The Quarantined: The Survivors

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The Quarantined: The Survivors


February 15th, 2010

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WHO Micael & Nicole!
WHAT Micael has to interact with a human. Oh bother.
WHEN Sometime during daylight hours because wandering around at night is retarded.
WHERE A random street in the general Jackson Heights area.
RATING Most likely R for Micael's potty mouth. :|
STATUS Incomplete!

Everyone has a vice... )

January 29th, 2010

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Who: Nicole & DeShaun
What: Shopping! They each need to express their individual style, yo.
Where: A... clothing shop in NYC. :D?
When: Afternoon.
Rating: Low; Mild Cursing.
Status: Complete.

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December 29th, 2009

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Who: Lou and Nicole.
What: Grabbin' peelz. Killing zombies. You know, the usual.
When: Afternoonish?
Where: Target.
Warnings: Language? Violence? We'll see!
Status: Incomplete.

I tried to walk into Target, but I missed. )

July 17th, 2009

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Who: Molly and Nicole (Hold on to your panties, boys. :O)
What: The girls take in a little bit of Manhattan's culture!
Where: The International Center of Photography.
When: Friday afternoon.
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress.

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