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Jul. 28th, 2015



Freaking out over the upcoming X-Files reboot. Wow. Anyone else?

Jan. 26th, 2012


Hey everyone! <3

Happy (belated) New Year! How are ya? Still with us? It's a fact that this game tends to move on the slow side, but so far we've all been pretty good at picking right up where we left off. I am always game to continue and won't close the game or kick anyone out. Real life stuff gets in the way and that's understandable. I do like to check in once in a while though.

Just a nudge for us all, in order to keep the game active! We have a few threads in progress, but someone really HAS to tag Fred's post. Pretty please? Angel? Wesley? What's the verdict? Or will Holland roll up in his limo and offer her a deal? ;) OMG, I don't want Emma to have to keep re-posting to make the thread current! Sorry Emms.

That leaves other characters idle still. Have any decisions been made in regards to who's running into Faith? Wesley? Lindsey, perhaps? :D Sorry to keep Doyle waiting a bit longer, but there will be a heads up when he should stumble onto the scene. ha. Jess, would you be willing to start a thread with the character of your choice that will be open to Faith? See Crystal's comment below. Maybe the two of you can comment back and forth a bit and then go from there?

If anyone wants to bring in additional characters for more scene possibilities, let me know. I'm open to suggestions here! Want to make this game fun for everyone and make sure no one is left out. If you need to find a way to get your character involved, please let me know. I am SURE we can figure something out. :D

Also, I've been getting emails from livejournal regarding journal purging. Basically, once you get the email, you have 15 days to log into that journal or it will be deleted. So keep an eye out or just log in to be on the safe side. I for one, don't want to lose all of my old entries --- even if I like it better here on InsaneJournal now.

Hope all is well!

-group hug-

Dec. 24th, 2011


Happy Holidays!

Hello everyone! Sorry I've been slow replying to ooc and ic stuff. Been hectic here with tutoring and now the holidays. Will be catching up on tags and emails, after I recover from Christmas.

Just wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays, whichever you celebrate. Love and appreciate everyone here! So glad the game is getting back on track. It's so much fun writing with this AWESOME group of peeps we have here.

Hope everyone is well and hope you can take some time to unwind during the holiday season.

-super holiday group hug- (you knew it was coming!)

Dec. 15th, 2011


General Apology

Hey All,

I am so so so excited that everyone is posting again, so I just wanted to roll in here and express some public shame. We all got riled up about a week before my residency at school, so I have been working on that stuff from 9am to 8pm every day for the last 7 days or so. I should have tagged before all this started. I will be active again starting Monday the 19th and I promise to be back with a vengeance regardless of the holidays! You all are awesome and I hope I have lots of new stuff to catch up on when I am able to enjoy the internet again because as of now I haven't had a chance to check!

Lots of Love!

-Danielle (Samantha/Scully)


Attention: Colleen and Anagram

Hey you guys! Just wanted to ask one of ya'll to nudge me (either via e-mail or a comment over here on the OOC community) whenever you want Doyle to dive into the Spike/Cordelia thread. I didn't want to come in too soon, but I have been keeping up. Thanks!

So excited that we're all back in action. <3

Dec. 1st, 2011


So! What is Faith supposed to be up to? :)

Nov. 24th, 2011


To all who celebrate the holiday...

... Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoy the festivities. Let me know how your day goes!

I am beyond grateful to have everyone here as my friends and writing team! You're all AMAZING and I <3 you like whoa.

-super duper group hug-

So glad we're all present in this community again!

Nov. 13th, 2011


Status update!

Hello my favorite peeps! How are ya?

I am thrilled to say that we have Jess and Crystal back with us! Welcome back! <3

Okay, so let's get things moving. This is the discussion thread, to help us do so. Everyone add your thoughts please. :)

The Samantha/Krycek thread will continue.

Shall I start a new thread that's open to Doyle and later on, Spike? Which may lead to a Mulder/Scully/Doyle thread afterward and a Spike/Cordy one? I'm not always the best at planning out when to start a new thread, so I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

Once Doyle calls Wesley, should Angel and Wes crash Fred's post? Yay, for Emma getting into the mix! Anagram and Jess, how would you like to handle that? Not sure exactly who was taking charge after Cordy's vision.

