The Beginning: OOC

January 1st, 2009

The Beginning: Out of Character


January 1st, 2009

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In the beginning there was Emily, and Emily was a nincompoop.

Hi. I'm Emily, and I only just realized I didn't have the communities friended as well as being a member of them. So I should've introduced myself fifty years ago but alas, I am a nincompoop.

I'm here with Catriona McCormack, professional Quidditch player and mother of two, one of whom (Meaghan, the girl) will someday follow in her vocational footsteps and the other (Kirley, the tiny boy) will form a band called the Weird Sisters. Catriona is captain of Pride of Portree, and refuses to entertain the notion that the father of her children, who she hasn't named, has any right to claim them as such. So her rep's probably not all that good in purebloody circles, but like she cares about that. This could very well change once war and danger actually starts happening frequently and closer to her, though.

And now I, being exhausted, am going to ring in the new year by hitting the sack forcefully and without remorse. Thank you and good night.

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Please head over to [info]thebeginning_rp The game has offically started with a post for all characters to reply to on Platform 9 3/4. Feel free to make individual posts for the train trip.
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