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Protection from a Negative Person [24 Jan 2008|04:16pm]
[ mood | energetic ]

Protection from a Negative Person

To protect yourself from a negative person, get a small picture of the person. Take an egg, and punch a hole in it. Remove the insides of the egg, and put them in a cup, being careful not to break the shell. Take the empty shell and put 1/2 teaspoon of salt into the hole, and shake the egg.

Roll up the picture of the person aggrivating you, and put it into the shell. Place the shell in a clay pot, and put small pieces of mirror in the pot around the eggshell. Cover the pot, and put it in a safe place where no one will disturb it.

Eat the egg you extracted from the shell. Use no oil or butter to cook it, but you can add a pinch of salt. As you eat the egg, say: "This spell I cast responsibly. Your harmful thoughts will mirrored be, and fall on you, not on me."

-- Painteowl
Llewellyn's 2005 Spell-A-Day Almanac

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Psychic Vampires [24 Jan 2008|04:17pm]
[ mood | content ]

Psychic Vampires
Psychic Vampires

We all hate those evil beings who steal our good work, our dreams, and lovers, this spell is also good to erase old memories that tend to haunt us through out our life.

What you will need:
Two white candles representing the God (right side of altar) and a Goddess (left side of altar)

Your favorite smelling incense. I like to use frankincense and myrrh because it's known to ward off any negativity.

SEA SALT!! This is very extremely important and you can buy it almost anywhere sea salt protects a person from any and all harm.

Your favorite type of oil, for example people like the smell of rose or some people like to use their zodiac oil if you want you can use olive oil

What you need to do:

Your altar should have on the upper right hand a white candle representing the god and at the upper left side a white candle to represent the Goddess.

In the middle there should be sea salt in a cup or cauldron with boiling warm water the incense should be at the very bottom facing towards you. Take your oil and anoint each item on you altar. With the candles you want to start in the middle and rub up, and to go down start in the middle and rub down while anointing say these words:

"I ward off any and all negativity,
in my home, work, school,
and in my everyday life,
No evil or negativity shall enter here."

After you've anointed every item picture a white light around you when you feel like the white light is over powering picture the white light hovering over your home, work, school, when you feel ready say these words.....

"Psychic vampires who lurk in the night,
psychic vampire who try to destroy my life,
destroy no more of what I have achieved,
destroy no more of what I have received,
negativity is not welcome evil as well is not welcome in me,
around me,
or around people I love."

Say this out loud or to yourself but say it enough times so you feel it has worked. When you are done picture the white light around you and your home work school etc... and let the white candles and incense burn until it goes out by itself.

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Psychic Shielding [24 Jan 2008|04:19pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Psychic Shielding

White Light Shielding Technique

Psychic shielding is very important. Sometimes we “pick up” energy from other people, without knowing we are doing so. Their moods or emotions may “bleed over” onto us, leaving us feeling angry, sad, tired, depressed, or whatever they are feeling -and not knowing where this emotion came from.

Also, sometimes people will deliberately send negative energy to us -even though that is a very bad thing which one should never do. Such negative energies cannot harm you, as long as you don’t let them in -but in daily life this is an unconscious process. To one skilled in magic and psychism however, this process under ones direct conscious control.

With psychic shielding we set the boundaries which keep out unwanted energy from others, but simultaneously strengthen our own Aura, or energy, keeping it healthy.

This exercise should be done daily, either when you go to bed or when get up, or as part of your daily psychic exercises.

Put yourself into a comfortable position and begin by releasing all tension and anxiety.
Visualize a ball of white light floating above you. Focus on the energy of the ball -know that it is full of love and strength and peace. Try hard to FEEL these qualities in the energy of the ball.

Now let the energy from the ball of light begin to flow down into you. The energy is a beautiful, clear white light. No matter how much light comes into you, the ball will remain equally strong for its true origin is the Goddess and it is a source of boundless spiritual energy.

Let the energy from the ball pour into you and flow throughout your body. Let it move out into your arms and legs, down into your fingers and toes.

