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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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Filtered to Kevin [22 May 2013|01:19am]

1.) Our bottom bitches favorites are bonding.
2.) Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants to watch that training session.

Jared [22 May 2013|01:42am]

So, Kim and I may or may not have been objectifying your brother and you. But I found that gem and you really are adorable.

And I miss you.

[22 May 2013|04:50am]
Hey, house, I get that you're probably not a Science Bros shipper, but I'm gonna tell you that I am and I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me find my science bro, okay?

Don't tag your hate, geez.

Who the hell showed me Tumblr? Because I hate you. I also love you. It's a great time waster, but when you start speaking the teenage lingo of a website it's probably a good time to stop. At least I don't sound like I'm from the 80s, I suppose.

[22 May 2013|04:06pm]
Varför köttet dansa? Varför köttet dansa? Varför köttet dansa? Varför köttet dansa? Varför köttet dansa? Varför köttet dansa?

[a few moments later]

Jag skrev inte att. Vad fan är detta? Vilket språk är detta?

[22 May 2013|09:13pm]
is this from a capitol thing? im NINE not 12 you made a mistake and i was supposed to be watching my sister where is she? wheres my dad? i dont want to go on any rides i want to go home

[22 May 2013|10:11pm]
I don't have time for this, and I will not reduce myself to groveling. Return me to my home immediately!

[22 May 2013|10:12pm]
...you have got to be fucking kidding me... Come on! Fuck's sake, I have carpool today and Char's meet this weekend and NO NO NO I thought this was over!

[22 May 2013|10:18pm]
Gross house, guys. So not funny. What did you put in my champagne, Shelly? Daddy is going to be pissed if I don't make curfew tonight seeing as I have that wedding to go to tomorrow! Probably why he managed to implant my cell phone into my arm. Damn, my dad is weird, yet awesome.

[Out Loud]
Well, at least I still have my panties on. There's that.

[22 May 2013|10:18pm]
This is not Voyager. The technology of this implant is not of the twenty-fourth century. Someone explain.

[22 May 2013|10:21pm]
Uh. ...all right, little creepy and unprompted for any kind of hazing, but okay, I can dig...I guess? But uh, this phone thing in my arm. Kinda over the top. Seriously, though, one month, six days sober...I know this is a weirdo dream or some withdrawal shit or something, cuz what the fuck?

[22 May 2013|10:25pm]
Oh my God, what the hell is going on?! ...where am I...?

[22 May 2013|10:30pm]
...no...no, no...oh, no, no, no, I can't be here right now. FRICK! No, not like this, not right now, I thought I served my t

voice post [22 May 2013|10:38pm]
Patrick? Patrick where are you?!

Mommy? Daddy?

oh that's right, they went bye bye.

Aunt Carol??!

Has anyone seen a boy about my age? He's my twin, and we always do things together, and I am so proud of myself! I figured out this stupid device can make me talk to people. 'cept I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.

[22 May 2013|10:45pm]
I see a lot of people losing their freaking minds.  If anyone needs help just let me know.


We haven't chatted in awhile, Bro.  How've you been holding up in this wanna be Hell?


Are you alright?  Everyone else seems to be falling apart.

[22 May 2013|10:45pm]
Я не понимаю этого теста.

[22 May 2013|10:46pm]
This some goddamn new SHIELD tactic Widow? Drug a guy and dump him in a house?

[22 May 2013|11:11pm]
i wannnna gohome now idnot feellll good
mommmmy ware u?

[22 May 2013|11:17pm]
This is getting bloody ridiculous. How many times is this place going to just drop me off who the hell knows where?

Where are you, mate?

[22 May 2013|11:19pm]
am i gonna get in trouble if i play

iii kiina wanna play but i didnt finish my chowrs

[22 May 2013|11:31pm]
Okay. Look. Whoever went through the trouble of kidnapping me and bringing me here? It was a waste of time.

I am not helping you try to recreate the super soldier serum, and even if I wanted to, I couldn't. That data belongs to the US military and I have long since severed my ties with them. Besides, gamma radiation is far too volatile to be reliably used for such a task, no matter what that madman Ross might think. So I would highly appreciate it if you would be so kind as to let me leave.

[ETA Filtered against Loki and children]
I'm getting the idea that I've probably completely lost track of reality, but even if this is all just a fever dream; am I seriously the only one bothered by the fact that Loki appears to be here?

[ viewing | May 22nd, 2013 ]
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