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[15 Jun 2008|03:51pm]

click me Dust Till Dawn.
dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.

the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth.

Most Wanted

Xander, Layla/Darla, Andrea/Fred, Lenore/Tara, Giles, Azazel, and lots more!

premise, apply, characters, contacts. rules, timeline, faqs, friends button, ooc, mods, affiliates

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STORYLINES WANTED! [13 Jun 2008|01:41pm]

I'd really love any of these storylines HERE filled. I'm looking for quality roleplayers who can also deliver depth into their threads. I'm not looking for any AIM scenes. As I've said before, I want depth, which means I'm looking for those who can produce more then a couple sentences. Roleplay samples would be nice. Mine can be located on my journal. If you're interested in roleplaying any threads PM, comment, or contact me at

I prefer to play on communities. Thus, you create your own journal for a specific character and I'll have mine, and we roleplay over on comm's. It's much neater and organized that way. But I'm not picky.

Also looking for any Buffy/Angel(us), or Faith/Angel(us) psls
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[08 Jun 2008|12:33pm]

Are there enough people watching this community to have good chats about the Buffy Season 8 comics when they come out? They're so good and I think this last issue was one of the best ever!
4 comments|post comment

[06 Jun 2008|08:57pm]


Alyson Hannigan
Emily Deschanel
Eliza Dushku
Julia Stiles
Majandra Delfino
Rose McGowan
Veronica Mars
Zooey Deschanel


Alyson Hannigan
Gossip Girl
Majandra Delfino
Sophia Bush


rest at my journal, HERE!
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[17 Apr 2008|01:10am]

I'm looking for a quality writer, willing to do a Buffy/Angel psl with me. RPG examples needed. Mine can be found here. Ideas in mind, but I'm open to any others.
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[16 Apr 2008|06:51pm]

click me Dust Till Dawn.
dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.

the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth.

Most Wanted

Xander, Layla/Darla, Andrea/Fred, Lenore/Tara, Giles, Azazel, and lots more!

premise, apply, characters, contacts. rules, timeline, faqs, friends button, ooc, mods

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new rpg! [14 Apr 2008|11:22pm]


I'm starting up a Buffy-and-Angel combination RPG that's looking for quality writers who like to have fun... there are still tonnes of characters open! Angel, Spike, Drusilla, Xander, Anya, Giles, Ethan, Faith, Dawn, Kennedy, Tara, Riley, Oz, Satsu, Wesley, Fred/Illyria, Gunn, Connor, Harmony, Kate, Eve, Lorne, Darla, and pretty much any character from either series, good or evil, living or dead, that you could possibly want to play!

The game hasn't started yet but some of the current players have the best Buffyverse voices I've ever read. We've lots of plot in mind, though nothing ridiculous, and the game will be classy and quite active. Currently original characters aren't accepted because there are so many canon possiblities.

The application's quick and simple, and while most of us use YM, having IM isn't actually a requirement. The canon goes right up to the Buffy Season Eight comics but doesn't rely on you having read them.

If this sounds like your sort of thing, please give us a look: ♥
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[11 Apr 2008|07:59pm]

click me Dust Till Dawn.
dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.

the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth.

Most Wanted

Xander, Layla/Darla, Andrea/Fred, Lenore/Tara, Giles, Azazel, and lots more!

premise, apply, characters, contacts. rules, timeline, faqs, friends button, rpg, ooc, mods

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[06 Apr 2008|07:08pm]


Decor Quod Bestia is a quality, post series story line that takes place in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel fandoms. Original characters are welcome, though we tend to be a little strict on which ones make the cut. Please, if your original is turned down, don't take it personally. Feel free to try again! Our number one priority is fun here. You won't find any drama, or non-committed players here. Decor Quod Bestia is nearing its one year anniversary, and we have yet to have any problems. We're just a group of people looking to have fun, while expressing ourselves through different characters.

