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The Dark House

Dark House

you WILL get lost

DARK HOUSE is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

And You WILL Get Lost

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[04 Jan 2013|12:13am]
Uhh...I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, y'all...

[04 Jan 2013|12:16am]
This place is beautiful & I can't lie. I'm glad to be out of that creepy house. Who else is here? Cara? Lynne? Peeta? Bruce?

[04 Jan 2013|01:04am]
...I am confused. Something is wrong...can you all still see this in the house? Hello?

[04 Jan 2013|01:07am]
...I don't know what those bitches slipped me, because this looks fuckin' crazy but...it smells kinda like home. God I miss the beach...

[04 Jan 2013|01:16am]

Katniss [04 Jan 2013|01:33am]
Where are you? Are you here?

[04 Jan 2013|01:36am]
They let her go. I didn't have it for long, but I saw my mum's porch and Sarah running on it. She tripped and the dog ran over to her. But Sarah's home. She's not in this horrible place. That's all that matters.

Filtered to Friends/Family* [04 Jan 2013|01:39am]
...Are you guys all here...?

[*see here; lazy mun is lazy.]

[04 Jan 2013|02:10am]
I never realized how much I didn't want to live in Candyland until just now.

Are you alright? Did you ever find Char?

How are you doing? I'm sorry I wasn't of much help lately. I was having a tough time.

[04 Jan 2013|02:44am]
Do you hear the people siiiing Does anyone else hear the singing...? Just me? It sounds so sad...what language is th

[Nic & Cass]
Where are you guys?

[BFF & Hero]
Brothers Atkinson, you guys okay? Sound off!

[04 Jan 2013|02:52am]
Liiiittle boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same...
There's a green one and a pink one
and a blue one and a yellow one
and they're all made out of ticky-tacky
and they all look just the same...

Seriously what's with the teeny tiny sand castles? They're kind of adorable...

[04 Jan 2013|05:09am]
I...where am I? Hello?

If anybody- I'm sending sparks into the air. If anybody sees them, come find me. I'm tripping out here, guys.

[04 Jan 2013|05:27am]
Oh, now we're talking.

Snickers, marathon, chocolate bar, peanut butter cups? What ya having, Inexplicably Invincible Girl?

[04 Jan 2013|10:11am]
Hot damn! I have pictures!

So did we all drink the kool-aid? I'm near a pink waterfall, if anyone's nearby.

[04 Jan 2013|01:33pm]
Ooh I like it here already! Lookit all the COLORS, guys!

[04 Jan 2013|01:40pm]
This is new.

[04 Jan 2013|01:47pm]
Another field trip? Anyone have any idea if it's sa--

[message sent...
communicator rebooting....
disk check...this could take up to 20 minutes]

[04 Jan 2013|02:54pm]

That video in no way reflects how I feel about us. But now that I know Char's okay and we're in the fresh air and out of that fucking house, I'm kinda in a good mood and I feel like it's sort of...like my job here to make people smile. So. That popped up and I'm sharing. But I love y I'm totally good with where we're at, I don't want you to think...you know. Whatever. I'm just being an idiot.

[added in a few minutes later]

Thanks, man. You're not so bad for a supervill For helping me try to find my kid. She's okay, though. She's home with her other parents. She looks happy. ...do you wanna, like...maybe see...? Or no?

[04 Jan 2013|03:29pm]
This place reminds me of the Land of Ooo. Almost. The only thing that makes this any good is that there might be people to talk to and help.

[04 Jan 2013|03:51pm]
Gabr Loki is basically the best at everything. Just throwing that out there.

[a little bit later]

[Filtered against the Lokis]
Who's the one with the long hair and why does he hate everything awesome...?

[a few minutes later, no filters]

Oh my fucking God lol is this real life?!

[04 Jan 2013|05:33pm]
Prim? If you can see this filter to me and tell me what you see around you so I can come get you, okay? If anyone else sees her before she sees this, tell her the same.

Does anyone know what this place is?

Filtered to Noah [04 Jan 2013|05:55pm]
...I am really, really sorry about all the things I said to you before even if you were a total fucking douchebag. I don't know what came over me but I'm not usually nasty like that most of the time.

[04 Jan 2013|06:43pm]
I am uncertain who all from the house is here...some of you will know me; some of you will not. I am Noel. This is less the form to which many of you are accustomed, however, you are no longer the dominant race, therefore I need not take on your form.

In an effort to make this as comfortable for you all as possible, first and foremost, welcome to Macholene III. This is my home.

Further useful information below )

[04 Jan 2013|07:26pm]
Who: Isabel and Troy
Where: Macholene III
When: Late afternoonish
Why: Getting fruit and trying to avoid Grendels
Rating: Mild
Read more... )

[04 Jan 2013|09:43pm]
In case anybody missed it and is going hungry, apparently most things are edible. The fruits on the trees are not so bad, if not a bit...sweet.

Are you okay? Do you need any assistance? I'm not feeling my company is so welcome here, and I can now fly, so...

[04 Jan 2013|09:46pm]
Okay, uh, the things more teeth than body? Yeah, not a fan.

[04 Jan 2013|09:48pm]
Love the music. Thinking of starting a band - Jo and the Gizmos. It's gonna be big.

[ viewing | January 4th, 2013 ]
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