The Warper - March 8th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Warper

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March 8th, 2010

[Mar. 8th, 2010|05:20 pm]
The grips on the Twi'lek's boots prevented her from losing her feet when the ship tilted beneath them. Being the agile thief that she was, her fingers reached for handholds on the counter, but Xanar had snatched at her before she got very far. So instead, she velcroed herself against his body to keep from tumbling as the ship continued to lurch and buck. She just hoped that the Nagai wouldn't fall over and take her with him.

"Yeah," she panted, eyes darting away to take in the state of the kitchen, searching for solid anchors in the case that she would need to jump for them. "You?" she asked, looking up at him a moment later.
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[Mar. 8th, 2010|08:45 pm]
[mood | busy]

"I'm not sure," Kaati said as she motioned for Vivvi to follow her. "Luhk would've said something else if that was going on I would think. He'd need someone to man the turret."

She poked her head into the kitchen to see if Xanar and Taldi were okay. Finding that aside from Taldi in Xanars arms, they were good.

Ter almost collided with them leaving the kitchen in his hurry from the stairs but stopped just in time.

"Jeez, what was that? I thought you said your pilot was good," he said with a grimace.

Kaati gave him a look and began to walk to the stairs. "He's the best in the damn galaxy. For this to have happened, something went horribly wrong."

She dashed up the stairs to the third floor and as she approached the room she could feel the shudder of the ship's landing gear coming down.

"It's all right for now," Luhkai's voice came through the open door and it was mimicked on the ships comm.

Kaati walked inside and could see smoke from the right of the cockpit with Wehcca standing over it and a canister of coolant in her furry hands.

"So what the hell happened?" she asked, hands on her hips.

"Well, we're not sure. One minute we're looking around for a place to land, and another minute something started really jamming the controls. I had to override her three times for a response. It was rough there. Wehcca spotted what may be a good place to start looking for the Jedi right before the computer decided to crash but I had to maneuver away from it about two miles in order not to crash into some trees."

He didn't look happy that his ship was injured. "We'll probably have to do some repairs to the outside and I'll have to run a diagnostic on her but aside from that we should be good once that's all done." He looked back to the smoke that was now almost gone and then at Wehcca.

"She'll be fine, Luhkai," the Wookiee growled and rolled her eyes.
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