June 2009



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Jun. 6th, 2009


Revamp? (excuse the pun)

To say that Ms Mod has neglected this place would be an understatement. I deserve criticism in spades but RL is RL and we're all slaves to it. That said, I don't want theconcord to die. So what I'm proposing is a revamp of the comm, assuming there is interest.

The premise, while modestly altered, is still the copy-pasted version of what we had in that Place That We Shan't Name we all come from. And it's only gone so far in the way of holding our collective interest. I'm proposing a shift away from Buffy/Anne Rice into something more True Blood-ish in nature. That is to say: vampires are known to the general population. There is synthetic blood they can munch on instead of the real one. While there are many vamps who like to "mainstream it", there's just as many who live in covens among themselves. Some are campaigning for rights. Human organizations have been erected to oppose them, etc.

If you find the above interesting, please comment here, letting me know Arguably histories might have to be changed accordingly - I apologize for this inconvenience. Holds would be guaranteed.

EDIT: Having spoken to five of you about this, I've decided to make the necessary alterations to the community.

All current characters are held - if you decide to continue in the game now that the premise is changed, please review your character's history and adjust as needed. A comment to the application post when you're done would be much appreciated.