We also need a thread for Faith, so here's some ideas, depending on who is going after Fred. Since Faith wants to get in with the AI team, undercover:

- Faith claims to have info about W&H going after the same woman (Fred) that the AI team is trying to rescue and wants to intercept and help out. This can lead to her winding up in the rescue thread.
- Faith gets a heads up on the kidnapping plot and tracks Doyle down at the police station, in order to help him out. She only has the basics, so they'll need to work together in order to find out where Cordelia is being held.
- If, in fact, only Angel is heading after Fred (I can't recall what was decided. Anagram and Jess?) then perhaps Wes and Faith could have an encounter?

Other suggestions/ideas? Something completely different? Totally up to you dear Crystal! And we can work on bringing Dawn in a bit later on. :)

Am I missing anything, anyone? Again, if anyone wants to pick up additional characters, please let me know.

Is everyone still with us? Missed all of you and am so happy that we're set to start up again!

<3 -group hug time-

Sep. 9th, 2011


ADMIN: What can we do now? (Input requested and appreciated.)

Hello luvs. How have you been? I really want us to continue with the game, however, we're still missing Jess and possibly Crystal. Again, I pray that they are okay. Has anyone heard from either or have an alternate way (different email address/facebook/etc.) to reach them? If they no longer want to play, I understand, but just to know that they are okay would make me fret less. You all mean a lot to me, and your well being comes first. I'm likely the one to blame for chasing them away --- being such a lousy mod. There have been many things out of my control (which I've touched upon in emails,) however, that doesn't make up for the fact that I've failed you all. :(

I've held off on tagging in any new threads, because I wanted to give our missing group members a chance to respond to the ooc posts and mod emails. I don't know what to do at this point... with such a small cast, we are now down to only a handful of characters. And well, our missing friends are beyond replaceable. I can't see us continuing our lengthy planned out plots without the characters and soul they honored us with.

What are your thoughts? I'm deeply saddened and I do want to RP with all of you... but how is the question. Would we have to change course? Temporarily write some characters out (or around them. example: Doyle would be at the police station or hospital following his and Cordy's run in with Spike. The actual action sequence could be flash-backed to later on by all players involved) --- until/with the HOPE that Jess and Crystal will return? Switch to random run-ins/scenes for now? Or is it time to throw in the towel?

I admire and adore you all and I'm so sorry that I've screwed our game up. Please let me know what you think and be honest. Where should we go from here? Let's start an open and constructive discussion.


Aug. 13th, 2011


ADMIN: Role call. Please read and reply, ASAP!

Hello again everyone! In order to get this game moving (and keep it in that direction) it's imperative that we actually have a cast of characters. ;)

Here's what I need from you:

Keeping, Dropping or adding characters?:
How often can you realistically post?:
Is your contact info up to date? (if not please update it):

What is your character currently up to?:
Can we help you get into a scene?:
Plot ideas/suggestions for your character(s) or in general:
Do you think we should try to recruit new players?:
Characters you would like to see join the game:

I think that once we get things moving, we can start to bring in new plot arcs. What do you think? I am devoted to keeping this game alive and improving the scene turn around. Perhaps it would be a good idea to do a check in thread here on the ooc every week or two? Would anyone be willing to help out with once a month recaps? Remember, this game is nothing without YOU, the mega talented writers! Feedback is encouraged and greatly appreciated; same goes for constructive criticism. Posting to the ooc is always welcome; plot ideas, ooc/ic fun stuff, etc. This is our game, so let's have fun with it! I'm working on my mod skills and I want to regain your faith. Hopefully we have our ever awesome co-mod Jess with us, cause her help is a huge asset!

Thanks for being a part of this group! I respect and adore you all! If there's anything you think should be added to this post, please let me know.

Hope to hear from everyone soon!

Dec. 24th, 2010


Happy Holidays! <3

Hey all! Hope you're well and that you enjoy whatever holidays you celebrate. It's been a hectic week for me, getting ready for Christmas ---- so my apologies for not tagging back yet. Expect tags and ooc discussions early to mid next week! :)

I'm very grateful for each and every one of you in this wonderful community! So glad to have you sticking around.

