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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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[Out loud] [15 Apr 2013|10:22pm]
No more boys...

Filtered to Finnick [15 Apr 2013|10:33pm]
...okay, I've really been trying to stay out of it and mind my own damn business and everything, but I did promise to give you a heads up if I saw something that you might not have so...

Peeta's being kind of a whore promiscuous. I'm just saying. And these women are, like...closer to our age than his, for sure. I don't know if you were aware or whatever, but...this is me cluing you in if you weren't, as per our agreement.

[15 Apr 2013|10:47pm]
Okay, but seriously I'm scared and I'm hungry and I don't care that I sound like a baby right now, I want my mom... Josie...? Can you still see this? Are you the only one...?

[ viewing | April 15th, 2013 ]
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