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CASTING SIMPLE SPELLS [09 Feb 2008|12:08am]
[ mood | chipper ]


Many young people have written to me asking me to send them spells or help them cast a spell. This section is to give some basic help. The first thing you need to know is that you don't just get a spell from someone else that is powerful. Whether a spell is powerful or not depends on the person casting it, and once you understand the basics of casting spells, you can make your own Anytime you want.

Basically, the universe and everything in it, including you and me, are all energy. Whenever you think or feel something very strongly, you generate extra energy. If you think or feel about someone else, you program the energy to go to that person (the same for things or ideas, which are also kinds of energy, like getting to take a trip or getting some money). To cast your basic spell you need ...

......  )

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HEALING LOVE CHARM [09 Feb 2008|04:30pm]
[ mood | complacent ]


The cutting of grasses to make hay is one of the most important and ancient of agricultural activities. According to tradition, today (11 June) is one of the days for the beginning of haymaking season.

Most of us have forgotten how potent grasses can be when used in spell casting. Use them to attract protection, prosperity, and good fortune.

The following spell, if begun now, can be completed on the Summer Solstice.

On a sheet of yellow paper, write these words:

"I was,
I am,
And I will be."

Visualize a specific goal as you write. Using a ceremonial knife, harvest three blades of grass. These could be lawn grass or white clover. Sprinkle this on the paper and fold. Keep your grass and paper until Midsummer's Eve, and then burn them in a ritual fire to release the spell.

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LOVE POTIONS [09 Feb 2008|04:32pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]


The following are various forms of aphrodisiacs, herbs and foods that have natural romantic effects. Some increase sexual forces, attraction, and potency/fertility. Make sure you check this herbal danger list if you are pregnant or may be.

Africa Evergreen Tree: A tree native to Cameroon has a powerful aphrodisiac in its bark.

Cinnamon: Sticks can be chewed like tobacco, or grated cinnamon can be put in eggs as an aphrodisiac that arouses women.

Cloves: Edible or aromatic aphrodisiac.

Cockroach: Many cultures say this is an edible aphrodisiac, grind one common cockroach and mix with cinnamon, add to coffee for a powerful love potion. Yuck.

Damiana: A plant from Mexico, which is used to stimulate sex drives. The leaves and heads of the plant are mixed with minor amounts of plantain or pennywort and mixed with food three to four times a day.

Deer Antler: Chinese herbal remedy for male impotence.

Eggplant: A common edible aphrodisiac.

Eggs: Chicken eggs are said to be a good aphrodisiac if eaten raw before sex.

More love potions... )

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Return Of A Lover Spell [09 Feb 2008|04:36pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Return Of A Lover Spell

This will get someone to notice you.

Items needed: A straight pin with a red head, musk oil, and a red candle. Dress the candle with musk oil while you think about what you want.

Light the candle and warm the straight pin in the flame. Stick the needle into the candle about 2/3's down. And chant;

Needle, Needle in the fire,
Pierce (name) with desire.
Make sure he/she is free
until (name) turns back to notice at me.

Let the candle burn out.
If there is wax left at the end then save it until they look your way.

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To make a love stronger: [09 Feb 2008|04:39pm]
[ mood | complacent ]

To make a love stronger:

On a Friday take 2 red candles, Consecrate both candles with Ylang-Ylang. Etch 1 candle with a heart, the name of the person. Place the candles apart from each other. Anoint and light both candles. Recite your invocation several times as the flames become established. Every once in awhile move the candles closer together. Let the candles burn all the way down. This may take 7-8 hours. Eventually you would have moved them close together so they will melt down together and become one.

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