While fun is our number one priority, we do have a few, simple requests;
Please, be willing to dedicate some time to the story line. If you're not committed, please look elsewhere.
Be kind, and courteous to the other members of the storyline. We're all here to have fun, after all.
Try to keep your character canon. We won't try to force how to play your character down your throat, as we love creativity! But, try to keep them as canon as possible.

Thank you, and we hope that you enjoy this place as much as we do!

premise, rules, characters, application, contacts, timeline, testimonials, videos, ooc

profile layout credit
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[06 Apr 2008|06:42pm]

click me Dust Till Dawn.
dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.

the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth.

Most Wanted

Xander, Layla/Darla, Andrea/Fred, Lenore/Tara, Giles, Azazel, and lots more!

premise, apply, characters, contacts. rules, timeline, faqs, friends button, rpg, mods

1 comment|post comment

[04 Apr 2008|08:02pm]

sup!people,if your still alive that is lol.

Names michelle,and im a mega buffy fan!....

anyway,i'll be off and on for the next couple days if ya wanna leave me a messege

PS:im trying to find players for my game,if anyones interested.
2 comments|post comment

[03 Apr 2008|03:52pm]


credit; me
.0 1

ABOUT. wreckoning is a btvs storyline set in buffy season 3, taking place from the episode "the wish". we hope you find interest in this storyline and that you apply immediately. any questions, or concerns, please email
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BUFFY: (interrupts) World is what it is. We fight. We die. Wishing doesn't change that.

GILES: I have to believe in a better world.

BUFFY: Go ahead. I have to live in this one.
.0 4
(c) cool_rush @ lj

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[03 Apr 2008|03:49pm]


Decor Quod Bestia is a quality, post series story line that takes place in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel fandoms. Original characters are welcome, though we tend to be a little strict on which ones make the cut. Please, if your original is turned down, don't take it personally. Feel free to try again! Our number one priority is fun here. You won't find any drama, or non-committed players here. Decor Quod Bestia is nearing its one year anniversary, and we have yet to have any problems. We're just a group of people looking to have fun, while expressing ourselves through different characters.

While fun is our number one priority, we do have a few, simple requests;
Please, be willing to dedicate some time to the story line. If you're not committed, please look elsewhere.
Be kind, and courteous to the other members of the storyline. We're all here to have fun, after all.
Try to keep your character canon. We won't try to force how to play your character down your throat, as we love creativity! But, try to keep them as canon as possible.

Thank you, and we hope that you enjoy this place as much as we do!

premise, rules, characters, application, contacts, timeline, testimonials, videos, ooc

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[03 Apr 2008|03:39pm]


.0 1

ABOUT. dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.
SETTING. the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth
MOST WANTED. andrea barr, lenore, riley finn, slayers, evil incorporated characters, ava wilson, kenny( contact ), rupert giles, xander harris
friends button


profile layout credit


Of course she won't understand, Sparky. I'm beyond her understanding. She's a girl. Sugar and spice and everything...useless unless you're baking. I'm more than that. More than flesh...more than blood. I'm... you know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's alright, though...I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters. She's exactly where I want her to be. And so are you, Number 17. You're right where you belong. So what'd you think? You'd get your soul back and everything'd be Jim Dandy? Soul's slipperier than a greased weasel. Why do you think I sold mine? (laughs) Well, you probably thought that you'd be your own man, and I respect that, never will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me, singing our little songs. You like our little songs, don't you? You've always liked them, right from the beginning. And that's where we're going...right back to the beginning. Not the Bang... not the Word... the true beginning. The next few months are going to be quite a ride. And I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn you're a pathetic schmuck, if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you. Trying to do what's right, just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right, not about's about power.

; the first
.0 4
maker of icon: ??

