The Beginning: OOC

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The Beginning: Out of Character



May 10th, 2009

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Comment here if you need a tag

May 9th, 2009

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Hi to all the new players! Sorry I haven't been around much, mom was in the hospital for a while. I'm back now though. Although Aim's being awfully rude, I must admit. I'll be leaving comments later, in the meantime, if you need me, comments and e-mails. They go to my Blackberry.

May 7th, 2009

Introducing Lily

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Just to let you all know we are here and ready to play, but as there are no other ickle firsties, I imagine it's going to be very quiet.

April 24th, 2009

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Hi all.  Or as Jay might say: Hey y'all.

I'm Shoshana, a 22 year-old college kid and I'm bringing you guys an OC named Jason McDowell.  He's your everyday smart-alec, with a fairly good heart and is a bit too smart for his own good (even if he won't always show it).  He's a seventh year Prefect, who is a chaser on the Quidditch team (and obviously from his icon, he's a Gryffindor). 

He's an easy going guy, who makes friends and girlfriends easily.  So he needs friends and a girlfriend (ex's too) to start him off in his big world.  And yes, he's American (from Texas), he's been living with his Aunt and Uncle because of war tensions in the US.

Plots that cannot be taken:
Best friend (reserved for a Ravenclaw using Jared Padalecki, sorry, if anyone wants to pick him up, ping me).

Any plots can be done via AIM or MSN.
AIM: KAZ 2Y5 Dean W

March 21st, 2009

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March 17th, 2009

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Hi guys, just a heads up that I might randomly disappear for awhile in threads and things. I'll try and reply to them and the journal entries when I can but between Uni two full days a week and working most of the days I have off from Uni plays the homework... well as you can probably imagine I dont' have all that much free time but I promise not to take too long to reply. If I do you have permission to do whatever you want to me. To top it off I'm developing arthritis in my left wrist so I can't type for to long at a time or it will start to hurt a lot- but then again I usually just ignore that as it hurts a lot as it is. So yes, I'll try to be around for awhile each night but I'm not promising anything.

IA/Alex (Cassandra and Antonin)

March 2nd, 2009

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Do you guys want to do a Halloween feast thread?

If enough of you guys do I'll chuck up a thread for us.

February 23rd, 2009

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Please welcoming Ted Tonks brought to us by Courtney


February 22nd, 2009

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I'm sure if we put a little effort, we can make this a really great place to play. Come on guys, if you just look around comms like [info]find_a_player and post every so often, then we can get this place going. Yeah?

February 3rd, 2009

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Please welcoming the last Black Sister Narcissa brought to use by the lovely rose


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First Hogsmeade Weekend is coming up.

In game time it is October 14/15 which in real time February 14/15

As usual third years and older. Ex-students welcome to come as well as Professors


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Please update your friends list

1- Ages ago we got a Hestia and I forgot to add her *slaps head*- [info]hearthsong
2- We have lost our Severus [info]hookedonpotions. If any of you want him as your second char go ahead and app for him

January 30th, 2009

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WE NEED more participation. Please, I want this game to work but that means you guys need to put the effort in for it to succed. I know that I wasn't around much but can we try and get it strted now?

That would be awesome if we could....

Sorry to bug you I just want this game to happen.


January 29th, 2009

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Hey, I apologise for being a bad mod but RL has been rather hectic lately

I'm wondering though as my RL isn't going to ease up does anyone want to become a second mod with me? Just help with modly things...

Anyway, hope to see you guys playing

I'm starting a thread in the great hall if anyone wants to jump in

January 7th, 2009

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Hullo, everyone! Introductions are in order and I'm...procrastinating, something I am VERY good at, so I will introduce myself and my ickle. I'm Viki, 26 and from Florida, and I work a lovely 8-5 job that means I get to comment and sometimes squeeze in thread replies during lunch and breaks. I've been RPing HP for...3 yearsish, I think, and RPing in general for about 5.

But I know who you're all REALLY interested in! This here little bloke is Sirius Black and he's going to be up to his ears in trouble the second word reaches home that he's a Gryffindor. That's alright, though, because Sirius is used to being in trouble! The bane of his mother's existence, Sirius is a right pain and will likely not stop that just because he's in school. I've noticed we have 2 other Marauders (including a Peter, OMG a game with a Peter!) as well as Sev and Lily, but I am not opposed to Sirius having older people to try and boss him around or adopt him and love him or drive him completely mental. Offer up any and all plots, I'm not elite in the slightest and can be veeery very friendly!

January 5th, 2009

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Please welcome Sirius Black to our ranks ([info]no_siriusly)

January 4th, 2009

Aurora - Professor of Astronomy

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Just wanted to introduce my character. She's a young new professor at Hogwarts and has never taught before, so you guys need to go easy on her. Aurora is the strong silent type with a bit of a quirky side. She knows her stuff, so watch out if you miss behave in her class.

Check out her bio. I would REALLY love it if someone could play "the Professor" in her bio that she had a "inappropriate relationship" with while a student at Hogwarts and still teaches at Hogwarts. The character is pretty open, just has to be 6-10 years older than her (Ancient Runes or Arithmacy maybe?). Could make for some good drama :) Plus we need more Professors.

Feel free to contact me at willowwhispering AIM or


January 3rd, 2009

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Please update your f-list

We now have Aurora Sinister ([info]aurorasinister

January 1st, 2009

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In the beginning there was Emily, and Emily was a nincompoop.

Hi. I'm Emily, and I only just realized I didn't have the communities friended as well as being a member of them. So I should've introduced myself fifty years ago but alas, I am a nincompoop.

I'm here with Catriona McCormack, professional Quidditch player and mother of two, one of whom (Meaghan, the girl) will someday follow in her vocational footsteps and the other (Kirley, the tiny boy) will form a band called the Weird Sisters. Catriona is captain of Pride of Portree, and refuses to entertain the notion that the father of her children, who she hasn't named, has any right to claim them as such. So her rep's probably not all that good in purebloody circles, but like she cares about that. This could very well change once war and danger actually starts happening frequently and closer to her, though.

And now I, being exhausted, am going to ring in the new year by hitting the sack forcefully and without remorse. Thank you and good night.

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Please head over to [info]thebeginning_rp The game has offically started with a post for all characters to reply to on Platform 9 3/4. Feel free to make individual posts for the train trip.
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