-mega group hug-

Enjoy and let me know how your holidays go!


Nov. 25th, 2010


How to have a bloody good Thanksgiving (or Turkey-day OOC Insanity )

*kicks open the door then struggles through, arms loaded with several large, over stuffed, grocery bags. Muttering as he carried his cargo into the kitchen, his voice alternating from a mocking falsetto to a decidedly unamused growl and back*

" 'But it's thanksgiving Spike' But I'm British, and a vampire, we don't do Thanksgiving. Not a lot of blood in an overcooked bird now is there? 'But it's tradition' Really, Well I have a tradition too. It involves a bottle of scotch, a dark room, and a pretty little thing like you tied up in the corner sobbing and then it get's even better. 'Spike, Go get the groceries' Sod off you poofter, she's your friend why don't you go get the damn groceries. Afraid it'll muss up your hair? Stupid son'of's b-"

*The muttering descends into incomprehensibility as he drops the bags onto the counter, completely ignoring the numerous items that spill out and proceed to roll in multiple directions as he pulls a bottle of amber liquid, partially full, out of his coat pocket*

"Mmmh" *a satisfied smacking of lips follows the deep draw from the bottle's open neck before He reaches in to one of the few still upright bags and pulls out a much larger, and for the moment still un-opened, twin.*

"OI!, Your kits here. C'mon get it."

Oct. 28th, 2010


ADMIN: Check in... it's been WAY too long!

Per my email to all of you lovelies ----- are we ready to get things moving once again? Apologies for the delay on my part.

I should have tags up for my peeps sometime over the weekend, or early next week. First though, maybe we can get all plotty? Forgive me and my lousy memory, but (without going over the tons of emails regarding this) how did we intend to bring Fred in? I think NOW is the time to do so, in order to integrate the amazing Emma into the game! And what about Dawnie? I know, we were planning to wait a bit, but some convo would be good. If Cordelia needs to have a vision soon, let me know. SURE GO AHEAD AND RUIN HER DATE WITH DOYLE! -stomps off- haha. ;)

Check in: Who's with us still and do you intend to stick around? Keeping, dropping, picking up characters? Also, is your contact info up to date?

Threads in progress:

Hunger Pangs and Vampire Fangs - [Angel/Wes - TAG Wesley]

Meeting with the Head Honcho - [Faith/Holland - TAG Faith]

What part of our history's reinvented and under rug swept? - [Samantha/Krycek - TAG Krycek]

Does it count as running away if you know you're going back? - [Mulder/Scully - TAG Mulder]

Just a fool to believe I have anything she needs - [Doyle/Cordelia - TAG Cordy]

Did I leave anyone out? Anyone need a new thread? I'm VERY open regarding story-lines, so have at it in the comments section here.

Missed ALL of you SO much! Thoughts, suggestions, scoldings? :D I also welcome any fun stuff (as Crystal so wonderfully has done in the past) posted here on the OOC... to help us get back in the spirit!

-group hug-


Jun. 22nd, 2010


Bored Now...

Okay, I know that's technically a (vamp) willow line and I know I'm due out a post or two myself so I'm at (the very least) partly to blame for my present situation but when I found myself doing yardwork for fun I felt the need to pop on and see just what the rest of you lot are up to and if I should even bother (finally) doing those afore mentioned overdue posts from your's truly and getting some (far more entertaining) RP-ing on in the process...

So... gives us a shout if your alive (or undead, no reason to be prejudiced against the heartbeat challenged amongst us).

Free cookies to the first one that calls 'em.

May. 9th, 2010



Mar. 12th, 2010


... I lied

Well, I was still around, for the most part. But now my PC is broken, and frankly, since my Mom's car also needs a major repair, we don't have the money to get it fixed right now. So until further notice, I will be MIA. Hopefully these issues can be resolved within two or three weeks, but that all depends on if things get better or worse for us financially. Next week also happens to be Spring Break, so I won't be on campus to access the library computers either - which makes me even more unavailable than usual.

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience. If at all possible, please continue without me. Colleen, you have my complete permission to juggle any of my characters around, if necessary.