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[30 Mar 2008|01:42pm]


.0 1

ABOUT. dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.
SETTING. the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth
MOST WANTED. andrea barr, lenore, riley finn, slayers, evil incorporated characters, ava wilson, kenny( contact ), rupert giles, xander harris
friends button


profile layout credit


Of course she won't understand, Sparky. I'm beyond her understanding. She's a girl. Sugar and spice and everything...useless unless you're baking. I'm more than that. More than flesh...more than blood. I'm... you know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's alright, though...I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters. She's exactly where I want her to be. And so are you, Number 17. You're right where you belong. So what'd you think? You'd get your soul back and everything'd be Jim Dandy? Soul's slipperier than a greased weasel. Why do you think I sold mine? (laughs) Well, you probably thought that you'd be your own man, and I respect that, never will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me, singing our little songs. You like our little songs, don't you? You've always liked them, right from the beginning. And that's where we're going...right back to the beginning. Not the Bang... not the Word... the true beginning. The next few months are going to be quite a ride. And I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn you're a pathetic schmuck, if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you. Trying to do what's right, just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right, not about's about power.

; the first
.0 4
maker of icon: ??

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[03 Mar 2008|04:15am]


.0 1

ABOUT. dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.
SETTING. the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth
MOST WANTED. andrea barr, lenore, riley finn, slayers, evil incorporated characters, ava wilson, kenny( contact ), rupert giles, xander harris
friends button


profile layout credit


Of course she won't understand, Sparky. I'm beyond her understanding. She's a girl. Sugar and spice and everything...useless unless you're baking. I'm more than that. More than flesh...more than blood. I'm... you know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's alright, though...I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters. She's exactly where I want her to be. And so are you, Number 17. You're right where you belong. So what'd you think? You'd get your soul back and everything'd be Jim Dandy? Soul's slipperier than a greased weasel. Why do you think I sold mine? (laughs) Well, you probably thought that you'd be your own man, and I respect that, never will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me, singing our little songs. You like our little songs, don't you? You've always liked them, right from the beginning. And that's where we're going...right back to the beginning. Not the Bang... not the Word... the true beginning. The next few months are going to be quite a ride. And I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn you're a pathetic schmuck, if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you. Trying to do what's right, just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right, not about's about power.

; the first
.0 4
maker of icon: ??

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[25 Feb 2008|03:06am]


.0 1

ABOUT. dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.
SETTING. the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth
MOST WANTED. andrea barr, lenore, riley finn, slayers, evil incorporated characters, ava wilson, kenny( contact ), rupert giles, xander harris
friends button


profile layout credit


Of course she won't understand, Sparky. I'm beyond her understanding. She's a girl. Sugar and spice and everything...useless unless you're baking. I'm more than that. More than flesh...more than blood. I'm... you know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's alright, though...I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters. She's exactly where I want her to be. And so are you, Number 17. You're right where you belong. So what'd you think? You'd get your soul back and everything'd be Jim Dandy? Soul's slipperier than a greased weasel. Why do you think I sold mine? (laughs) Well, you probably thought that you'd be your own man, and I respect that, never will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me, singing our little songs. You like our little songs, don't you? You've always liked them, right from the beginning. And that's where we're going...right back to the beginning. Not the Bang... not the Word... the true beginning. The next few months are going to be quite a ride. And I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn you're a pathetic schmuck, if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you. Trying to do what's right, just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right, not about's about power.

; the first
.0 4
maker of icon: ??

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[16 Feb 2008|10:13am]
[ music | led zeppelin ]

I'm grounded and dying of boredom. Anybody want to chat on aim today/tonight? I'm hoping on getting a group of AT LEAST 3 people together in a room so we can role play or talk about Buffy. I haven't role played in years but I really miss the old days. Was anyone ever apart of the AOL Buffy chat? I miss that.. Please comment back.

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[13 Feb 2008|09:38pm]

Dawson's Creek
One Tree Hill
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sophia Bush

Hilary Duff
Sarah Michelle Gellar

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Buffy icons (small batch) [12 Feb 2008|03:08pm]

Buffy icons from "Prophecy girl" & "When she was bad"

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