March 1st, 2008

[info]severity_softly in [info]the_shack

50drabbles, first set, Remus and Peter, G

Title: Single Step
Rating: G
Pairing/characters: Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew (eventual Remus/Peter)
Word count: 1,000 (100 x 10)
A/N: For my [info]50drabbles prompt table. I'm doing these in five sets of ten; sets should be read in order and will likely go no higher than R rated. This set occurs in Remus and Peter's first year at Hogwarts, and the drabbles are loosely tied together. Much thanks to [info]innerslytherin for the beta, and for inspiring this madness. :)
Prompts in this set: (in order) school, bunnies, Autumn, energetic, otherworld, skating, leather, lessons, spring, toys