The Alley RPG

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The Alley RPG


September 4th, 2008

I thought that I told you that I could cook, but I guess that I was wrong about that.

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Who: Adrian & Lilith
When: Evening of August 18th
Where: Adrian's Flat
What: A first date

But I didn't know you could cook well. I mean, when most men say they can cook, they mean toast. And possibly spaghetti, which isn't very hard.

Who: Adrian & Lilith
When: Evening of the 4th
Where: Lilith's Flat
What: The two of them make amends

It hurt, you know. You avoiding me, I mean. Like I'd done something horrible like actually accused you of lying instead of just being confused. And after what you'd said to me? It just hurt, I guess.

September 3rd, 2008

But, the spirit...well, it's Fred

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Who: Lilith & George
What: An attempt at contacting a spirit.
Where: Mystic Moon, Diagon Alley
When: Afternoon, 3rd of September.

People often believed what they wanted to believe, even when the truth of it was right in front of their eyes.

August 28th, 2008

Just recently I've discovered that I'm falling in love with you

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Who: Lilith and Adrian
What: Adrian tells Lilith he loves her and awkwardness ensues.
Where: Lilith's Flat, Above Mystic Moon
When: Evening of Thursday, 28th of August.

Adrian, I care about you. A lot. I just- I mean that's-

August 11th, 2008

You know me all too well.

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Who: Lilith Moon & Adrian Pucey
When: The day of the event
Where: Mystic Moon
What: A Tarot reading gets interrupted

I do, don't I? Must be from all those rambling conversations about our pasts.

Who: Adrian Pucey, Lilith Moon, and Theodore Nott
When: The morning of August 11th
Where: Lilith's flat
What: Adrian sees Theodore with Lilith and misunderstandings ensue

I draw the line at 'sugar-snout'.

August 9th, 2008

I can't just do that...just walk across the street and just snog him!

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Who: Lilith Moon & Theodore Nott.
What: Lilith and Theodore meet for the first time after his return from Transylvania.
Where: Mystic Moon.
When: August 8th 2004.
Warnings: None.

Does the world still believe that the sun shines out of Potter's arse?

July 25th, 2008

Example Thread: Lilith and Adrian

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Who: Lilith Moon and Adrian Pucey.
What: Adrian stops by to try a new tea.
Where: Mystic Moon, Diagon Alley.
When: August 9th, 2008. (?)
Warnings: None!

Flirting with all the female quidditch fans that come into your shop, I expect?
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