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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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[26 Feb 2013|02:00am]
I don't know what you're expecting to get from me, but you're not gonna get it. Nope. This is something to do with Wonderland, right? Dodo, if this is you, I am going to punch you so hard that you forget who you are. For like, an hour or two. Because seriously, guys? I saved the resistance! Me and Alice! You really can't expect me to think you're still top dog, can you?!

Wait a minute.

Thiiiiiis isn't Wonderland.

[26 Feb 2013|03:28am]
Sooo, can any of you amazing people answer some questions I have?

And I'm calling a search party for a big blue box. Trust me, you'll know it when you see it. Also, why have I got like, a wooden...stick in my belt?

Nic [26 Feb 2013|03:42am]
Wow, I so don't get what happened. I woke up to something that just didn't make sense. And I know you better than that but it wouldn't ... I don't know what ... in the moment. Please talk to me. I'll listen to whatever you have to say. Just please don't let it be what I thought it was. Please. Please.

[26 Feb 2013|06:27am]
So...does anyone know how to get back? I got IEDs to diffuse back in Iraq with Delta Company and I would like to see updated pictures of my son.

[26 Feb 2013|09:25am]
The mechanism behind these walls is fascinating, however, I am not fond of the notion that I am being lead somewhere.

[26 Feb 2013|10:27am]
I can finally see everybody. I'm Kennedy for anyone who's curious.

[26 Feb 2013|10:33am]
Now I seen all kinds of treachery in this topsy turvy world but I ain't never seen the kind of tomfoolery going on behind these here walls. I don't know what mind or magic is responsible but I reckon I'd appreciate not taking part. You see, I've just got things and I never did take kindly to being put in a cage. Cage might be miles wide but if it closes you in it's still a cage.

Now I ain't messing. You're gonna open a door for me, doggone it or I'm gonna have to come busting after you. Just cause you took my gurkha knife doesn't mean there aren't no other means to beat you grisly. I'll be like hell fire on your ass and there ain't nowhere for you to run cause I got a righteous mission and you got parlor tricks.

[26 Feb 2013|07:15pm]
Who: Nic and Satori
Where: Their bedroom
When: Evening
Rating: PG-13 (Sexual situations)
Status: Complete

Read more... )

[26 Feb 2013|09:32pm]
Hey, people who have been here a while? How long have you been here? Because I expected my friends to get here days ago and they are not the kind of people who can be kept out of somewhere. I mean, think intense paramilitary unit with all the technology or whatever in the world, and then imagine the people who could get past them while knowing what they were thinking and walking on the ceiling and flying and bending ever nail in this place till and that's who should have busted down the door days ago.

[26 Feb 2013|10:04pm]
...there is a whole fucking franchise of movies based on my life and people like me?! And people find that entertaining? That's gross. That's almost as gross as the people or powers or whatever that brought us here. So not okay... God, I thought it was just me and Shay, but nope. If you've watched my movie and were actually entertained, you're a sick fuck: truth. Fucking truth. I need a drink. Where's fucking Thor with his mead when you need it, seriously though? ...somebody needs to be on Kimmy patrol and keep me off the fucking internet when I'm bored.

[added a minute later, fail!filtered to Shaina]

Shay...our pile-up...the one that I saw when you guys thought I was crazy? This was what I saw. That's what I was trying to tell you guys but Dano was so worried about the weed and everything and you guys thought I was losing my shit. It's bad, bestie; fair warning... But this is why I was wigging out. This is why I blocked the road. ...I thought I could stop it. I only made it worse...

Filtered against the uppity bitch who has issues with swearing [26 Feb 2013|11:19pm]
...how much longer am I gonna fucking be stuck here? Seriously, I have got way more important things to do than banter on a phone in my arm or get boxed in by walls that think they got jokes.

[26 Feb 2013|11:41pm]
WHO: Peter Parker, Rikki Chadwick.
WHAT: Peter the errand boy saves the day again.
WHERE: The room 'Heather' caught on fire.
WHEN: Immediately after this.
STATUS: Complete.

Peter flopped down on a chair that managed to escape the blaze, taking note of another one that wasn't too badly scorched. )

[ viewing | February 26th, 2013 ]
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