Now let that light expand beyond your body. At first see the light expand just an inch out from your body. Now let it expand a little more -two inches, four inches... Let the light expand to form an oval around your whole body --an oval filled with clear, beautiful, loving white light from Goddess.

Now let that oval of white light expand to form a perfect circle of energy around you, expanding until it is about six feet across.

Now, in your mind affirm this:

“There is one power in the Universe, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. As such I will that the boundaries of my aura shall be strong and healthy, repelling all unwanted energy while remaining open to positive and healing energy. Safe within these boundaries nothing can harm me, for I am filled with the strength of the Goddess. By my will, so mote it be -and it is so.”

Now let the visual image of the light dissipate, but know that its protection and strength remain with you.

Now clear and release all excess energy.

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Protection Prayer [24 Jan 2008|04:21pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | 3 doors down ]

Protection Prayer
Prayer of Protection to Gaia

A prayer of protection I write this hour
to keep me from harm's way.
For all ill-will be turned and
securely kept at bay.
Gaia herself, my protector be,
stands between me and all strife
and cups inside her faithful hands
the essence of my life.

Gaia, Great Gaia, calm my heart
and create in it anew.
Circle me with your motherness
as only you can do.

Before you there was nothing
then the earth began!
Keep me safe I ask you please
until I pray again.

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Protective Shield [24 Jan 2008|04:42pm]
[ mood | complacent ]

Protective Shield

Imagine a silver shield, wall, or bubble around yourself or those you wish to protect. Think of it as an impenetrable, invisible, but flexible substance that surrounds you and that keeps out anything that is unwanted.

Speak these words as you visualize the protective barrier growing:

"Shield hold true, no harm pass through."

You can invoke this shiled any time, any place, whenever you feel the need. Know that your words will bring it into existence.

-- Ember
Llewellyn's 2005 Spell-A-Day Almanac

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WITCH'S PROTECTION BOTTLE [24 Jan 2008|05:10pm]
[ mood | chipper ]


Get a glass jar such as a Mason jar, or even a baby food jar, anything that has a lid to it.

Fill the jar halfway with small sharp objects such as pins, metal scrapings, broken glass, razor blades, etc.

Be careful when you are filling the jar! Once the jar is half full with these objects, fill the jar up with a holy water mixture of salt and water. Put the top on the jar and be sure it's secured. This jar should be buried in the ground at least twelve inches deep. As long as the bottle remains in the ground, you will be protected from harm that is sent your way.

If you bury the jar somewhere away from home, and you wont know if it will still be there in a year (City Witches dont always have backyards!), then be sure to repeat this process each year.

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Gaia [24 Jan 2008|05:14pm]
Great Mother Earth
born out of Chaos
Bringer of life,
bringer of death
You are always with us
You know what has been
What is... and what will come
Who are we to question
the wisdom of your ways
Gaia, pushing through the earth
With gifts of fertility and abundance
You are mother to us all
Nourisher of children
Guide me in your wisdom
guide me in your anger
guide me in your fear
For we are earth
the clay that you mould
spawning life and spawning death
mortal, physical, finite us....
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Glossary of "Witchy" Terms [24 Jan 2008|05:14pm]
Quick and Easy to Understand definitions of the most commonly used terms in Witchcraft.
There are many more terms, but this will get you started!

In Alphabetical Order

Amulet - A magickally charged object, often used for protection.

Asperge - To sprinkle with water before or during a ritual, to purify with sprinkled water.

Athame - A double-edged dagger for ritual use.

Aura - The energy field existing around all living things.

Balefire - A fire lit for a magickal purpose.

Besom - A magickal broom.

Bolline - A white handled knife used for practical purposes (cutting herbs, flowers, etc.)

Book of Shadows - A book kept like a diary by a Witch of spells, rituals, and stories.

Censer - An incense burner

Center - To center one self's thoughts and energies

Chalice - A ritual goblet

Charge - To infuse an object or person with energy; also an oath or instruction.

