pm]
Found a room full of gold. Rumplestiltskin, you hiding in here, boy? that's mine. I've marked the door with my name. It's not yours so stay out, please.

[ viewing | July 10th, 2013 ]
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