Hope life is treating you all better than it's treating me. Ya'll take care. <3

Mar. 3rd, 2010


Still here ... mostly

I owe all you guys an apology. I'm afraid this semester's been horrifically difficult, not to mention very demanding of my time, so I've been neglecting my modly duties (and posting like I should). I'm still around, checking back every so often to see if anything new has popped up. I can't exactly lecture you all on being more active if I can't keep up myself, now can I? So you guys are benefiting from my misery. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Some threads are still moving along though, so that's good. Way to keep the ball rolling Danielle and Crystal. Colleen and I greatly appreciate your dedication. Everyone else is pretty much waiting on their cues to move their characters into the next bit thing or have explained their absence in some way, so I'm not all that concerned about the silence that's temporarily settled across the community.

With that said, I hope life is treating you all well and that you're taking care of yourselves properly. I know a lot of people who are sick right now, so please, make sure you stay healthy and warm! 'Cause we're still getting snow down here and that's just crazy, because I live in the South, and we never see any snow.

Don't be afraid to e-mail me and/or Colleen or drop us a comment in this community if you've got any concerns, complaints, ideas, or just want to ramble back and forth. We're pretty good at that. ;x


Feb. 3rd, 2010


Yep, me again

Just wanted to let everyone know that I changed my e-mail address 'cause I signed up for a free account and had to get a new name. So here it is: My AIM screen name is heartofdixie04. Simple enough, right? I would've just posted this revision under the contact info thread, but eh ... be honest: how many of you would've actually checked there? ;x

Now, off to studying!


Jan. 27th, 2010


Worst co-mod ever

I'm afraid I'll be going on a brief hiatus - or be incredibly slow when it comes to posting, one or the other. I have a paper for an insanely difficult to please and highly rude professor of mine, a take-home exam, and another paper ( albeit thankfully only a one page formal analysis of two pieces of artwork ) to finish between now and Monday. Then I have another exam as well as a slide ID quiz next Thursday. ( For those of you who have no idea what that is, it's basically where my art history professor puts up an image, and we have to list what the name of it is, who it was created by, the date/period it's from, where's it's located, etc. ) Needless to say, my stress level is through the roof, and although I would much rather be posting, I honestly don't know if I'll have time. But if I do get a chance, I will absolutely do my best to get any tags up that I owe.

Colleen, if you reply as Krycek and you and Danielle want to start the Danielle/Krycek thread, you're more than welcome to. This can be one of those times where we leave the details of what all went on behind closed doors a secret - for now. We can expand on it later, if need be. Just trying to give y`all some playtime without me holding everything up! As for Doyle, I'll get right on that reply for you asap so we can continue our adorable date night. ;D

I think Angel and Wesley are at a good pausing point, so that helps me not worry so much about tagging there - especially since you have been so quiet. - nudge - Don't act all coy. You know exactly who I'm talking about!

Okay, just wanted to give everyone an update on my status. - hangs head - I know, I'm setting a horrible example. Believe me, if I could've avoided this one course, I could've had all the time in the world to stay on top of things. Alas, I have to take this class, and I have to take it this semester so I can take the 400 level course I need to complete my major next semester since they only offer it in the fall. Then ... graduation! I'm so close.

Anyway, hope all's well with you guys! - glances around in concern - It's been pretty quiet around here lately. Y`all take care, you hear? <3

Jan. 9th, 2010


Heya my peeps!

How is everyone? Hope you enjoyed the holidays! Happy New Year!

Sorry for my slowness in tagging. Usual holiday delay plus I got sick. Starting to feel MUCH better though! I anticipate tagging back for my characters later tonight Sunday night or Monday the latest (sorry, jumped the gun a bit. Not feeling 100% at the moment and it's like 5 degrees here now. Time to curl up in my Snuggie. ha. Laugh if you must!)

In the meantime, if your characters are stuck waiting and you'd like to work on getting them in the mix - please let me know. Okay?

So what's new? Keep plotting! Also, love the ooc/ic stuff you've been posting Crystal. Thanks! :)


Very happy to have you all with us! Everyone's with us still, right? RIGHT?! -pokes just in case- ;)

-hugs- and <3

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