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[15 Jun 2008|03:51pm]
click me Dust Till Dawn.
dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.

the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth.

Most Wanted

Xander, Layla/Darla, Andrea/Fred, Lenore/Tara, Giles, Azazel, and lots more!

premise, apply, characters, contacts. rules, timeline, faqs, friends button, ooc, mods, affiliates

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