March 30th, 2008

[info]severity_softly in [info]the_shack

Ever-Fixed Mark, a Remus Lupin/Peter Pettigrew serial fic

[info]innerslytherin and [info]severity_softly would like to announce our new joint work, Ever-Fixed Mark. Because we fell in love with the pairing of Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew while writing these characters in an RPG, but were afraid of flooding the game, we decided to embark on a fic exploring the Marauder's last year at Hogwarts. What started as a simple way to sustain our ever-growing Lupin/Pettigrew love in between writing game scenes, grew into something much larger than we ever expected. Ever-Fixed Mark examines the possible consequences of Peter falling in love before leaving school. Will he make the same choices as he did in canon? How far will he go to protect the person he loves? Will he still betray his friends?

Title: Ever-Fixed Mark
[info]innerslytherin and [info]severity_softly
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Peter Pettigrew
Rating: G in the beginning, but up to NC-17 over all
Era: 1978 onwards
Summary: Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew have been friends for six years, but over the summer before their seventh year at Hogwarts, they begin a correspondence that will change the course of their relationship...and perhaps even the course of the entire war.
Notes: This fic begins in canon, but will be unabashedly AU. The fic has grown longer than we had ever imagined it being, and will be posted in a serial fashion at InsaneJournal.