Circle - A sphere created by a Witch, constructed of energy.

Cleanse - to remove negative energy, to purify.

Coven - A group of Witches who come together to practice magick and celebrate the Sabbaths

Craft - The Craft; Witchcraft, natural magick

Deosil - Clockwise

Divination - The magickal art of discovering the unknown through use of cards, runes, stones, crystal balls, and other tools.

Elements - The four building blocks of the universe. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Major forces used in natural magick

Evocation - Calling up spirits or other non-physical entities.

Faerie - One of many nature spirits that inhabit a realm or dimension next to our own.

Faerie Kingdom - The realm of the Faerie

Grimoire - A magickal workbook

Grounding - To ground ; to root oneself firmly in the physical world in preparation for magicka; and metaphysical work.

Handfasting - A Witch, Wiccan, Pagan, or Gypsy wedding

Herbalist - One who works with herbs

Invocation - To invoke or appeal to a God or Goddess, element or energy.

Magick - The manipulation of natural forces and psychic energy to bring about desired changes.

Pagan or Paganism - A Follower of an earth based religion

Pentacle - A ritual object or piece of jewelry with a pentagram inscribed or woven into it.

Pentagram - Five-pointed star.

Ritual - Ceremony

Runes - Symbols carved onto rocks, crystals, clay, candles or other surfaces which have powerful energies to be used during magick; symbols used in early alphabets.

Scry - To gaze into or at an object while in a deep meditative state; to open oneself to visions of the future.

Skyclad - To practice magick and ritual in the nude.

Spell - A magickal ritual used to produce certain results in the physical world.

Talisman - A magickally charged object used to attract a specific force or energy to its bearer.

Underworld - The realm of the spirit; realm of the dead.

Unicorn - A magickal horned horse.

Visualization - The process of forming mental images

Wicca or Wiccan - (a participant of) A modern revival of ancient Earth-based religions focusing on the Goddess and God of nature

Widdershins - Counter Clockwise.

Witch - Someone who practices the craft of magick (usually also a member of the Pagan Religion)

Witchcraft - The craft of magick
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A longer Glossary [24 Jan 2008|05:18pm]
The fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is the energy out of which the Elements formed.

A magickally charged object which deflects specific, usually negative energies. Generally, a protective object.

An Egyptian hieroglyphic that is widely used as a symbol for life, love, and reincarnation. It is depicted as a cross with a looped top. When worn or carried, the ankh brings good health, promotes fertility, and strengthens the
psychic powers.

A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding ritual, for purificatory purposes.

Astral projection:
The art of "leaving one's body" or "lucid dreaming" whereby someone in a trance state visits other locations and realms. This is thought of as traveling into the astral plane which is generally conceived as a parrallel world unseen in our own world of form.

Read more... )
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EVIL EYE DIAGNOSIS - OLIVE OIL [24 Jan 2008|05:26pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

Evil Eye Diagnosis - Olive Oil.

This basic methos may be used to diagnose the Evil Eye and determine whether it still lingers. It may also be used to determine whether an illness is rooted in the Evil Eye.

1. Drip 3 drops of olive oil into a dish of water.
2. Examine what happens.
3. Oil and water don't mix. if the drops remain distinct, everything is fine. There is no Eye.
4. If, however, they dispense. the Evil Eye is present.

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The Bottle Spell for Protection [24 Jan 2008|06:06pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

The Bottle Spell for Protection

Used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you physical harm, or hurt your reputation, or in any way pose a threat to your security.

You will need:
4 tbsp Frankincense or Myrrh
4 tbsp Black powdered Iron
4 tbsp Sea Salt
4 tbsp Orris-root Powder (or oak moss)
1 white candle
1 bottle with a cork or lid
Mortar and pestle
Parchment Paper
Black Ink or black ballpoint pen
Black thread

Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and the iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it with black ink:

I neutralize the power of (name of adversary) to do me any harm.
I ask that this be correct and for the good of all.
So mote it be!

Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it, and place it in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the white candle and while turning the bottle counterclockwise, drip the wax over the cork to seal it. Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed and no animals or people will dig it up. This spell is like a genie in a bottle. It should never be unleashed or the power of the spell is lost.

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A Charm to Deflect Negativity. [24 Jan 2008|06:08pm]
[ mood | calm ]

A Charm to Deflect Negativity.

Sometimes those around us carry negative energies which they seem to disperse as they go. It could be that things are not well in their world and, where possible, we can try and help them in this. Others simply throw off the negatives in their lives, seemingly scattering them, so that anyone with even a slight psychic talent unwittingly pickes them up. Whatever the cause of the negativities, it is beneficial to be able to protect ourselves.

One of the best gemstones for this is Smoky Quartz as it absorbs negative energy. In its natural state this stone appears as a light gray form of Quartz Crystal. Very dark gray-black stones have almost always been treated to enhance their colour. Smoky Quartz is often put into silver jewellery, making a very simple and unobstrusive way of protecting yourself. Alternatively, you can put a Smoky Quartz Crystal into a small charm bag, which can be worn on a cord around your neck or carried in your purse of pocket.

At the time of the waning Moon, take some white fabric and make yourself a small charm bag, and place within it a small Smoky Quartz crystal point, a small mirror, some dried Caraway seeds and Rosemary leaves. Wear or carry this whenever you feel you might come into contact with anyone who generates a level of negativity.

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Wolf Protection Spell [24 Jan 2008|06:11pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Wolf Protection Spell

Suggested Supplies:
• 2 green candles
• 1 white candle
• Picture of a wolf/wolves
• Clove Essential oil
• Consecrated salt and water
• Lunar drink (i.e. wine, milk, ale, etc)
• Cakes

The candles are used to focus your energy.

Chant the following:

"Candles three, green and white,
Bring protection here this night.
The Moon is full, the sky is clear,
Misfortune and evil disappear.
The mighty wolf shall ever reign,
and be protected from harm and bane.
Come hither! Come hither!
Spirits of the Wolf, strong and great!
Be guarded by this circle and throughout your life."

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Ancestor Day Ceremony [24 Jan 2008|08:00pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

Color of the day: Topaz
Incense of the day: Maple

When one thinks of honoring the ancestors, Samhain and the Days of the Dead are what most often come to mind. However, the veil is also thin at this time—at the opposite spoke of the wheel of the year. That is, many places celebrate Memorial Day at the end of May. And in fact, this is a perfect time to create an Ancestor Day. Further, as Wednesday is good for psychic connection, today is a perfect day for an Ancestor Day ceremony.

Cover a table with a purple cloth. Arrange several purple and white candles. Burn a combination of mugwort and sandalwood. Arrange on your altar pictures of your ancestors or items that were handed down to you over the years. Make offerings of favorite food and drink. Meditate at the altar.

Communicate with your ancestors. Engage them in conversation. Thank them for the assistance they have given you over the years. And ask them if there is anything that you can do for them. Think of today as a spiritual family reunion. Let the good memories take precedence, and find ways of mutual forgiveness for situations that were hurtful. Cele-brate your positive connections to your roots. Use the foundation of family as a starting point for positive changes you wish to make in your life.

By: Cerridwen Iris Shea

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A Melting Spell [24 Jan 2008|08:02pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]


A Melting Spell
January 24th, 2008

Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Clove

Is there a chill between you and a friend? Are things in your life frozen and you long for a thaw? A winter day in the waning Moon is the time to create warmth from the cold. If there’s snow outside, get about a tablespoonful of it. Otherwise, prepare ice chips from the freezer.

As you gather your snow or ice, visualize the thing that is frozen. Set up your altar with a cauldron or other fire-safe container over a flame. The snow or ice is in the cauldron. The flame is not yet lit. Have a fire extinguisher handy. Ground and center.

Make a statement of intent; something like,

“This is the coldness between ______ and me. This coldness melts away.”

Light the fire.

