The Quarantined: The Survivors

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The Quarantined: The Survivors


February 24th, 2010

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Who: James and Niko.
What: D:<
When: Evening.
Where: James' office.
Rating: PG-13?
Status: In progress.

What did I do to make you people hate me? )

February 10th, 2010

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Who: (Listed Alphabetically) Ms. Alice Divoff, Mr. Jack Fontaine, Mr. James Lafayette, and Mr. Joseph Priestly.
What: The weekly tea social. :|
When: Tuesday afternoon. Backdated because erm....Jelly forgot to post this yesterday. >_>
Where: The Compound
Rating: To Be Announced.
Status: In Progress.
Read more... )

February 3rd, 2010

I May Not be Smart, But I ain't Dumb

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WHO: Danny, Father Dave, Erin, the Guards[NPC] (OPEN to anyone else)
WHAT: Danny is released from his cell.
WHERE: Mess Hall
WHEN: A few days after Danny was knocked out.
RATING: R for language and potential violence (it's always a probability with Danny involved)
STATUS: in-progress.

Nothin's gonna harm you, not while I'm around... )

September 1st, 2009

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Who: Finn, James
What: Yams, Yawns, and Yearning.
Where: Two blocks east of the Salisbury Hotel.
When: Late morning.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete.

The prodigal return of Lizard Boy and Mayan Prophecies of the end of days! )

July 5th, 2009

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Who: Dave, Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, the ghost of Rainman, and Dr. James Lafayette
What: Morning prayer just ain't what it used to be.
When: Today... He's the catcher and Tomorrow's pitching. No, seriously, whenever.
Where: chapel, then the dining hall
Rating: It's Abbott & Costello! Gotta be G at least for starters.
Status: in progress

I don't know...Third base! )
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