March 4th, 2009

[info]mindabbles in [info]the_shack

FIC: Anticipation

Name: mindabbles
Team: MWPP
Title: Anticipation
Rating: R
Summary: Playing with Mandrakes would have been more comfortable than seeing Sirius for the first time since that thing on the train and having to pretend that nothing had changed.
Prompt: "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." -Oscar Wilde
Genre(s): Romance/fluff
Notes: Thanks to my fabulous beta, [info]elizassecret. MWPP, Lily, and the Hogwarts Express all belong to JKR. Thanks to those who organized [info]rs_games. This was a pinch hit I did for round one—finally getting around to re-posting it.

Remus' head bumped against the window with each sway and rock of the train