Tone or chant, “Warming! Heating! Melting!” or similar words. When the snow is melted, send a final wave of power into the cauldron. Say, “So mote it be!”

Allow the water to evaporate.

By: Deborah Lipp

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Cranberry Garland Love Spell [24 Jan 2008|08:08pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Cranberry Garland Love Spell

Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Ginger

To create an enduring love between you and your mate, perform this “crafty” spell. First, light two red candles. Between them place a bowl of cranberries, about seven feet of strong thread, a sewing needle, and a few drops of sweet red wine in a small glass. Also have a plain pine wreath on hand.

Anoint the thread with the wine as you say:

“Wine, crimson red. Red as love, bless this thread.”

Thread the needle, knot one end and begin stringing the cranberries. As you add each berry, think of your love growing stronger. Add berries until you have about a foot of thread left, then securely knot the end several times. Decoratively wrap the garland around the wreath as you speak this charm:

Like the wreath, always round,
We are also bound.
And like the magical evergreen
Our enduring love has no end.

By: James Kambos

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Apple and Aster Love Spell [24 Jan 2008|08:10pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Apple and Aster Love Spell

Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Nutmeg

Two of September’s loveliest symbols, the apple and aster, are quite magical; as such, they’re key ingredients in this love spell. Combined with rose petals, they make a potent love charm. Remember not to think of anyone specific as you perform this spell.

Select a red apple, and place it beneath the increasing Moon near a window in a quiet room. After three days, rub the apple with a red cloth. Think of your wish, and eat this apple, saving the seeds.

Combine the seeds with love herbs, such as aster and rose, saying:

“Spirits red, spirits white, let this spell grow.”

Tie all in a crimson cloth, and place the sachet in a special place. Soon you should feel love’s embrace.

By: James Kambos

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Flower Love Magic [24 Jan 2008|10:30pm]
[ mood | content ]

Flower Love Magic

Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Carnation

Daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, and many other spring-blooming flowers are announcing the arrival of spring in my garden. Many of these flowers have been used by magicians for centuries to enhance love and fertility spells. Blooming crocus attracts love; a pot of crocus grown indoors increases loving vibrations.

During love spells, place a bouquet of daffodils on the altar; a vase of daffodils in the bedroom also increases fertility. Use the dried flowers of hyacinth in love sachets to draw love to you. Tulips, with their rounded cup shape, have a feminine quality and can be placed on the altar during a love spell.

And both pansies and violets used in bouquets increase lust and draw love.

Plant pansies with other love-attracting herbs to draw a lover to you, and to ensure your lover will always think about you.

By: James Kambos

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ABSINTHE [24 Jan 2008|10:45pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]


An oldie but goodie - withstanding the tests of time, time and again.
From: A. Knight's Book of Shadows and her own recipe.

What was that magickal drink that Mina was drinking in Bram Stoker's Dracula? It was Absinthe. It has been banned from this country and many others due to the fact that it causes hallucinations. Not to mention that wormwood is a poison.

I've made this drink and haven't suffered any hallucinations. But then again, I don't drink much. Also, not much wormwood is put into this drink. It hasn't made me sick, but I can't speak for everybody. If you are concerned about the wormwood, don't add it.

1-pint vodka
2 tsp. crumbled wormwood (dried)
2 tsp. anise seed
1/2 tsp. fennel seed
4 cardamom pods
1 tsp. marjoram
1/2 tsp. ground coriander
2 tsp. chopped angelica root
1 2/3 cups sugar syrup

Place the vodka in a large jar with a tight fitting lid. Add wormwood and shake well; steep for 48 hours and strain out. Crush seeds and pods in mortar. Add them and all remaining herbs to vodka and steep in a warm place for 1 week. Filter and sweeten. Pour into a bottle and enjoy a piece of history.

Pour a half glass of water into a half glass of Absinthe for authenticity.

This drink will be very bitter even with the sugar syrup in it. Wormwood is a bitter herb. And unlike the movie, this drink will not be green. It will be brown.

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